April Meskwaki

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by UncleAbe, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. UncleAbe

    UncleAbe Member

    Just heard back from Vicki Ebersole, Marketing Assistant at Meskwaki Casino in Tama, Iowa. Next tournament is slated for April 27-29. That's it. She had no details about prize pool, buy-ins, accomodations, nothing! I suggested that she post something here sooner than later if they expected any kind of showing from out-of-towners. Maybe they're not all that interested in having us come. Considering the rising cost of airfare, there may be better oppourtunities elsewhere. I've enjoyed my past trips there, but come on. Last time, they hinted that they would like to host a larger event. Two months out and no promotion doesn't bode well. Wait and see, I guess.
  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Why am I not at all surprised. If these people had to run a real business, they wouldn't last long!
    I'd still be willing to bet that they have NOTHING.

    Billy C
  3. Jonny21

    Jonny21 Active Member

    More flies with honey

    It couldn't hurt for those of us who would attend to reach out to them via email or a phone call to let them know that we are interested and excited about coming to their tournament.
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Unfortunately...... Meskwaki's history with their BJT is short and riddled with examples of ugly surprises for the players. They went from the absolute finest open BJT in the land (IMHO) to the most mistrusted event on the calendar. Stunts like severely downgrading the video poker, followed by an unannounced lopping off of a hunk from the top of the prize pool for dealer tips (OK but they should have told us), and finally the canceling of the October BJT without bothering to tell anyone about it until some of our brethren here had already purchased airfare and/or arranged for vacation time from their jobs.

    I believe I'm speaking for the majority here. If they want us back, it can be done, but they're going to have to work hard to shine this thing up or we just won't try again. They could start with pledging total disclosure about anything related to the BJT that would affect us - either positive or negative. We are certainly not a group of idiots, when a casino hosting a BJT does something shady, somebody here will catch it and call them out.
  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Can you provide an email address for them? Thanks!

    Billy C
  6. Jonny21

    Jonny21 Active Member

    Meskwaki contacts

    Their main site: http://www.meskwaki.com/

    their contact site: info@meskwaki.com

    Their phone number: 800.728.4263

    As I discussed with Billy earlier today, given the state of blackjack tournaments in the Midwest, any casino that shows an inkling of starting or reviving a tournament is definitely heading in the right direction, and is worthy of some support.
    Billy C likes this.
  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Just cannot agree with you this time, Jonny21. They showed a shockingly callous disregard for anything remotely resembling customer service back in September:


    Piled on top of previous missteps, they're going to have to show a 180-degree flip in attitude before many of us will show up.

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