best way to learn tournament bj

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by glinda, Aug 26, 2005.

  1. glinda

    glinda New Member

    I have been playing regular blackjack for a few years. Recently I was surprised to receive an invitation from one of my favorite casinos to a tournament that I am unable to attend. I don't know how to play tournament BJ so I searched out this website for help. What is the best book or method to learn to play a tournament? I'd like to do my homework before I play in one, assuming I will be invited to another tournament.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Get Wong's book

    The standard way most members of this site learned to play tournament blackjack was by the following book:

    Casino Tournament Strategy​
    by: Stanford Wong​

    But be prepared to spend a considerable amount of time studying and memorizing before you are ready to play. Treat it like a school text book. You can't just read it once and expect to know all it contains.

    The book can be found on Ken Smith's other web site:

    Good Luck!
  3. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Get the software too

    Stanford Wong published Tournament Blackjack. Though it doesn't allow surrender, and the AI's can be somewhat predictable, it's still a good way to familiarize yourself with the principles in his book.

    BJ Insider is an online magazine that contain lots of articles in its archives about blackjack tournament strategy. Most of the articles were written by Ken Smith, the administrator of this site.

    Sign up and play online tournaments at Global Player Casino, at It's cheap and the human opponents, some of them elite tournament players, are better than the AI's on Wong's software.

    Good luck!
  4. shipman

    shipman Member

    I've Done It

    I Learned The Book And I Qualified For The Million Dollar Tourney At The Hilton!! I Didn't Learn Everything In The Book But Still Qualified!! I Then Went On To Making It To The Second Table! So I Highly Recomend Reading That Strategy Book!! :1st:
  5. glinda

    glinda New Member

    thank you for replying
  6. glinda

    glinda New Member

    Great! Hope your luck continues!
  7. woodstown

    woodstown New Member

    bj tourn

    I strongly recommend Stanford Wong's book Casino Tournament Strategy and to practice the sit and go tournaments on global player casino. I know the bj tournament section like the back of my hand and it has contributed to my attaining four 1st place three 2d and three 3d place and one top 10 on the global player leaderboard in its 11 week existance plus several weeklies and a mini in Las Vegas under tbird62. Just be prepared mentally for the live tournaments to go a lot faster between hands and to be able to count chips coupled with all types of distractions in your decison making.

    Good luck and practice practice practice and study
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Play in some mini-tournaments

    Glinda if your close enough to the casinos where you can go play in some of the weekly mini-tournaments is the best way to learn about tournament play. Then I would suggest reading Stanfords book.

    For me I like to get the feel first, then read about what I had just gone through. It seem to help me understand more about what the author is saying.

    Once again this is just my opinion and if your even close enough to go play in a weekly mini event. If not I would try Global-Player casino (Online). They offer an elimination style tournament on Wed. & Sun., plus daily Sit & Go tournaments for as low as $15 + $1 fee per tournament. They offer live chat with other players that will help you during play.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2005
  9. glinda

    glinda New Member

    I am looking forward to trying my first tournament, but I am not ready yet. I will definitely read the book. I am close enough but don't have a lot of free time to get to the casinos as often as I'd like. I haven't done online gambling yet. This online site seems to be the recommended one.
    Thanks again for all input.
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    I brought this thread up to today's date (3-13-06) so you can see how others responded to a similar question about getting started. Good Luck.
  11. toggaahh

    toggaahh New Member

    Thanks a lot. I knew I really loved bj when after she broke my heart and still I came back... You guys are super here.
  12. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    You are right

    You are right toggaahh I am a super guy. Why can't I get my wife to agree with you though. :D
  13. jim grass

    jim grass New Member

    QUOTE.....For me I like to get the feel first, then read about what I had just gone through. It seem to help me understand more about what the author is saying.

    Absolutely excellent advice if theres a blackjack event to participate in.


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