Are BJTs at LV Hilton doomed after 2008?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Recently, the Las Vegas Hilton canceled or downgraded two of their Blackjack Tournaments:
    1) A $100,000 BJT was originally scheduled for August 29, 2008. That event was canceled 3 months before it was scheduled to start (it has been replaced with a $40,000 3CP tournament).
    2) A $50,000 BJT was scheduled for October 2, 2008. This event has been downgraded to a $30,000 BJT.

    Their calendar through Dec., 2008 lists no BJTs other than what I am mentioning in this post.

    Does anyone know what's going on?

    Is the semi-annual (May and November) $100,000 SUITED BLACKJACK BJT in danger of extinction after the Nov., 2008 event?
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Looks that way!

    Hate to see it happen. I like The Hilton for many reasons and play tourneys there when I can.
    Their regular BJ game isn't great and cash back on players card really sucks but they do have lots of 9-6 VP and I give them a lot of action on that because, as you say, we NEED to.
    Let's hope things aren't as they look!

    Billy C
  3. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    LVHilton Tournaments

    As there has been some conflicting info being put out about the LVH tournaments, I made an inquiry at the source and was informed that the 02-04 OCT tournament will be 50K as origninally posted. Will advise further detail when available.

  4. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    Hilton Oct 2-4 "Fall into Cash Blackjack Tournament"

    I have received the mailed printed invitation to this tourny a few days ago.

    $30,000.00 total prize pool, 15,000.00 first place;
    this is pretty average for this tier Hilton tournament.
  5. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Hilton Tournament

    I too have a printed invitation from the Hilton which clearly states it is a $30,000 tournament. Perhaps they are like the Harrah's in Tunica (used to be the Grand) where half the house doesn't know what the other half is doing.
  6. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Further Information

    Following the recent posts re what the printed invitations said, I again when to the source at the LVH and and asked for clarification. Heard back today that although both internal and external recent calendars still show it to be a 50K tournament, the invitation that went out to the customers shows a 30K prize schedule and it has been changed to that.

  7. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Chips, thanks for final clarification of the LVH October BJ tounament prize fund issue, I also was verbally informed of the date and anticipated $50,000 prize fund weeks ago prior to recent printed/mailed information received which stated a reduced total prize fund of $30,000.00

    Are LVH BJ tournaments doomed in the future? I think not!! Rather they appear to remain unchanged which must certainly be great news for those that condemn the lack of open vs. invitational only events. This is an event open to the general public for paid entry although they do adjust entry fees dependent upon each participants past gaming history at LVH.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
  8. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Back to the orignal title of this thread....

    It appears just the opposite. Am at the LVH as I am typing this and have been informed that there are 3 (three) of the "suited blackjack" 100K tournaments planned for 2009 (as well as 3 3CP tournaments of the same magnitude). Also talk of a "grand event" that will include some level of winners from these tournaments towards the end of the year (along with other ways to be in the grand event). They are planning on keeping the 100K Pai Gow and Craps tournaments at 2 per year as an aside. Am unaware of the dates as of this posting.

  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    That's welcome news, Chips. But I noticed in your post that there are no BJTs mentioned outside of the $100,000 Suited Blackjack events. If indeed they have no other BJTs, I can live with that if they have 3 Suited Blackjack events per year. The Suited Blackjack events are "open" to most players and with the side action those players give the casino I'm hopeful the event will continue for many years.
  10. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    LVH BJ tournaments

    Just reporting what I heard re the 100K series for next 2009 - that was our only topic of our informal conversation. Other tournaments were not mentioned - as either happening or not happening. 2009 still a long ways out. Will advise of course as I hear more re dates and other tournaments. If I were a "betting man", my guess would be that there will be at least the usual number and magnitude of additional tournaments for 2009 as they have had in the past.

  11. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Good Man!

    Your "legwork" is appreciated by me and others, I'm sure.

    Billy C
  12. Eugene Nichols

    Eugene Nichols New Member


    Yes, I am registered for Nov. 28 bjt.
  13. scottdamon23

    scottdamon23 New Member

    LV Hilton Tourny over Thanksgiving

    There's a fairly large bj tourny at the Hilton over Thanksgiving; look on their website. It doesn't appear to be mentioned in these posts except for 1, briefly. I believe it is a suited blackjack type, but you can pay for a 3 night stay with entry fee included, around $500.:laugh:
  14. knjcurry

    knjcurry New Member


    Yes the Thanksgiving 100k BJ tourney is Nov 28-30. At the end of the week Dec.4-6 they are having another BJT, however that one is only a 30k BJT.

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