Any BJ tournament in Australia?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Other areas)' started by macc, May 31, 2011.

  1. macc

    macc New Member

    Hi, I want to know if there is any BJ tournament in Australia.
    And if there is any also want to know about

    :which casino offer it and when

    :rule and condition

    :how much is buy-in and prize

    :if they use shoe or CSM

    :anything you recommend I should know

    I've never played tournament. but if it is worth it, I would like to try.
  2. ValS

    ValS New Member

    Blackjack tournaments

    I work for Casino Canberra and I know they are waiting for approval to run a BJ Tournament first week in September. It'll be 98 players, entry fee $500 and if we get the 98 first prize will be $25000. More info when it gets approval.

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