Beau Rivage Rogue Dealers 150k comeback kid

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by bjtour2011, Nov 13, 2011.

  1. bjtour2011

    bjtour2011 New Member

    Just note of what happened to me yesterday in the Quarterfinals. Dealer hits my 11 twice on hand 30 busting me out after winning the table. I had my left hand on my chips with my head down counting the chips to determine if double was needed...when I come up for air and look he already had hit me with a 8 for 19 and when I said what did you hit me for he rapid fired another card to bust me out. I had already won the table. They claim my left hand curled oround my chips with my index finger out motioned a hit. There has been multiple occurances of this always at hand 30 when a cash player would win over a highroller comped player. Although the the rules do no define what constitutes a point for a hit this gives them the opportunity to give extra card almost any time. This has to stop and if people could offer advice of how I can fight this. It cost me the semifinal table and a chance to win a portion of the 150,000 k $. Seasoned players say If the gaming commision is involved I will possible be barred. This casino uses our money
    to finance the enticement of the highrollers. I;m sick of the Seinfelds "hit nazis"
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm sure you'll get a lot of understanding nods from readers of your post, even if you don't get many responses because of fear of reprisal.

    This obsessive rule has been the bane of many players. I've seen players brand-new to the tournaments at the Beau leave the table swearing they'll never be back. Why on earth would you create a rule whose only purpose is to antagonize the players? Aren't the tournaments supposed to be fun?

    The staff gets some entertainment from the process apparently, but at what cost?

    If there is a true concern about ambiguous hand signals, there are better ways to handle it. They don't seem to need this ridiculous interpretation at the live tables, and they get along just fine.
  3. bjtour2011

    bjtour2011 New Member

    Beau Rivage Rogue Dealers

    I'm trying to talk to Warren, the Table Games Casino Manager, on Tuesday and first and foremost I'm going to explain my situation and other situations I've heard about involving the same problem. My goal is to put an end to these atrocities by getting him to put into the printed rules a definitive definition as to what is a point. Weather it is an index finger touching the felt next to your chips or scratching the felt, it can never be miscommunictated that a person gets a hit that they did not want. In my case I reached for my chips for a potential double down and was given a rapid fire two hits on an eleven busting my hand out without my knowledge. If you have a situation like this at the Beau that you want addressed in my
    Conversation with Warren please let me know.
  4. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member

    The Beau is just ridiculous in the way they treat hand signals as asking for a hit.

    I played in this tournament and saw the pointing rule enforced several times.

    Almost with out fail, the person was pointing at their chips and saying "How much do I have out there, at the same time?" They were going to split or double. The pointing to ask how much is a natural occurence playing Blackjack. However, under the Beau's rules it does not matter what the person says they get a card. This is extremely irritating to the person on this scenario.

    About the only thing good for you as a player, is that if you religiously follow the rules, then occasionally you will get a slight advantage as the rule is enforced to another person's deficit.

    They should at least ask the person when there are unclear signals "What is it you want to do?" I can see this as being fairer.

  5. bjtour2011

    bjtour2011 New Member

    The rules only say standard blackjack beau rivage rules apply and that you need to wave off a non hit. There is nothing in the rules about pointing, they do not fire off hits in the cash games like they do in the tournaments. i ESSENTIALLY HAD A LOCK ON THE TABLE AND WAS DOUBLE CHECKING BEFORE I MOTIONED. The dealer hit my 11 with a 8 while i was looking at others chips when i came up i asked the dealer how did i get that card he hit my 19 with a 7 to bust me out the dealer snatched my chips so fast it was scary. The to people held on stiffs and the dealer turned over a 17. My first hit won the table for me. So not only did I not motion for one hit , when he hit me with the second card he knew he screwed me. All the people behind me wittnessed in disbelief an the lady sitting to the right of me said that I did nothing remotely signalling a hit.
  6. Boy, this news certainly makes me cautious about giving one of the Beau's tournys a try. Thanks for the heads up.
  7. bjtour2011

    bjtour2011 New Member

    Ken I guess you were right, many views few replies, I was hoping someone would be willing to stand up for me from past experiences or possibly someone who actually wittnessed this gross tragedy for me on saturday.
    The couple of people I know that did see this up close that I asked to vouch for me really suprised me and let me down and wanted no part of challenging the Beau for there own fear of retribution and them being potentially banned.
    All I can say is Karma will eventually take place for you guys. If there is anyone who can help me for the good of the game and the potential to straighten out the Beau's tournament situation I'm the one willing to stick my neck out in the name of principle. Doesn't everybody understand for everytime someone doesn't report this it insures a potential incident might happen to yourself.
    I thought it could never happen to me as I was SO VERY AWARE of their misdeeds. Ask the guy who was given a card on a hard 21 to bust him from a semifinal table as he rejoiced in his win.
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I've been following this thread with interest but cannot help you in your quest to have someone "stand up for you" since I've never been to this place to witness such dishonest activity. BUT - quite frankly, if I were in your shoes, I'd take them to the mat on this. So what if they throw you out? Do you really want to risk your time and $$$ in a joint that openly cheats like that anyway?

    When Choctaw screwed Monkeysystem and I out of our earned seats in their finale BJT, I'd have caused them NO end to headaches by screaming to the state Gaming Commission as long and as loud as possible. But since it's a self-regulated Native American joint, it would have been pointless to think they'd rule against themselves. Since you aren't shackled by such a limitation, you have options that we did not.

    You've already done the BJT community a service by raising the warning flag for anyone considering a future Beau event, as pointed out by Rebel. Consider taking it further by holding their feet to the fire for openly cheating cash entrants to help their favored players.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2011
  9. noman

    noman Top Member

    What's A Mother To Do?

    Leftnut is spot on. I can recall many tournaments where I encountered egregious "favoritism,"
    beyond simple mistakes or outright incompetance

    I won't belabor them, or recite a history of tournaments intention.

    But a lesson is: know as much about how a location runs it's event as one knows about strategy and the percentages. Either for your cost and EV or maybe just live practice, you choose to enter, or return and outwit "them," or you run away and live to fight another day in a more favorable battle.
  10. bjtour2011

    bjtour2011 New Member


    The person who posted last said it the best, buyer beware. I was discussing
    essentially the similiar thought pattern and decided unless the hit rule changes to be very specific, personally I can only justify the 50k $50 buy in which offer the best equity bet and putting my hands behind the table and first verbalizing my move and only when I'm prepared to act, actually do what ever it is very quick and seamlessly. Risking $500 or $1000 as in this tournament would be shame on me if I did it again. By the way I never did get to speak to the Casino Table Games Mgr Warren and am still waiting for a phone call or email back from him. He was supposed to be out of town for this week so I contacted his executive secretary and she suggested an email which I drafted and sent on Monday. Although I'm suprised at the ratio of views to posts I would like the thank the few that did post for their words of wisdom, you guys were right on.
  11. BlackJackWhoreDog

    BlackJackWhoreDog New Member

    It's really a shame that these shannigans happen in these casinos. Like Ken said, just imagine them pulling that **** on a "live table". The Beau goes way over board on this hand signal "you point you will get a card " BS. I can only imagine that at some time early on they must have gotten burned by this and have incorporated into their current assinine way of handling hand signals.

    I would "sit on my hands" and then first verbally and also with eye contact voice what your intentions are and then make a "DISTINCT" hand gesture to "confirm" your verbal decision.
  12. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member


    Just a "bump" for this thread. There's a new BJT posting in the Calendar Updates for this place (thanx, hopinglarry!) so anyone considering it might want to think about this first.

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