Barney Frank plans to introduce anti-UIGEA bill Thursday

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  2. toonces

    toonces Member

  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Rep. Barney Frank

    This a copy of a letter that I sent to Rep.Barney Franks office this morning.I have already received a call back from his press secretary who is going to see if Mr Franks schedule will permit him to call into the show so that we can speak with him about this bill and his feelings on it success rate.

    Let me first introduce myself to you my name is Joseph Pane and I co-host a
    weekly radio show here in Las Vegas on KLAV 1230 am .The theme of the show is
    gaming and with Mr Franks recent bill concerning the Internet gambling law I
    feel that Mr Frank appearance on our radio show would make for a positive
    interview and allow further coverage of his pending bill.The shows airs live on
    Thursday evenings at 6 PM Pacific Time.We could have Mr Frank call in to the
    show or we could arrange to tape the interview to meet with his schedule and
    play it at a later time,once your office approves the content of the interview.

    Even though the show airs in Las Vegas it can be heard all over the USA as our
    show has an audio stream across the INTERNET .

    I hope to hear from you soon as this is not only an important bill to Mr Frank
    but to the majority of the citizens of the United States Of America

    I thank you for your time and effort

    Thank You

    Joe Pane
    KLAV Radio
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Talk About Fast

    Who said things move slow in Wasington.

    In less than 1 hour from my letter to Rep Barney Frank I just received a call that he will be our guest on the radio show next week.

    We are now working out details as to if he will do the interview live or tape it before the show airs.

    This should help in understanding what this bill future holds and it chances of passing.

  5. Kaminari

    Kaminari New Member

    Good Job Joe

    Kudos for getting this guy to talk with you in your territory.

  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Joe...

    Can you attach my letter to your letter so that Rep Frank can reply to these questions also?

    Dear Mr. Frank,

    I applaud you on your effort to overturn the UIGEA of 2006. I do not feel it is within the constitutional scope of the US Government to determine how an individual can spend their time and money doing an activity that is perfectly legal in many states, including Las Vegas .

    I do however, have a concern that I would like you to address Representative Frank. When an internet, on-line firm that is based outside of the United States practices in false advertising, deceptive businesses practices and the withholding of funds from US citizens, what recourse, if any, do we have to force that company to make good on its promises in a timely manner? If the company does not then is it within the scope of the US Government to prosecute that company, its owners, its shareholders and its public relations spokesperson?

    PS What is the Federal Prison sentencing guidelines for inter-state fraud and commerce violation?
  7. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member


    Thanks Joe PPPPP, that will be a very interesting show for your audience especially we that game online. Keep up the good work.
  8. toonces

    toonces Member

    Fred, the whole point of this is that the way that internet gambling is set today, we have no consumer protections. Get used to it. Surely, if Frank's bill passes, companies like UltimateBet and Bet21 will be first in line to be regulated. If that ever happens, we would have a leg to stand on and I assure you, they would pay out their bonuses.

    Until then, we are in the Wild West. Hundred of websites are breaking the law by existing. You expect the government to go after a company for poor consumer relations?
  9. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    I did email my support to Mr Frank tonight and encouraged him to give an interview for the radio show.

    Even I know that government departments cannot work that fast so I know that it was not my post that got him to appear on KLAV.

    Well done Joe, it’s a great guest to have on the show and good luck with the interview.

    Just don’t let us have to wait weeks to listen to it via the AC site.

    Andy :)
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well, I for one will be most interesting in hearing from Representative Barney Frank on next weeks show.

    I went thru my archieves and found that Joep and Barney have a history. In fact this photo shows Joep ready to contribute to Mr. Franks' campaign fund.

    Is it me or could there be a family resemblance? :laugh:
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    The bill

    Joe where did you get the info on it being important to a majority of USA? Do you have a source? Did you make it up?

    The bill, as I read it, isnt really and anti UIGEA but a repair format for the industry to make it legal. Its basically what the industry should have done a long time ago. It will force the companies to get licenses and be accountable for many things. Sure sounds like a step forward.
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Please Just For Us

    I know this for sure, next Thursday night we will finally hear from a person named Barney that will have worthwhile information for us about this pending bill and we might also be treated to some insight as to what Rep. Barney Frank is trying to accomplish with the passage of his bill.

    Now if we could only get BJT Barney:joker: to finally give us some useful and worthwhile information for us to share.But I guess after 1,006 post I shouldn't hold my breath waiting for a miracle to happen.Or are you just taking over where Germanski :joker: left off.

    You know that the majority of people use this board for good tournament strategy and gaming information, we should not have to be subject to sifting through your daily rhetoric that you grace us with day after day.

    Can you possibly leave an important thread like this alone?

    I really wish Ken would install a button that would allow us all the right to ignore and not have to be subject to your childish post.

    I vote to give you the "Free For All" Section and this way only those who chose to see your daily words of "Wisdom" can just stop by .It would be a good public service to us all.We all understand your freedom of speech but can you contain it into one section only.

    Do the right thing Barney for once in your life, for the sanity of this board.

    If you do I might even get you a gift certificate to some John Patrick :joker: Blackjack materials. Now there is some good reading material for you.

    He has made one guy rich through his writing, care to guess who ??????

  13. Fighting for the People

    Hi Joe,

    Thank you very much for being so determined and diligent in bringing this guest to your and Kenn's radio show. It is also very conveniennt and comforting to have the show braodcast on the Internet for those of us, like myself, who are stationed out of the country.

    Sorry that I cannot provide any productive content, as you requested above of the poster previous to you, but there simply isn't much useful tournament information where I currently reside.

    Cheers and thanks again.
  14. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Joe, You can use the ignore feature to ignore me, give it a try!

    As for your stat you presented, I think its BS. Just when are we to believe anything you say? When you move from pro radio host to pro activist it is important to use real stats. Dont just make stuff up to make you or your point look better. I hope you are thinking real hard about the questions to ask Barney. Dont shoot from your hip as you almost always miss.

    I would ask him what the following is for this bill. His house voted by 61% to ban internet gambling including the house leader Pelosi. Can he tilt her? Can he tilt Nevada senator Harry Reid the leader of senate? How will he satisfy the high education lobby that ramped the last bill?

    I think the bill is written well to clear up many of the problems the very problems that invited a ban. I wish Barney luck, but he needs help. This actually gives us a better chance to write our individual leaders. It gives us a backbone to rest on.
  15. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Nice job Joe

    Nice job, Joe, in cutting through the red tape so quickly - a nice coup!
  16. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    How to write a politcal letter

    This was the first from a search, I bet there are lots of examples on the net. I think its best to be short concise to the point. Dont go adding in stats you might be guessing at etc. Also, it would be great to see a company like UBT flashing a chance to get a pre written letter to download, fill, and mail. Because the proposed bill answers many questions on age verification and many other areas of regulation it wont be hard to gather support. But, the first votes could be to study the bill. That could take 2 years. At this time the poker players of USA have the power, they number in millions. We need them to flood the local leaders with our views.

  17. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I say

    thank God or whomever you see as a higher power for the real "fighters for the people" anyone like Marine Skip Samad or you Sam. Anyone who has put there life on the line to protect what we have. There are talkers and there are fighters. period.
  18. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

  19. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well hopefully this week we’ll get a chance to hear something useful and insightful from Barney. Yes even Joep himself will interview Barney about his position on UIGEA.

    Joe and Barney getting along you say – impossible. Oh did I mention it was Barney Frank from Massachusetts? :laugh: To the “other” Barney interesting links that you posted. One favorable and the other not so. What’s a person to do?

    Will letter writing be effective? I have to confess that I didn’t write to my elected officials when you all warned about this last year. I honestly didn’t believe that the Congress had the chutzpah to pass UIGEA. I was wrong. (However I believe that had it NOT be snuck into the Port Security Act it would have withered on the vine like an overripe tomato in the Florida sun).

    So this time around how should it be attacked? Simply saying that UIGEA is “the dumbest law ever passed” makes for good sound bites but hardly supports the cause. To argue that the WTO claims it isn’t lawful only makes the hair on most Red State Americans stand on end (how dare the rest of the World tell US what to do!). Pointing out the it’s still legal to bet on the horses and buy lottery tickets online but not play TBJ or Poker may be effective but it may just result in them closing the loopholes on the ponies.

    With a presidential election looming and the control of Congress up for grabs the Democrats may want to lay hold of a “morals” issue to get some of the Republican Right votes. Since the Moral Majority claims the abortion issue the Liberal Left may grab onto the gambling bill and play tit for tat.

    I’d like to suggest a different approach. Lets look at it from a jobs and economic growth viewpoint. Since the internet continues to grow and expand it creates lots and lots of jobs – webpage designers, online transaction representatives, server operators, deliver jobs (Fed Ex those checks boys), online advertising, online message boards, etc…

    So if UIGEA were not repealed it hurts the US economically because it allows the UK sites and other regions in the world to prosper, exporting US jobs around the world. Meanwhile, US money will be trickling out of the country to shady evil backroom operators who promise much and deliver little. With no regulation or oversight the online waging wars will slowly drain economic resources that could be used here in the US to improve access to healthcare, to shore up the social security system or to improve the nation’s infrastructure.

    How will repeal of UIGEA accomplish any of that you ask? Simple. Oversight, regulation and that ugly word – taxation. We can take a lesson from our Northern Canadian friends; sell gaming licensening rights (just like the FCC and airwaves). That creates a windfall for the US government. In addition there will be yearly fees, inspection fees, regulation fees, etc. In exchange each site that pays gets the US seal of approval. This will help to limit the overseas charlatans and imposters. In fact take it one step further create online wagering suffixes like dot-win or dot-bet.

    Just as we have seen online commerce flourish the age of online wagering could supply our country with a vast wellspring of cash for the next century, a virtual monetary infusion that would allow us to increase services and hold the line on taxes.

    So what do you think?
  20. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I just finished interviewing Congressman Barney Frank from the State of Massachusetts who just last week introduced the bill Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007.The entire interview can be heard on the “Be In Action” radio show that is co hosted by Kenny Einiger and Joe Pane.

    The show airs live on KLAV 1230 on the AM dial at 6 PM Pacific Time tonight and every Thursday night.

    If you are not in Las Vegas you may still listen to the show over the internet at the following links.


    Past shows are archived at

    Under Gambling Info “Be in Action”

    Phone numbers to the show




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