beau rivage 50k this weekend

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by lucky700r, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. lucky700r

    lucky700r New Member

    is this 50k dollar tournament still on? i have tried to call three times before making all my arrangements and after 20-30 minutes of waiting for someone to pick up i get frustrated. i dont see it on their website or anywhere and dont wanna make the ride for nothing.
  2. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    It's still on

    The tournament is still on. Bjbeauty and I registered by phone this past week. We also had to wait a long time to get through to reservations. You need a Beau player's club card to register - but you can obtain one by phone. The bad news is that you have to call another department.

    Good luck - and hope to see you there.
  3. lucky700r

    lucky700r New Member

    thanks, and i live in mobile so im only an hour away. got a room at the ip tomm and monday (free comp) ill be there mid day tommorow and get all signed in and a card. there is a small 1k dollar tournament at the hard rock at 6 tommorow 20.00 entry ill be playing in also
  4. Just in case you haven't played that Hard Rock tourny before, here is a head's up. The prize money is split up so that first place gets 50% and the other 50% is split up evenly among the other final table players.
  5. bjbeauty

    bjbeauty Member

    Congrats to Drbass

    Congrats to Drbass for winning the Beau last night. It was sold out with 366 entrants. A few potential players were even turned away after it filled up!
    The tournament was tough -- one advanced each round - and there were 30 hands a round.

    The BJT community was well represented - and the tournament was tightly run.
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Congrats DrBass! Great news!

    I was among the players turned away, despite having called to reserve a spot a couple of weeks ago. Their recent events haven't been full, so I didn't see any need to show up Sunday night to register. Lesson learned!

    Anyway, glad to hear the good result for DrBass. Nicely done!
  7. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Yes, Congrats......long overdue
  8. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member

    Yeah Drbass

    Congrats. Way to go. I was driving to Vicksburg last night when I heard you had won. I also heard there was a person at the final table with the last name of Bass.

  9. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member


    First time I ever played at the Beau tournament. They are very strict about hand signals in the tournament.

    On the very first hand at my first table, a guy split 10s, got a 10 and pointed to the 2nd 10 and was informed that he must take a card on his first 20 since he did not waive off the hand. Pretty strict.

    Also they play surrender at the shoe games. However, they do not recognize what I thought was the standard drawing a line behind your bet to surrender a hand. You must say surrender or they will deal you a card. They say they have never heard or seen the sign as a surrender.

  10. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    WOO HOO! Great job, DrBass! Wonderful news - and congrats!!! :celebrate
  11. Drbass

    Drbass Member


    Thanks all - I appreciate all the congrats. Hoping Larry, yes, there was another person at the table with the last name of Bass - the kicker is that his first name was Larry!

    The same thing about the hand signals occured several times at tables I played during the tournament. Anytime you pointed - you got a card - unless you had waved off the hand. It hurt several players who ignored the rule!

    BJ Beauty and I will be at the Fitz tourney in FEB. Hope to see many of you there.
  12. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Congratulations DrBass!

    Great job! We'll have to chat sometime..
  13. mociferous

    mociferous Member

    A winner!

    Congratulations, Dr. Bass! I was thinking about looking for you in Vegas this last week, but read you were going to be playing at that tounament...that's GREAT!:p
  14. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    How Nice!!

    That is so, so fine! Congratulations! We'll look forward to seeing you two at the Fitz. Poker Tournament @ 6 pm...2/25 @ Harrah's, maybe? ;) le/feiii
  15. Drbass

    Drbass Member


    Thanks again. We'll see you at the Harrah's poker tournament the night before the Fitz begins - where you excelled last time! Looking forward to it.

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