Bank statements regarding UBT

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Stubbs, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. Stubbs

    Stubbs New Member

    I was going through my bank statements.

    First of all in June I signed up for a 6 month promotion at $9.95 a month.

    I was looking at my bank statements and see that on THE 19TH AND 29TH of EVERY MONTH I'M being CHARGED $9.95. Thats right twice a month. I did call and leave a message and the only reason im posting this before a responce, is that im not sure if there is an explanation for ......this. Its quite intresting , if anybody ( and please check your statements) has any input please reply.

    Honestly.... I hate to say it..... This site.....Well I still haven't recieved my 10 back( some of you know what im talking about ).... so I won't say it. All I know is, theres alot more players NOW, and LESS to play for. Not saying theres less then there was, but who wants to sit around for 2 and a half hours to win $10.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2008
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Most of the time double charges on internet are from double clicking or computer going slow between screens and double registering. I did this a few years back and the company told me sorry but they couldnt do anything about it because I actually bought the service twice. Lucky I caught it after first month.

    Too bad and very sad they havent returned you the big 10. I noticed on Joe's my-space he has an add for ClubUBT that says you can win 100 grand. So whats 10 LOL
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Although that post might get you tossed again, Stubbs, I find a lot of interesting points in there. Most notably, the still-missing 10. WTF???? Weren't you (and everyone else affected) supposed to get that before Christmas???? :eek:
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Interesting, someones delusional actions using words like "con man" and "liar" sure would fit in other places.

    Dr Phil HELP!
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

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