Barney's Been Outed!

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by fgk42, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ok, I just had to start a separate thread because I KNOW he’s going to try and wiggle his way out of this and I didn’t want to disturb some of the better threads….here goes.

    Barney you flip flop more than John Kerry! I’m gonna start calling you:

    “flip flop I’m a plop Barney – or FFPB for short!”

    I’ve got a whole collection of YOUR posts on this flopping/plopping subject that are quite simply baffling!

    Dealers are too hot
    Dealers are too cold

    Freerolls are for ploppy's
    There is no skill involved with EBJ freerolls
    I make it to a final table all the time in EBJ freerolls (maybe no flop there?)

    EBJ is for high rollers and I can't play
    I'm going to Barona with cash in hand to play!

    The list goes on and on and on..........

    I think it all comes down to this, and it is my personal opinion so I could be wrong, but this is what I think:

    You don’t like elimination blackjack (EBJ). Am I right? Thought so.

    Fine, you’re entitled to your beliefs about it, and if you have valid rational reasons, I can respect that too. I mean lets face it some people like chocolate, others vanilla or strawberry. (My personal fav is Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge). But just because you’re a vanilla person don’t keep crying that anyone who likes chocolate doesn’t have skill and is a ploppy! Then on the side you sneak over to the refrigerator and wolf down some chocolate ice cream!

    How do we know? Because you come back to the dinner table and say again, emphatically, chocolate ice cream lovers are nuts! It’s a bad product and I would never eat chocolate ice cream. Meanwhile there’s this huge chocolate mustache from your rummaging! :laugh:

    If you want to talk about strategy lets….

    If you want to talk techniques lets…..

    Just PLEASE stop knocking a game that requires different skills than you’re used to ok? Oh, wipe your mouth too! :joker:

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