Barona update...

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TXtourplayer, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Well I hear they are still playing, but I did hear about 5 players who have advanced past the 2 round today.

    Bob Horinek
    Skip Samad
    Tammy (Sweettea)
    Ace Donavan
    Big Chuck Gorson

    Congratulations to all 5 of those players.

    They need to advance two more rounds to make money, three to make the finals.

    Good luck tomorrow.
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I read on Joe's Crab Shaq at Ace Donovan made final table at Barona! That ES very nice!
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Ace is a nice guy, I hope he did and hope he win's it all!
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I read at Ace finished 4th on a bad beat. He sounded a little down, COME ON MAN way to go!
  5. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Thanks all

    No, not down. I'm absolutely happy with what I was able to do. It was just a little rough to go out the way I did, but it's happened to all of us.

    Here's what happened when I went out on 25:

    I was BR3 of 4 and last to bet. BR4 on the button secret bets. BR1 bets in the open and makes a relatively small bet. This seems straight forward enough for me being hand 25 that this is the perfect spot to make my move and be setup for the last few hands. I have no idea what BR4 bet and BR1 leaves the door somewhat open, so I bet enough to give me the high on BR1. I'd even recalculated the button for two outcomes that would both give me position on 30 and make the person on the button be someone without a secret bet. If I win my hand, I'm in a damn good spot.

    My hand is the only one that really matters for this story, so here it is:

    I pull a 9 versus a dealer 4. No need to double since I have the high on BR1 and the possibility exists that BR4 went big secret, so I didn't want to give up a potential low. I hit and pull an ace for a soft 20. I, of course, wave off and start counting my $40,000.

    Dealer flips a face card for a hard 14. At this point, pretty much any result works for me except, as you've probably guessed, the dealer drawing to 21. Even a 6 and a push does me solid. But it was the effing 7. Of course. I believe that's about 11%...feel free to correct me if that's wrong. Anyways, instead of being BR1 with 5 to go and position, I was off to the cage to cash in what I got for fourth.

    Anyways, I appreciate all your congratulations. It was a really long tourney, six rounds over two days. I need a nap. :)
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Yikes. Tough finish, but nice job. Congrats Ace!
  7. marichal

    marichal Member


    a better showing by yourself, than of our GIANTS. wtg!!!!
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Congratulations, Ace

    WOW - that was a hard pill to swallow. Great tournament anyway, Ace!
  9. thrasht

    thrasht New Member


    Nicely done on your 4th place. I've been there with you on the dealer drawing to a 21 and that being the only outcome that can beat you. I almost hate to say this, but "I feel your pain".
  10. tgun

    tgun Member


    Nice one Ace. Wish it could have went better. A real badbeat.

  11. mauiboy

    mauiboy New Member

    Good Going Ace

    I think I was on your semi table. I was the fifth one out with only 25K remaining with an all-in on hand 24 before the elimination hand. Made an 18 with dealer making a soft 20. Sorry I didn't introduce myself.
  12. Bi-Kemba

    Bi-Kemba Member


    I have to say Ace that you did the right play anyway. Congratulations to you man. I really admire you for even being there. It is so hard due to the huge entrance fee. I'm envious, LOL....On a serious note though. The likelihood that the the dealer would pull an Ace is a pissoff isn't it? I've had that happen to me before. You're really thinking the dealer is going to at the most push you. I wonder how much you would've won if the dealer would've lost or pushed you? Interesting. Was it really crowded for the tournament? I'm really interested in hearing about the turnout there in Barona. Once again, way to go bro....
  13. mauiboy

    mauiboy New Member

    Barona Sept. UBT Canceled

    Barona Canceled their Sept. UBT event. They had conflict with their other events. Looks like Nov will be the last chance to qualify.

    Iron Horse Casino up in Washington is planning to send at least 10 of their qualifying players to the Sept. Barona event. They will need to change their plans to Nov. or sponsor another UBT location.

    I'm still in the running to qualify for one of their spots. Good Luck to all.
  14. Bi-Kemba

    Bi-Kemba Member


    How are you still in the running? Did you pay an entrance fee? Are you from California? How were you able to qualify? Can you please clarify mauiby? Thanks.
  15. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Canceled Sept event? You gotta be kidding. Its still on the web page... If they did maybe all the praise for Barona isnt well founded. The tournament that was just held got moved to weekday game which screwed a few players plans. Now one of the "promised" events vanishes? Im sure the high rollers appreciate that after opening accounts at Barona for these games! I cant believe it, I cant believe they are canceling an event! Say it aint so Joe!
  16. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Mentally Exhausted...


    Once again, a GREAT EVENT at Barona! It was so good to see many of my friends who were competing in this Event. I was happy for Ace who made it so far, and felt his pain reagrding his Bad Beat at the end...

    I was fortunate enough to make it past the first two rounds, before being taken out on the last hand of the third round.

    The excitement continued, as I was Wildcarded into the "Extra Table" which played at the same time the Finals were being conducted. There were 7 of us at the Table, playing for ONE $10,000 Seat into the Tournament of Champions to be held later this year in Barona.

    The Winner of this Table would be awarded the $10,000 Seat and $1,000 cash. The rest of the players would each receive $100 cash. Forget the cash, I was playing for the $10,000 Seat, which could ultimately be worth over $1,000,000!!

    I got out to a HUGE early lead, which kept me in good shape all the way through the Match, as players were depleting their bankrolls and being eliminated one by one. Was able to watch, as Tammy Sweeteabird was eliminated rather early on, as she tried to come after me and my huge lead. I enjoyed playing with her, but was happy to see her eliminated, as she was the one who I lost to on the last hand of the Third Round. Sweet revenge! LOL

    One by one the players continued to be Eliminated, all of whom were ladies excepting for the one player on my left. Forget his name, but he was the same gentleman whom I played against during the Televised Finals at the Palms a few weeks ago. As I recall at the Palms, he was one of the first to be eliminated at my table, so I wasn't able to get to know him that well. In fact, he had to remind me when we sat down at this table in Barona, that we had played in the same Finals at the Palms.

    After all 5 ladies were eliminated, it was down to him and I playing for the cherished $10,000 Seat into the Tournament of Champions! As my bad forune would have it, I watched as my lead on him was diminished, as he was winning with his good hands, and swinging me as I was losing. My last 5 hands were all STIFF HANDS, and my only hope of catching him was to Double Down on the 29th hand, regardless of what cards I was dealt. I had the button coming to me on the 30th hand, and I was down by a little over $17,000 as I recall. We both still had our Secret Bets, as we were fortunate enough not to have to use them against the ladies, as they made it fairly simple for the two of us, as a result of their poor play and bad cards.

    On the 29th hand, I doubled down for $25,000 with a Hard 14. Don't recall what the dealer had at this point, and it really didn't matter, as I needed to take the lead back from my neighbor, before the last hand. I caught a 2 for 16, and if the dealer BUSTS, I win $50,000 on the hand and regain the lead! The dealer hit to 17 and it was all over.

    I congratulated my neighbor on his win, shook his hand, collected my $100 cash, and then proceeded to go to my room and sulk for awhile. So close, yet so far away, and so the SAGA continues....

    You gotta love this game...

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2007
  17. mauiboy

    mauiboy New Member

    Iron Horse UBT

    I'm in Washington. Iron Horse is running their four weekly BJ tournaments ($25 entry, $25 rebuy) for three months. The top 63 players from each location will play for a chance for all expense paid (plus $1000 cash) to the Baron Ranch UBT. Iron Horse has two locations, Everett and Auburn. Each location will have five winners. You can qualify to win from both locations. The championship tournament will be held at the end of August. The final table of seven payout are: (Top 5) All expense to Barona + $1000, #6 - $1000, #7 - $500. The top 5 can trade their Barona trip in for $1500 cash.

    Points are awarded for playing the weekly tournaments. After three months of play, the top 63 point leaders get to play the free Iron Horse championship tournament. The top five point leaders, each receive $500, the next five point leaders each receive $250. There is an incentive to be the top ten for guaranteed money and also play for a chance to Barona.

    I say I'm still in the running of the the top 63 players.

    I hope this answers your questions. Good Luck.
  18. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Thanks for the update Skip

    What's worse to lose like that or to not even get picked to play? (not getting picked :sad: ) Unfortunately the $100 doesn' come close to that 10,000 seat. Tough luck. But there's always the Venetian UBT stop and a final Barona Circuit event in order to qualify. Right?
  19. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    I will RETURN!!

    I WILL be there later in the year, even if I have to pay the $10,000! In the meantime, back to utilizing my Nevada Real Estate License in Vacation Ownership sales as a Sales Consultant here in Vegas. Ready to make some HUGE amounts of income, so that I can fund my addiction for Blackjack Tournaments!! LOL:1st:

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