Best Bet to advance ?EBJ

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by chash11, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. chash11

    chash11 New Member

    This situation comes up often.All players about even in chips and its the elimination hand (8). You act last and everyone uses the secret bet option. Player A:1400,B:1550, C:1300,D:1400,E:1600 &ME:1400 ??.Min.Bet is $100 with a Max. of $1000. What is my best bet,strongest bet, to survive elimination.Two will advance. We have been told by our mentor that there is ALWAYS a better bet. Having a hard time figuring out the best in this example so my bet was half the MAX, $500. Did I goof or Just think i did.I used the"When in doubt put it out" tactic. HELP>P>P.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2008
  2. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    That's What I Do

    My goal in EBJ games is to survive elimination hands cheaply, unless I'm so far behind the leaders that I'll need a big hand to get back in it at some point. You can either bet the minimum and surrender a lot of hands or you can bet what you think is your opponents' average small bet and play correlation blackjack.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    In that particular case, I like a minimum bet here in the open. No need to waste your valuable secret bet when noone bets behind you. Even though the bets are secret, you will hopefully be able to see most of the actions in front of you. (Unless they all choose secret actions.) If any of the three $1300-$1400 bankroll players ahead of you busts, you can surrender to guarantee your survival.

    If none of them busts, you can play your hand to attempt to swing at least one of them. If you swing any of the three, or half-swing them (push/lose or win/push), you're also guaranteed to survive.

    You come out of the hand (hopefully) with secret bet intact, having taken no bankroll risk to survive.

    If you didn't have the luxury of late button on this hand, I would probably prefer a more aggressive bet.

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