Beau Rivage - Holiday Hangover - Have Questions!?!?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by palkie, Dec 27, 2007.


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  1. palkie

    palkie Member

    Hi all - I hope I didn't miss a thread that discussed this - sorry if I did, I looked!

    I'm VERY CONFUSED :confused: about the posting for the Beau Rivage "Holiday Hangover" tourney in the events calendar, and just want to make sure the information is correct. I also hope someone (?ken? anybody??) can explain things to me.

    Does this tourney REALLY have ONLY a $50.00 dollar entry fee with a $50.00 rebuy?? Yet the prize pool is $50,000!?! With a 1st prize of $25,000!!?

    I can't see how the small entry fees would cover a prize pool this large - or am I missing something? Is the tourney expected to draw an enormous number of entries, or is the casino just throwing in a VERY LARGE AMOUNT of additional prize money??

    Also this is during the week - Sun thru Tues - which works great for me, but not most people with 'normal' schedules, so again, I'm confused! How to get enough players during the week?

    I'd love to play in this, and might have the time and the money - but it seemed too good to be true, so I wanted to check with more experienced folks before committing to anything!

    I also don't see any news of this on Beau Rivage's website, but that is a frequent problem with tourneys.

    I could understand if this were an INVITATIONAL tourney for the high rollers (which I am NOT!) - but it says OPEN. Is that wrong? Haven't called the casino - half the time this website and the members here know MORE than most of the casino employees!!

    So - help me out - what's up with this? If it's correct, isn't this an amazing tournament that should be supported? (along with the one at the Fitz, etc.)

    Thanks in advance for any info!
  2. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Open tournament

    I called the casino and was first told it was invitational only. However she told me to let her be sure. She put me on hold for about 5 minutes, and came back and said she was sorry but she was wrong. She said the tournament was an open event, but they had sent out many invitations with a comped entry and comped rooms. Without an invitation the entry fee is in fact only $50.00. Hope she is right as I plan on making the 6 hour drive.
  3. FMike756

    FMike756 New Member

    This is an annual event hosted by the Beau and yes the entry and rebuy are only 50 with a total purse of 50000. 1st place pays 25000 (a mixture of cash and table play chips).
    This is an excellent tourn. if you dont mind competing against 3 to 4 hundred contestants.Most of the local tournament players participate along with numerous comped players. The 50 entry makes for a good ev but out of towners that are not comped may pay a substantial amount for a room.
    Both my spouse and I are playing the tourn. She is buying into the tourn while my entry is comped with a room.
    If they hold to tradition, BEAU RIVAGE will host another tourn of this type in 3 to 4 months.
    Hope this may help anyone thinking of playing.
  4. palkie

    palkie Member

    Thanks for replies! Hope to play!

    Thanks for the replies folks.

    Yes except for having to pay for a room, this sounds like an excellent tourney and I may very well make the 4.5 hour drive from B'ham to play.

    Hopefully I can find rooms cheaper than Beau Riv's Rates, perhaps at the Grand or even a non-casino hotel. I find it a little of a hassle when I don't stay at the hotel hosting the event, but if it saves lots of $$ - then is well worth it.

    Since it is a Sun-Tues tourney, perhaps room rates will be more reasonable.

    Thank you again, and hope to join you there!
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Looks like delta and FMike have covered pretty much everything here. Yes, this tournament is a good deal, but it will draw a large field.

    As for the invitational or open part, the Beau is well-known for misinformation in that regard. If you're able to call and reserve a spot, you're all set. Just realize that you may need to call several times, or talk to several people to actually get someone who will agree to sign you up if you're not already invited.

    And, these events do tend to sell out, so call early.
  6. palkie

    palkie Member

    beau riv tourney -know a specific casino emp to ask re:eek:pen??

    Thanks for the additional info Ken - good to know. I'll call as soon as I firm up plans.

    Does anyone have suggestions on a specific casino employee who might REALLY be able to help me since I DON'T have an invitation?

    I know deltaduke called - do you remember who you spoke with? or know of a specific host to ask for?

    Also, will they let you reserve a spot by credit card, etc., or must you just get in line and hope for the best? If that is the case, it may not be worth the drive. I'd like to be assured I can get an entry.

    Of course I can always play in the small weekly tourneys if I can't get into this, I guess...
    or will all the players be at the Riv - leaving no players and prize $$ for the small tourneys???

    Thoughts, suggestions? Any help always appreciated!
  7. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    beau riv tournament

    I don't know the specific host I talked to, but I talked to 2 of them and got the same info from both. The number listed on the calendar is wrong (in any event I never got anyone at that number), the number I used was 228-386-7111 and asked for a table host. I was able to reserve a spot by using a players card from another MGM property since I had never been to the beau before. I had very little play on this card so it did not get me any special priviliges. I do not know if you can reserve a spot with a credit card if you do not have a MGM card. Good luck and hope you get in.

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