Barona Sat Final Tonight 6pm EST

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by bjmace, Oct 27, 2007.

  1. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    Doubt if anyone needs reminding and for once am questioning if i should remind anyone but that's me love to shoot myself in the foot everytime!

    Tonight must surely be the biggest online BJ Tournament prize ever? (correct me if I'm wrong)

    The prize is valued at around $145,000 !!

    A final table seat valued at $142,857 at Barona's filmed $1m TOC
    3 Nights accommodation at Barona
    And Return Airfare to event

    there are 1660 entrys to this event thus meaning that Clububt have given each and every one of these a $86 entry

    I'm guessing at 6 rounds

    GL to all

    see you at the tables :cool:
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Im wondering. using "magic" number of the seat value

    1000000/7= $142,857

    The Clubs inception was what 3 months ago or 4?


    142857/4= $35714

    Take the guaranteed value each month at the club of 100k.

    Do they consider the $35714 as part of the $100K guarantee?
  3. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    Since launch total prizes excluding this have been over $100k every month,
    This was open to club and non club members as a freeroll. The 1660 entrys all went through 2 mult level tournaments to get entered into the final.
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Good luck to everyone tonight. You're gonna need it. 1,660 +/- entries, bombers galore!

    Some incredibly unconscious luckbox S.O.B. will win it. I know, because I've seen it happen twice!!! :laugh:
  5. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    Of course one of you could be the first to win 2 final table entries,

    Good luck to you both
    final table watch out leftnut's about ;)
  6. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    Out on the first elimination hand, thanks to a dealer 21 beating my 20. I must have done something really bad in a past life.
  7. shay919

    shay919 Member

    Eliminated in the 2nd round. bummer!
  8. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    Love your fuzzy math, mace. Actually the Club gave each and every one of the 1,600+ players a whopping $6 for the $10,000 entry into the TOC, plus a dollar or two more for their expenses to get to and stay at Barona.

    Isn't that correct?
  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Well, no, not exactly, Ted. Gotta side with Mace on this one. You're using the value of the entry fee for your calculations. Last night's online winner goes directly to the TOC final table, a seat theoretically worth the $143K. If last night's winner merely went to the starting gate along with the 100 +/- folks expected to be in the TOC's field, then you'd be correct.
  10. Orca

    Orca New Member

    If I'm not mistaken, it's a seat at the TOC Final table. Actually, the winner actually won more than just a seat at the Final table. Airfares, and I assume RFB are thrown in too.

    Other people entering the TOC, including those who have won their seat at the tour stops, would have to pay for their own transportation and RFB.
  11. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    I understand what you're saying, leftnut.

    But since the Club is only paying $10,000 + expenses, they actually "gave" each player $6+. They are not shelling out $143,000, like it sounds in mace's post.

    Using your logic and mace's logic, I can say that when the club gives away $10,000 in a tournament, the "potential" could be $20,000 or $50,000 or more, since the winnings, if invested correctly could turn into those amounts.

    I know, I know, using MY logic, the $10,000 could be worth $5,000 if the investments turn sour. But then I could say that the winner who is being comped the TOC entry fee could also wind up losing money if he or she plays regular blackjack at Barona and doesn't fare too well.

    It just sounded like the Club was "giving" each player $86, when they have not "given" them anything except a total of $10,000 plus expenses.
  12. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    OK, Ted, I can see your logic. But I'll still disagree with it. Without attacking you, too! :D
  13. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    Wow! A civilized discussion without attacks and name calling. Nice to know a place like this exists.
  14. Orca

    Orca New Member

    Looking at it the way you do, ClubUBT didn't give much at all to each player since the given Final table EV was really taken from the other TOC players who actually have to pay the $10K entry fees, assuming Barona will comp (100 - past winners) players into the TOC and a $1M winner-take-all 1st prize.
  15. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    But they WILL be paying $10,000 + expenses to the winner -- so let's give them credit for that. Of course, the other six players who make it to the final table may look at it a bit differently.

    Okay, here's my final statement to clear things up:
    The club will be paying $10,000 + expenses to the winner. And the value of each of the 1,600+ seats in last night's tournament was a positive EV of $86.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2007
  16. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Not quite RFB

    Just as a quick clarification, last night's winner gets the final table seat, airfare, and room. All else in on his/her dime.
    They used to provide ground transportation service as well, but that isn't part of the deal any more. There was a "limo" waiting for us in L.A. in January (very cool!), but we had to catch a taxi at the airport for the Palms in April. We were reimbursed for the fare because they were still touting ground transportation as part of the prize when Deb won her seat.

    Still one helluva good deal for last night's winner!
  17. Orca

    Orca New Member

    This depends on the contract they have with Barona, I would think; something we are not privy to.
  18. marichal

    marichal Member


    do not think that you did anything bad in your past life(s)!!!. last nite was the the first ebj tourney i had played in since i qualified several months ago. as i have stated in the past, i believe that the ebj format increases the luck factor for advancing, or winning an ebjt. do not care for it as a bj tourney. but, will play it if have to. thankful for being able to play regular bj tourneys daily, and not have to deal with the "carnival" style of ebj tournamnets.
  19. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    The only thing Fuzzy round here is your brain lately and that is a real shame as you use to be a nice guy,
    A couple of weeks of losing on UB which happens to all of us and you turn on the whole world declaring conspiracy theories and attacking people who were your friends.

    Not sure why anyone should answer your disgusting insulting posts but for your misinformed fuzzy brain the tournament was for a seat at the final table of the TOC not for an entry which is 10k now get your calculator out because this is a big figure to work out $1,000,000.00 which is the guaranteed winnings divided by the number of seats at final table gives you, well do the math!

    Also included was airfares from anywhere in the world and 3 nights accommodation.
    Why you would want to attack someone who is actually shooting himself in the foot by reminding people to log in for the biggest prize ever on any online BJT site is beyond me
    especially as seems ridiculous that such an 'expert' on clububt who has posted so many opinions and knows so much about it could possibly have missed what the tournament that has been on there from day 1 says.
  20. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    Civilized you don't know the meaning of the word, How can you dare even use the words when you entered this thread insulting me,

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