Aruba logo pay?

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Barney Stone, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Im sure it was Joep who was saying those making the final table at Aruba would get paid some serious bucks, 25 grand is what I remember, for wearing a logo. I looked at Aaron Tribbles shirt and couldnt see one. 25 grand is a huge bonus and a real draw to paying out big bucks to play. Did it work out and if not why? Will the logo pay be offered anytime/everytime?

    BTW, I looked for Joe's posting but couldnt find it.


  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Some logos were worn by finalists in Aruba, but I don't think the deals that were made are public information. However, I suspect that may be the end of the gravy train, thanks to our Washington spoil-sports.
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    USA only country?

    In world that supports/supported online gambling? Doesnt any other country have enough wealth to support some sponsors desires? Even if they can support a 5 grand bonus for the logo that would help in adding spec value to buying into one of these very expensive tournaments.
  4. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    The revolution will not be televised

    I would think the point is that the USA is the only place this is being televised (as far as I know). Why advertise your products to a public that cannot access them?
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Dont Y'all'in UK have TVs? Why isnt UBT showing there? Wont France or Germany show it? Of course I read the unemployment in Germany as in the teens and France probably isnt far behind so maybe not enough play money! The world is a huge pool of potential demand for anything. Is it that USA is just such a fat hog we spend like crazy and define demand for this type of thing?

    LOL, You dont need to answer all, but cant UBT find demand elsewhere in the world?

  6. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    rumor is there are big things afoot in that department. i don't have any specifics just yet, but let's just say that all this recent BS in Washington has only served to speed up the truly international intentions of the UBT. negotiations with international casinos AND television networks are ongoing, and i think we can all expect to hear some good things in the future...

  7. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    If you build it they will come

    Sounds like the future may be bright.

    Barney, there's been quite a boom in poker on TV over here recently, so there could be a market for UBT too; but advertisers get on board once something is seen to be popular, not before.

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