Aruba qualifiers - bummer

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Sidekick, Sep 17, 2006.

  1. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Well, I took 6th today for the Aruba qualifier in the FINALS. Here's to 4 people not being able to go so I can go since I'm an alternate. :cool:

  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Do you get congrat's or not?

    Sidekick did you win anything? Was the qualifier on a poker or BJ event to win the Aruba trip?
  3. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    For UBT

    I didn't win nada, only a seat as an alternate.

  4. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    How did this work?

    Sidekick, could I ask you to explain how one gets into playing any of those Aruba or other future qualifiers? I've looked on this site, etc. but cannot find anything that starts this off or explains. Thanks for any info.

    Enjoyed playing alongside you a few times on UB/B21! Good cards-Sabresport/Sabrejack
  5. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Listed since launch

    This might be a sour point but yesterday after the show, I went to playubt and downloaded their software.

    Right there under "Scheduled Tourneys" it said Aruba Invite and had like 6-8 Freerolls. Before entering these qualifiers, you had to earn a TEC (point) so you needed to come in 1st place of one of the hundreds SnG's.

    The Aruba Final Qualifier had 35 participants. Yes, only 35 (5 (qualifiers) X 7). Anyway, there were three (3) rounds. Since I'm still pissed, its hard to re-hash todays event :flame:

    For Aruba, no more qualifiers. For St. Kitts, this should occur in early October on

    By the way, pleasure playing with you.

  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    You're right. It is a sour point.
    I assumed that any freerolls would be listed at either UB or Bet21 or both.
    I didn't know these were going on until they were over. You'd think that they would have gone out of their way to make sure that their PAYING CUSTOMERS knew about these.

    Combine that with this "Bonus points" issue, where we can't convert the bonus by playing elimination blackjack as promised, and I'm getting aggravated as well.
  7. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    Aruba Freeroll on PlayUBT

    I checked the PlayUBT site Saturday evening and downloaded the software after reading the following in a post by Hollywod Dave that morning:
    Then I spent the rest of the evening chasing 2 players with Royals on the $777 JOB VP tournament on Global before logging on to PlayUBT to at midnight play the SnGs to earn the TEC (Tournament Entry Chip) for the Aruba qualifiers.

    I was under the impression the Main Event was on Monday (got it mixed up with the free roll on Bet21/UB), but this morning when I checked the Scheduled Tournaments on PlayUBT I discovered it would be this afternoon at 5:00pm and I was too late to register for the 10:00am qualifier.

    I got into the 12:00pm qualifier (There were a total of 6 between 4:00pm Saturday and 2:00pm today.) and advanced to Round 3 (Semi final) but lost it on hand 16, which was the last hand as 3 players were already out and 3 advanced to the Final table.

    I think I'm more pissed than Sidekick 'cause I got knocked off the table for 3 hands of minimum-bet/stand-on-1st-2 cards before the first elimination hand. :mad: :mad: The final table was anti-climatic as all six got a seat in the Main Event for the Aruba trip. First place got the entire prize pool: 103 TECs.

    The number of players for the six qualifiers: 96, 159, 129, 83, 103 and 155.
    Needless to say, we won't see numbers like this in the subsequent freerolls.

  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Going back since last year we have been asking when we would have the Aruba qualifiers and now we find out they had them and they weren't even advertised!

    WOW, does anyone else see a BIG PROBLEM here?

    WOW! How could this happen with so many players asking over and over again when and where? WOW!

    I thought that all three sites, (Play UBT, UB, & Bet21) were advertised as mirror's of each other, if so how come the Aruba freerolls weren't advertise everywhere?

    Now if Kennye & Joep didn't advertise them on their show and Ken Smith knew nothing about them, how should we know anything about them?

    For advertising "OPEN EVENTS for ALL PLAYERS" it seems like the Aurba freeroll qualifiers were just for a selected few.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2006
  9. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    St Kitts

    I am really mad too, but I guess there is nothing we can do about Aruba now. On to St Kitts!

    I didn't even find this post till this morning! Had I known, I would have at least downloaded UBT and had a shot. Didn't know it was not going to be linked to the others.
  10. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Chill out, man...

    Nothing to cry about, Tex. With all the pressure surrounding the launch of the new software & the press surrounding the CBS television show, not to mention having to plan multiple UBT 2nd season Tour stops at once (not only St Kitts & Aruba, but closing deals with the majority of other UBT charter casinos), its an understatement to say that those involved with making this all happen were a LITTLE swamped. I know for a fact that the entire production team working on these monster multi-media projects has gotten an average of 3 hours a sleep a night for the past several weeks, in anticipation of the official September 16th launch.

    I don't see a problem here. The fact is, thousands of people were still able to take advantage of Bet21 & PlayUBT freerolls for Aruba, despite last-minute public awareness, and the freeroll information for St Kitts is now everywhere -- and you can expect the same access to all future promotions. To be honest, there wasn't as much time to promote Aruba as everyone would've liked, but you're already seeing a much more streamlined approach to St Kitts & beyond, so what's the deal? You really wanna tear down all the incredible opportunities now available to all of us in the blackjack tournament community because of a few software bugs & last minute freerolls? Shit happens, Tex, but i think its overwhelmingly obvious that the UBT and Bet21 are both incredible wins for our community.

    So, sorry you didn't get a chance to play a freeroll. Please come back for all of the future events that are now available, heavily advertised, and free for anyone to play. And maybe the % of your posts here about the UBT and Bet21 that do nothing but trash them can go from 100% down to only 70% or so...

  11. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Online seats for other UBT events


    Maybe you know, do they plan to hold freerolls or online cash tourneys to win seats at other events? If so, sign me up for Australia!


    PS: Can you or someone else in the know tell us which shows are airing on which dates? I am looking forward to my elimination hand recap. I was glad to see I wasn't the only one who underbet an elimination round. (Thanks Mike C.)

  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    UBT Show Schedule:

    For your other question, here's my decidedly non-official understanding:
    Each UBT land-based final table will have 7 players, with 6 of them coming from the semifinal round and one coming from an Internet freeroll. So, you should see Australia, Paris, and all the others show up eventually.
  13. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Maybe your opposing poles of "everything is wonderful" and "what a disaster" could meet somewhere in the middle. Both can seem a little overblown.
  14. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    No one's saying 'everything is wonderful,' Colin -- just that everything is much better than before & will continue to improve.

    What's interesting to me is this curious sense of indignant entitlement that's colored a certain segment of this conversation... as if we are all OWED a bunch of freebies & when they don't happen as quickly or fluidly as some would like, then the whole system is faulty.

    I'm just saying, lets recognize the good here & try to be somewhat constructive. Of course issues with payouts, bonuses, bugs in the software, delays in customer response times etc should absolutely be outed and corrected; but when the topic turns to trashing something like this simply because not everyone got a chance to get something for FREE, i just gotta call bullshit!


    ps as far as the other question, re: future freerolls -- they will be coming. i think you'll see most freerolls happening in the month or so leading up to a Tour stop date, so when we get around to Paris, Australia, etc you will most see those incentives then. FYI -- Australia is not 100% yet, but from what I hear everyone on both sides is working real hard to make that happen...
  15. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    New Thread

    Lets start a new thread on this. Everytime I come to this board now, my heart just takes a beating.

  16. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Bad Boy rant.

    Talk about a convergence of arrogance and hubris. Setting the little people straight. Great attitude from a UBT team member. The elite telling the little people to eat s...t.:joker: :joker: :joker:
  17. toonces

    toonces Member

    Hollywood, I think there's a right for some people to be a little pissed. We all knew that the first freerolls would be many of our best shots at making it through the fields before they got huge. We signed on to e-mail lists promising to post when freerolls were available. We were the first players to test out Bet21 and the UB elimination BJ format. To find out that the first freeroll went by with only a subset of lucky people who happened to download new software within a specific 24 hour period is frustrating. Combined with the current bait-and-switch of not offering bonus dollars on elimination BJ is also frustrating.

    On the other hand, that doesn't stop us about being excited about what's left, just annoyed that we didn't get much for getting in on the ground floor.
  18. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member


    We have been asking, prodding, praying, wishing for a chance at this rumored event called Aruba....we have been watching that guy jump for months at UBT.......we here at BJT listen to Ken E's radio program get boosted almost daily....Joe Pane...posts much pertinate information...and yet...this thing passed us ( Black Jacks biggest fans) right by!

    We arent crying because we missed a freebee Dave....but we have been asking for this info for months....and I take it from your info many players were there to play for did they find out yet the host here...MR Big Deal Black Jack himself ..winner of the first UBT TV show ....who whipped you azz completely....yes our own loud mouth..(haha) Ken Smith not know????????????

    Its easy for you to say dont worry be happy....and we all certainly understand start up glitches and the hard work it entails....but there is a reality in any business....80 of your best business comes from 20 % of your customers ...........I think everyone here and at KenE site and soon your site would most likely fit into that 20 % group.

    A dog that bites the hand that feeds him is a truely dumb dog!!!!! Would you agree?

    We all want this to go gang busters... the programing errors are not small however ....the game doesnt work fast and clean like the poker game does....
    the good guys arent bitchin because they are losing to "plug headed all in bettors"........but if we get absented out for two or three or even one hand...well..... you certainly know that every hand is critical to a consistant sucessful fact its impossible unless you are totally shitty lucky to win this game.

    Customer service is POOR! We are voicing the experience we are having it customer feedback....dont bitch about very glad that you are getting it from such patient and dedicated (addicted) customers.

    The game is great....the show was needs some major tweaks too...but its a start....personally I like to watch poker becasue they keep saying this is the 6 million dollar blah blah.....:) Hell I dont know what Ken S won...I dont know how much you lost by suckin into second..:) I wanna know as we are watching...etc.....

    ok thats enough free advice for now....

    Overall this is exciting....I just hope the wrinkles get ironed out...we are the big fans here....listen to these guys....or dont... at the business own peril....this is simple basic key to success at start up.


    Best wishes on your site...I loaded it up..too many pics of you there is quite hard to look at....:) Waiting for your trash talking book to come out soon too....It better be good too! Or at least soft so I can use it for toilet paper... :rolleyes:
  19. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    I hear ya...

    ...didn't mean to snap at anyone. Just trying to keep the balance, y'all. I really think things will continue to improve, as well as communication, etc, so I don't think these issues will keep popping up in the future. Of course the members of this site are the heart and soul of an enterprise like this, so it sucks to see so much dischord over it. As far as BJFan's comments are concerned, maybe you should go back & read my seem to have grossly misinterpreted my words. But then again, i guess you always do that. ;)

    OK, hopefully as the St Kitts freerolls start up & other promotions start rolling in, and as the bugs in the software & customer service continue to iron out, people will rest a little easier. Personally, i think the level of competition coming in from the general public seeing the ads & tv show will be ripe for the picking by a bunch of notorious tourney sharks as yourselves! And although the numbers will grow, we may actually find that the level of competition gets much easier as the ranks are diluted with clueless gamblers!


    ps don't know how soft the pages of my book will be, Rando, but if you wanna buy a few cases to use as toilet paper or masturbation material, I'll be sure to get you a nice discount! ;)
    My publisher, Viktor Nacht over at RGE, will be making an announcement in the very near future about the release date... i'll let everyone know ASAP.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2006
  20. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    ok, so we missed the freerolls to the final table in Aruba - THAT SUCKS BIG TIME. :flame:

    But its over and done with.

    Any idea if they will have any satellite entries for Aruba?

    Everything I see is St. Kitts St. Kitts. come on what about Aruba?

    I mean on poker they've got LOTS of Aruba stuff.

    On - nada

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