Any Suggestions

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Joep, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I am currently working with Global for them to host Sit & Go blackjack tournaments 24 hours a day.Some of their concerns are players having to wait around for a tournament to start.I believe that with Global having players from around the world no time will really be a bad time.If any one has any sugestions to make this a good sitution for all players and Global at the same time please post here.The format that I suggested was 5 players paying $20 each for a prize pool of $100.The winner will receive $75 the player who finishes in 2nd place will receive $20.Global will earn $5 for every tournament that is held.Higher prize pool's will be on demand. Your post will be of great help. Thank's A Lot JOEP...................... :)
  2. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Like the idea

    I think it is a good idea. $20 sounds like a fair buy in and the prize structure is okay. If there is concern about not having enough players 24/7, let them start out with just certain hours or a clock, so if you sign in and you don't get a full table within an alloted time you can cancel out and not lose your money.

    If $20 is to high, maybe several options with buyins at $5/$10/$25/$50/$100 or more increments would work.

    Another suggestion is maybe hosting private tables. That way if you wanted to set something up with a group, you could reserve a table at a set time and only your group plays.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2005
  3. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    I agree

    Joep, I agree with ptaylorcpa with perhaps another twist. To start; hourly or semi hourly tournaments which could be changed at a later date to more frequently depending on player participation, pre-signups for the hour you wish to play (example; you could register at 9AM for the 2PM tournament) although this would require some method for Global to inform you if you are entered or the 2PM tournament is already full. I also think if a player registers for a specific tournament time and does not withdraw their entry within a specified time period, maybe 1 hour prior to the tournament, he/she forfeits the $20 entry with $10 going to the tournament pool and $10 added to Globals fee.
  4. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    This could be good.

    Joep. This sounds a great idea and I am sure it will prove to be very popular.
    I think that ptaylorcpa has got it right by starting off at first within certain 'core' hour time zones, but after that I think it will take off on it's own.
    Count me in and get Pumi on to it.
  5. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Expanding on Rookie789

    I like Rookie789's idea of an elimination tournament format starting either hourly or maybe every three/six hours. I think Joep's original thought was just to pay the table after each round. Either way sounds good. Paying each table after each round might be the easiest format to start with. Maybe if you have different dollar buy in options going, if you win a round you would be willing to play for higher stakes.

  6. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Sit and Go, Global casino

    Joep, I think Global would get much more participation with a Sit and Go 24/7 tournament with a $10 entry rather than a $20 entry, most people are not going to risk more than $20 a day on a daily basis and two 10's is better than one 20 for most. Global can still bank $5.00 each 5 player tournament with a $30, $15 payout for 1st and 2nd and increase their rake perhaps twofold for their efforts. I noticed there was a reduction of 12 players today compared to last Wednedsday's Global tournament and possibly some of the reduced number of players was due to the additional $10 ($40 vs. $30 entry fee). I think a $10 entry would increase the number of players daily and cut down on the time waiting for a table to fill with 5 participants. I know I'm not going to sit and watch my monitor for 30 minutes or longer waiting for the table to fill. If more than 5 players are available at a specific time I'm sure Globals software can start multi tables.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2005
  7. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Debug with a Freeroll?

    I agree with Rookie, starting out with a low buy in would be best, then when things start rolling, offer higher tables.

    There were some questions yesterday during tournament chat about how "automated" this was going to be and I don't think there was a clear answer. Is part of the reason Global doesn't want to run 24/7 is because they have to have someone around for intervention in case of problems?

    I hated to see the problems with connections come out again yesterday. Things had been running really smoothly for the most part. I know some people were upset when it happened, but I think it will eventually get worked out. You have to give credit to Global for working hard to automate everything.

    One idea is maybe have a freeroll for a limited amount of time to see if the software works as planned and give everyone a chance to play before any money gets involved. I think people will be a lot more understanding if they know they don't have any money on the line until all the bugs are fixed.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2005
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    You are giving up to much

    Rookie you idea is not player friendly.You are giving up to much juice (VIG).To hold a $10 Sit & Go Tournament and allow the casino to collect $5 vig is much to high at that small of an entry fee level.For every 2 tournaments you play you would be giving up $10 vig which is a entry fee into another tournament.If you were to play a $20 tournament you would have to play 4 tournaments to equal what you paid in vig vs entry fee money.Plus on top of that the winner of a $20 Sit & Go would win 2 1/2 times the money that a $10 enrty would .In a $20 tournament the winner would receive $75 and in your $10 proposal the winner would get $30.As you can see the "MATH" works much better with a $ 20 entry than a $10.Just budget yourself for 1 tournament a day and if you do win you will win more by winning one than if you got lucky enough to win 2 for the day.Always use the 'MATH".The casinos hate it when you do that. ;)
  9. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Agree about the Juice

    Joep, I agree about the juice being increased in your post "You are giving up too much" but my thoughts included more than basic "Math", with only 40 to 50 players for the Wednesday BJ tournaments a $20 "Sit and Go" would rarely occur in my opinion without players constantly monitoring Globals site hoping to find 3 or 4 players already entered or Global scheduling the tournaments on a predetemined time schedule and not on a "as players register 24/7 schedule". Online poker tournaments routinely get hundreds of participants with multiple tournaments per day so "Sit and Go's work well with poker". I'm not worried about my budget for a $20 entry, four $20 tournaments daily is roughly equal to green fees for a round of golf but my concern is others may have budget restaints so my post was a suggestion to include as many players as possible and have as many daily (Sit and GO) tournaments as possible. Perhaps Global would agree to $2.50 juice for a $10 entry which I'm sure would increase the number of players and tournaments daily. Also I think you're proposed pay structure should include a profit for BR2 in the finals, not just a break even $20. $75 for 1st and $20 for 2nd seems a little top heavy to me, maybe $60 for 1st and $35 for 2nd would bring more players to the table on a daily basis. I am also confused about my "Juice Costs" that you stated, please explain if I am incorrect, you said " for every 2 tournaments you play you would be giving up $10 VIG, I agree the table as a whole would pay $10 juice for 2 tournaments but personally I would only contribute $2, the $5 per tournament VIG is divided by 5 players which equals $1 per player per tournament. The $1 VIG I contribute for a $10 tournament would not equal $10 personally out of pocket after 2 tournaments, I would have to pay juice 10 times to equal an additional $10 entry fee. I think for most players these "Sit and Go" tournaments will be for recreation, entertainment and also a method to practice and improve skills. My thoughts and suggestions are based on finding a way to allow as many players as possible to participate.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2005
  10. Walt

    Walt New Member

    I think the low turnout for the Wed. tourneys is more about timing than lack of interest or money. Most of us have jobs and can not participate mid-afternoon. With the sit n go, all we have to do is leave the casino open and wait for the table to fill.
  11. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Sit & Go Status?

    Joep or anyone from Global Player:

    Can you tell us what the status is on sit and go? I got online this morning and noticed that there was a sit and go option under multiplayer now on GP. I just hit it to see what happened and it took me directly to a table with the cash I had in my account. No one was at the table so I just left.

    Is sit and go in beta or was I supposed to go to an interim screen to buy in for tournament chips?

  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Sit & Go'S

    The Sit & Go's are just about here.If you go on Global you will now see Sit & Go's link it will take you to the table.Global told me today that they are very close to starting them, just a copule of T to be crossed and I to be dotted.The softwear is in place as of now it looks like they will start with $10 Sit & Go's.Hopefully my sugestion won't fall flat on its face.This is the first step in my plan to hold tournaments at Global that will win you a seat at a monthly qualifer for the new 2 Million Dollar Tournament instead of paying $1,000 entry fee.

  13. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Great news!

    Thanks Joep for all the hard work in getting this going. It looks like things are very close. Just keep us posted when it is live and we can actually play. I'll keep watching for some announcement on GP or here.

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