Anyone ever play a tourney with a large bonus for highest final score in any round?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by masonuc, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. masonuc

    masonuc New Member

    I am playing a tournament this weekend that is fairly standard -- 4 rounds plus rebuy after 1st round if you lose. My guess is that top 2 will advance in 1st round, 2nd round, and rebuy, and only table winner in 3rd round/semifinals. I don't have the exact rules but that's standard for the property. The tournament has $300k total prize money for the final table PLUS a weird wrinkle -- $100k to whomever has the most money after any round, i.e., for that round.

    Let's assume all rounds start with $10k (again, standard). If you end up with $50k on the first round and win the table, but lose 2nd round -- you'd still win $100k if nobody in the whole tournament finished a round with more than $50k.

    This is an interesting rule, and I hope it will have the effect of getting the novices (99% of the players) to do things like bet it all on the first hand, then press any wins at least until they get $100k or so.

    On the other hand, maybe that is the right move. Because you've got about a 10% chance to double your money 3 times -- to $80k. I figure $100k could win it, maybe $150k. So if you assume a 4% chance to double 4 times that is an expected value of $4000 -- which is higher than the overall tournament expected value (200ish players for $300k in final table prize money).

  2. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    You didn't mention if there was a max bet but - assuming not - then the odds of winning 4 all-ins in a row would be 0.03748096 (assumning win probability is 44%) - against that - with 200 players - figure the odds of at least one of the 200 players winning the first four hands in a row - and going to $160,000 is 0.99951816 - the probability that 7 or more players will win the first four hands and double up to $160,000 is better than 62% - if most of the players are shooting for the $100K bonus - you will need a lot more than $100K to $150K to win it - and you might want to rethink that EV calculaton - the issue isn't - how many you can win in a row - and what those odds are - it is if you can win more hands than everyone else - doubling up on each - and what your odds are on that - the benefit that your experience will give you is knowing when to stop pushing if you do string out some wins - while the less experienced are likely to push until they bankrupt out -
  3. TheLegend

    TheLegend Member


    where be this great tournament...... i want to PLAY so bad
  4. masonuc

    masonuc New Member

    Invite tournament in Vegas
  5. masonuc

    masonuc New Member

    I am confident there won't be a max bet (I have never seen a max bet in an invite elimination tournament in Vegas). I agree it might be more than $100k to $150k to win, unless most players just ignore the bonus and play straight. Don't know how the ploppies will approach it. Part of me thinks I should go for the bonus in the 1st round and if I lose, do the rebuy and play straight from there on out. If I get into some weird situation where I have 70k or so and am BR2, or there are 3 people in it, especially in an early round -- maybe just go for bonus.
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Could you be a little more specific? From your previous posts, it's obvious you play (for very high stakes) at more than 1 casino with high prize pools. So I, and I'm sure other members, would like to know which casinos we are talking about and the play required to get an invite. Members have responded to your calls for help so I think it's only fair that you share your information with the members. This Forum is a 2 way street. Sure, most can not afford your level of play but we like to be informed. And since the high level of play is out of reach for most, you will not have a flood of seasoned players trying to steal your thunder.

    Also, posting these tournaments on the CALENDAR would be a nice gesture on your part. :)

    PS: You said "I have never seen a max bet in an invite elimination tournament in Vegas". Well, we know you don't play at the Harrah's Group, The Orleans, the old Stardust, or the Las Vegas Hilton. They all have had invite elimination tournaments and virtually all of them have max bets.

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