Another first timer

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by B Jay Cobbson, Sep 28, 2006.

  1. B Jay Cobbson

    B Jay Cobbson New Member

    Never played in a BJ Tournament, but was invited to my first in October. I am an AP who lives in Las Vegas so I thought I would Give it a shot. Read SW and KE's books and am trying to find tips for my first endeavor on this sight.
    Don't have the time to practice strategy, so I will be playing cold. I will let you folks know how I make out.

    If any of you tourney pros live in L.V. and would like to get together for chat and a snack, let me know.

    Jay Cobbson
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome aboard, and good luck in October!
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Which event?

    B Jay, which tournament will you be playing in?
  4. B Jay Cobbson

    B Jay Cobbson New Member

    First Tourney Results

    Results of my first tourney:
    Qualifying round - Qualified as one of top 36 scores to move on to semi-final.

    Semi-final round - Was final player at my table to go bust on next to last of 25 hands. The winner at table had large lead and I needed two max bets to pull ahead. At this table there was only one other knowlegable player (he was bust just before me. The winner lucked out with great cards early on. Although I didn't win any buckeroos, I was more than satisfied with my play and the strategy learned from Stan & Ken. BTW - Final table prize range $5,000. down to $200.

    B Jay Cobbson
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2006
  5. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    1st Time

    Not Bad My Friend Keep Playing And Learning And You Will Win The Money My 1st Time I Was Lucky And Won 20k And I Had No Idea What The Hell I Was Doing Now I Am Hooked It Is A Lot Of Fun And Can Be Rewarding:d :d

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