Anyone else have problems with Dish network?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I signed up 33 days ago with Dish network and have had problems for 33 days with Dish network.

    I am about to file a lawsuit against them, so far all I have been told is lies and have received not service or support, but they are DAMN good at billing.

    I just wanted to see how many others have had or having simular problems with Dish network. If you did or are having problems contact me because I do intend on filing against them.

    Today was the final straw, someone from the corpartate office called me and informed me that because I was complaining about their service they were going to just cancel me and if I took them to court they would file extortion charges on me since I asked for some type of compensation for all my trouble.

    Now that's funny because Dish network and their service tech's that keep coming out to our house were the ones who told me to ask for some type of compensation.

    I don't like being threaten either, so I filed FCC charges on them today.

    Another funny thing is I record "ALL" my business calls (it is legal in Texas and can be used in court if nessasary) so if they really want to go to court I'll love it, I can back up everything I have told them.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Another service?

    Suggest you try DirectTV. I've had the service for about 7 years with only a few minor problems which were rapidly fixed. Also, I found their support is well trained.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Already signed up for Verizon

    Thanks for the suggestion Toolman, but I signed up for the new Veriozn fiber-optic TV "FiOS".

    Suppose to be the next big thing, better than satellite and regular cable. Prices are the same to a few bucks less, but you don't lose picture in bad weather.

    Plus I get additional discount for using their phone service.

    As far as my FCC complant I just received an e-mail informing me that the FCC doesn't handle satellite service. I was told to file a complaint with the FTC, which I will have my attorney do today.
  4. Dynomike1

    Dynomike1 New Member

    Check in to F.T.A.

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