Another $25,000 Biggie for Feburary

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Rando21, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Just got UB weekly email notice.....looks like Feb 27th for the next $25,000 dollar tournament...yahooo

    See you at the sats......
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    He he he

    I already played in the satellites last night!

    Made it to the final table and placed 3rd.

    Of course there were only 15 registered but with them lowering the level to 12 - GREAT overlay!

    Hey Rando they changed the satellites so NY players can't compete so don't bother ok? :laugh:
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Looks like a go

    The 25,000 tourney for February 24, 2007 already has 4 people who have qualified from the satellites.

    Since there is only a minimum of 12 required I have no doubt this will fly.

    Don't forget the twice daily satellites 8:30 and 10:30 pm for $5 & $10.

    Best EV on the Web!
  4. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Why is one at $5 and the other at $10?:confused:
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Break it down

    Considering 47 satellite game potential

    16.50$ cost for playing two games per day not taking first

    Total risk is $775.50 or potential cost of game $990.50

    @13th game, just under two weeks, you match the buy in of $215

    Im wondering if anyone considers the accumulative cost in case of not winning first place? Amazingly I looked at the register for $5 game at about 16 players which had pure odds (1/16) probability at .06 and thats a great deal. Last nights 10$ buy game had 30 players for pure probability of .033 which is starting to stretch the value. I guess in any satellite its great if you fight the odds and win, but if you plan to buy the game anyway you run a high risk of expanding the established $215 cost as you preload the cost to play. If you have a plan that includes not paying the 215 the game carries more speculative value. :joker:

    BTW, the raw probability is worst case scenario because the first game that had just over the 12 player min had two or three tables I believe. If it had three it was about a 40% chance of making the final table then a 16% chance of winning the free seat. So, I know the value is higher than the raw approach. If the game is expanded beyond 2 rounds it then become harder to make final table obviously. Every player registered total has a base effect on the probability of success. :p
  6. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Archie: There's just an "early bird special" in place!

    Barney: Thanks for the analysis. My analysis: It's a good game.
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    The game has value not only speculative but intrinsic value of fun, enjoyment, and practice. The intrinsic value has no weighting in my analyses. Only monetary value.
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I'm Freaking amazed!

    "Most TBJ players look for smaller events"

    Now where the heck have I heard that before? How risky is a $5 or $10 satellite, especially when the payoff is an entry into a $25,000 event?

    Christ that's like one double expresso non-fat frappichino - girly Starbuck drink!

    And to top it off some guy has already won two (2) freaking satellites! I just wish I could ask them what THEY thought about the fact that they spent $15 and got: (1) paid entry into a $25,000 tourney and (2) $215 in tourney dollars (well I'm guessing but that's what it said).

    It amazes me what comes out of some people's mouths! (Mine included :cool: )

    I have NEVER entered a MTT that I didn't think I could win. EVER! I had that bad of a freaking attitude I just wouldn't play the darn table. But to think - well I'm going to lose 13 times at $5 or $10 a pop .... WTF is that!!!!

    Where else can you go, plunk down $5, play against some good competition from anywhere from 30-90 minutes and walk away either $5 poor or with a shot (1:30) at a chance to win $215 up to $25,000!

    WHERE? Just freaking tell me! The FREAKIN California State Lottery! But then again maybe that's all the skill some people have - hmmm I'll take that ticket not that ticket, the one NEXT to that ticket...scratch..scratch..scratch - I'm a $5 winner! ALL SKILL :joker:

    Barney If you don't think it's such a good deal great. Fine. Whatever.

    Enough is enough

    If I get banned for this - well this picture is worth it!

    Attached Files:

  9. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Actually I think you are a moron and an idiot too. I get a real laugh at the huge deep hole you have dug jumping the learning curve gun losing massive amounts of money in Aruba and Vegas. Laugh at the thought of you being a business man. So we are dead even on this one. I cant wait to see you face to face one day to discuss your loose insulting lips.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2007
  10. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    You've both won the prize.. 3 days in the brig for the two of ya. Banned.
    Worse yet, I'm putting the two of you in the same cell.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2007
  11. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member


    Herding a bunch of cats across an open field is probably easier than being the "civility" boss on this web site.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  12. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    What is it about web-based forums that affects interaction between individuals? I'm sure fgk and Barney wouldn't speak to each other like that in reality so why do it here? Are there any social scientists out there looking for a research project?

    Other than that, LOL!


  13. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  14. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Thank You

    Thanks, Ken. We could all use a break.
  15. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I wondered whether anybody would pick up on that ;) . The acronym ASBO (pronounced az-bo) is often used as a pejorative noun and is considered offensive when used that way. For example someone might say "Look at those bloody Asbos drinking White Lightening at the bus stop over there" when describing a gathering of baseball-hatted youths drinking strong cider in a bus shelter and being generally initimidating and offensive. Another related noun is "Chav" over which there is some arguement as to its origins. My own prefered opinion is that it is from the Romany.



    Ps. Incidentally, I'm not labeling fgk or Barney as either of these, I'm just offering insight into current social and cultural issues in the UK :D
  16. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I always thought that being on the bad side of Ken Smith was not a good thing. But now, I'm thinking being on the bad side of Reachy is worse. With his vocabulary, he can cut you off at the knees without you even knowing it. :laugh: :p :laugh:
  17. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    "Mr Churchhill you are DRUNK!"
    "Madame you are ugly!"
    "Tomorrow I will be sober and you will still be ugly."

    My orginal email from UB stated Feb 27th as the date of big game....I understand that may have changed to the 24th....check the calander and the site for more....

    Good luck everyone .....
  18. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    In the Brig


    I wonder if Ken threw in a pack of cards when he put Barney and fgk42 into the same cell.

    An interesting thought.

    Andy :laugh:
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2007
  19. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    No Cards

    Just greul, bread and water! So I spend some more time reading and writing....

    Well, it only took four (4) attempts but I finally did it. Let’s do the math shall we?

    Entry Fees – 4 time 5.50 = 22.00 total.
    Winning of entry = 215.00

    So for 22.00 I won an entry into a tourney that gives me the possibility of winning my share of $25,000!

    So far I’ve gotten a 977% ROI for the buy-in in the satellite. Should I make the final table in the 25,000 tourney I would have an AVERAGE win of 4,166 (25,000/6) for a ROI of 18,933%.

    Assuming I won the event (8,500) then the ROI on the initial 22.00 would be 38,636%

    Now having already obtained my seat in the BIG EVENT, should I decide to continue investing 5.00 to play I would be awarded 215 in tourney dollars. These tourney dollars can be used to enter future events, such as the Saturday Night 5,000 guarantee, or nightly 2,500 guaranteed events.

    So a 5.50 buy in that awards 215 in tourney dollars is a 3,909% ROI. My odds are usually 1:25 up to 1:40 just on odds, not including any “edge” that I might have.

    Why any I posting this? Because I want other members, actually the newer members and lurkers, to know that for a small outlay the possibilities for a nice sized payoff exist.

    Now, this is nowhere near what a live tourney event would pay, but I don’t know of too many live tourneys where you can have such a low initial outlay for such good percentage reward.

    On a side note, I personally have played some great matches against very skilled players in these satellites. That in itself is as rewarding to me as the prize money!
  20. Lou 714

    Lou 714 New Member

    Team Play

    First off FGK congratulations on your win,you are literally on a free-roll for some serious money.
    Welcome back also, I understand sometimes you just have to say "I Cant Take Anymore of his bell-shoot". I feel your pain, you took one for the team as he was gone for 3 days also.

    There actually might be some sort of team effort here if we all think long and hard about this, we can all take 3 days in the slammer as long as we bring him with us and then we are trash free for a LOOONG time :laugh:

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