Barona updates?

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TXtourplayer, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Where are all the players who are playing at Barona's UBT event this weekend?

    I thought we would be seeing some posts on whats happening out there by now. I hope the BJT'ers are doing good, give us an update when possible.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Good luck to the players there!
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Ladies dominate Barona UBT...

    First and second place at the UBT event held in Barona this weekend were won by the ladies. (Sorry guy's they kicked ass this weekend).

    Congratulations Adreann Jade (hope I got the spelling correct) who won first place and Sweeteabird came in second.

    Adreann Jade over came getting knocked out not once, but twice I was told by Ken Smith. She used her second wild card to advance all the way to the winners circle.

    Adreann is no strainger to the winners circle, she has been winning BIG events over the last 4-5 years that I've known her. Just add another one to her very impressive list of win's.

    I heard she won a $10,000 seat into the UBT championship event, but not sure what her cash prize was.

    Ken told me they offered about 40 wild cards for this event.
  4. Lou 714

    Lou 714 New Member

    I'm Not Sure

    Are you saying that the wild cards are not a good thing?.I would think that in a format that could send a player home after 8 hands or less,with no re-buys that wild cards sound like a good thing for the players who drove down or flew to Barona.

    I would think this is a good thing for the player, which is always a point you make often here.

    Or is it just UBT in itself you don't like? :confused:

    Please make your position clear for all of us.I'm new here and some of your post seem to take both sides of many questions or statements posed here.
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Where does this come from? TXtourplayer merely said wild cards were offered. He did not express an opinion on them one way or another.

    I see you are new to this forum. Your first 2 posts contain just bitches and moaning. No contributions to the forum and no contributions to the Calendar. If you want to just suck information without contributing while you bitch and moan then please just stay as a lurker.
  6. Lou 714

    Lou 714 New Member

    Good Neighbor Policy ??????

    If asking a question of some one here is considered bitching and moaning then I'm guilty as charged. I was trying to find out if he who seems to have the most post here other than the administrator and seems to speak for most could explain his position on wild cards.My observation from reading his past post as that he never seemed to like anything that UBT did.So was just curious as to his position.Thanks for the warm welcome to the board.Man you guys are tough...........I know what i have seen and read in the past here,and this is no where near what has been passed and accepted as OK in the past.
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    I'm not sure where you came up with your ideas about TX's post.

    I appreciate his update - straight from King Ken's report (I assume)

    I won't venture to speak for TX but from MY personal perspective I think wild cards are a GOOD thing for any BJT - TBJT & especially EBJ.

    Re-buys are good for everyone, the players (giving them more than one chance and the prize pool). Wildcards are good for everyone too (players have a second chance and for the casinos - it keeps players around longer and possibly increases their (casinos) side action.

    TX was reporting what he heard/learned and I for one appreciate being updated.

    With regard to your questions, I am sure that TX would be happy to share his PERSONAL feeling about most anything regarding TBJ with you - I encourage you to PM him.

    As for the ladies, Ms. Jade and T. Congratulations :celebrate:
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2007
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    From Joe's commentary it was only Adriana and Tammy on the final hand.

    I can imagine something pretty funny - approaching the final elimination hand with player #3 being BRL and betting last. The crowd starts chanting "Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming!" :laugh:
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Hey what about Barney? Wasn’t HE supposed to go to Barona and play EBJ for the first time – LIVE?

    What happened? What was your experience?
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    lucky dip

    I'm not sure whether I like wildcards or not. I like 'em plenty when I get one (I once got wildcarded all the way to the final table of a Global MTT which I then won LOL! Felt bad about it though). But there must be some other way of filling seats, rebuys surely. Or why not play it as a kind of league. In the first round you play 3 tables against the same opponents and whoever secures the most points goes through to the next level. Then you could start to play it as a knock-out tournament. Or you could split the entrants into 7 groups say, play a series of games within those groups and whoever has the most points in each group goes through to the final table.

    Why increase the variance by using some other random factor?


  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    This WON'T work - WHY? You'll have the same problem that you reported on Golden Palace! People will hesitate to see what they need for those wildcard seats!

    No, having wildcards picked from the general public is a GOOD idea. It is a win-win for players and casino's

    PS when you won the Global tourney as a wild-card did you feel so bad you gave back the money? :rolleyes:
  12. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    no wildcards required

    In a league system no wildcards would be required since the places would be allotted based on an established and commonly understood point system. Chip stacks would be irrelevant The main problem would be that more games would have to be played and that is probably why this system isn't used yet. If it were adopted I think that it would definitely favour the more skilled players as it would smooth out the variance somewhat.



    PS. I kept the money :p
  13. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    The idea of a wildcard should be to keep it as "wild" as points, no totals....

    The casinos where I play tournaments awarded wildcards by drawing....all those knocked out were entered into a drawing for wildcards....this was smart and because it kept you around even if you were knocked out early...

    the same method could be use online...
  14. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Barona final table

    The entire final table was wildcards.

    Adriana actually was knocked out in round one, was wildcarded into round two, was knocked out in round two and then wilcarded back in again in round three. From there she won her way all the way to the end and walked away with a pretty nice amount of cash and a $10,000 seat.

    John Blunt received a wildcard into the main event and then hit his second wildcard for a seat at the winner take all $10,000 table and won it.

    Overall, the wildcard had a lot to say about how the whole weekend there went.
  15. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Wow, that's amazing Ace. Were the number of wildcards known before the tourney? What were the chances of winning a wildcard if you were knocked out? How much impact does it have on tourney EV? Would it affect your overall strategy, for example could bet more aggressively and thus increase your risk of ruin but balance it out by getting wildcarded?


  16. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    wildcards and accumulation advances are good

    I have played in tourneys that had wild card advances - also tourneys where they advanced the highest chip total that didn't advance through elimination - both are just extra ways to get advanced to the final table - way I look at it - when you pay your entry fee/buy-in - you also buy into a lottery for advances and/or final table seats - for a skilled player - if you don't advance through winning - this can get you to a table - where you have another chance to advance/win - or - put a lesser skilled player at a higher level/final table and give you an advantage there - as you are playing against weaker players than if all the players had won their way to the table -

    wildcards and accumulation advances benefit skilled players -
  17. Stubbs

    Stubbs New Member

    Adriana played very well, but also had all the luck. Jade was knocked out in the first round as were most of the pros. In the first wildcard drawing she was chosen for the second round, and did not advance. Then on Sunday she was drawn again into the quaterfinals, it was totally her tourny to win.If I remember correctly there were 5 or 6 players that were drawn twice.

    Nothing against Adriana shes one of the nicest people i've met, but I dont like the fact that a player or players can be drawn then knocked and their name be put back in the draw. I understand why Barona has wildcard drawings which is fine, but if your lucky enough to be drawn and don't advance your name should not go back in the draw.

    Now I don't want anyone to think im ranting or upset because I wasen't drawn and they were. Im happy for them, but once is enough.

    Congats Adriana
  18. noman

    noman Top Member


    Understand your thought. Homever, if there are multiple wild card rounds, then anyone eliminated prior to that wild card draw is eligible.

    Some tourneys have only one wild card draw, some have two or three at different stages of the tourney. Some's wild cards are to the final table, some's are only to second round.

    MANYa tourney winner has been a wild card.

    Alternative: Tourneys without wild cards.

    And so it goes.
  19. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Just one minor correction. There were not 40 wildcard seats awarded during this event. Instead, I told Rick that there were probably 40 names drawn for wildcards. For example, after the finals, they drew 7 players to compete for a $10K TOC seat in November. To find 7 players, they actually drew 12 names. 5 of the people drawn had already left.

    I actually don't remember how many seats into the various rounds were awarded. Maybe 18 or so, including the final 7.
  20. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Almost made it to Barona

    But I took a turn at Disneyland Way for a 3 night 4 days stay with Mickey and Mini which cost me 5 times a Barona UBT entry. Well worth it tho its a great family adventure. Joe had made threats of putting me in yellow underwear that frankly scared the hell out of me!:laugh:

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