Bet 21 backs out at midnight...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Rando21, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Just logged on to Bet 21 and noticed they canceled the remaining Midnight 1000 dollar guarentee pots....for 1.10

    There were several more on the schedule...and in fact the intro page still lists the 1.10 Midnight special for 1000 dollars...but I looked at the schedule and they have all been canceled and replaced by some higher amount games.

    I wonder how hard it will be to get the money returned for those that had already signed up for these "guarenteed" events???

    I would have signed up but I wont deposit any more money with this group until they settle past issues with my account.

    So far they have payed lip service ...and that appears to be all they intend to do...

    Im not surprized by this latest action....actually it was a great game...a loss leader that was a smart idea ....whoever pulled the remaining few games is probably the same bonehead in charge of Customer Service.

    Bad Form Bet 21!

    You're going.... You're're............

    First it was deposit bonus lies...then a buggy BJ game, book bonus lie..

    You are taking a great game idea and killing the fu^&&% out of it....Good job...NOT!
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2006
  2. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Check your account

    My account was creditied for all the $1.10 amounts I registered for that were cancelled.
  3. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Did they bother to tell you why they canceled Ace...?

    They operate like the worst of the worst of the worst B&M.

    Maybe internet gambling does need restricting if this kind of behavior is the norm.

    As for St Kitts you gonna play in a 200 dollar sat if you do win a $5 seat???? No ones signing up for the 200 seats.

    Maybe they wiil hold a game with all the 5 dollar some later point....or maybe after you win ...they will silently refund your $5.50 to your account and silently forget their promise....its becoming a habit for them.

    Silence is golden...for them...
  4. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Well said!
  5. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Just talking about getting money back

    I was just pointing out that I didn't get ripped off.

    As far as the way they run things, that's a different story.
  6. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    You didnt get ripped off for your 1.10 bet....but what about your chance at your share of the thousand dollar pot????

    This is the latest ad from Bet 21...

    "This might be the world’s most exciting freeroll. Play on in October you could win your share of $100,000, and then we’ll send you to Hollywood to be on TV. We’re flying the entire final table out to be filmed for the Ultimate Blackjack Tour’s national TV show. Play in any of our daily qualifiers in month of October and you could be the next star of UBT!. Stay tune for more details." is October 3rd right?

    I guess the 1st, 2nd , and 3rd are not really days in October...or maybe they got Bill Clinton defining words for them...Lets see daily means that if you have it on one day ...ahhh....urrrrrrr...I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN!!!

    Who manages this operation?
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Let's be fair...

    Now if any of us owned and we just got hit with the news they did, I believe we would have canceled the $1,000 guaranteed tournaments also.

    Now as far as the other satellite events, they do have poor timing and no advance advertising. First time we knew anything about them was today, (after most everybody pulled their funds out), then the players that still have funds over there don't know anything about these events.

    Who is managing this company? I have a picture in my head of the TV commerical where the monkeys are heading the business and they just turn the chart over, it makes me laugh...LOL

    Really guys, come on already, we will play if we know about the tournaments, at least as long as the goverment lets us.
  8. AZdrew

    AZdrew New Member

    $1000 guarantee now $200

    You had to know that even if the site remained untouched,they couldnt keep paying out $1000 every night when they only take $225. There is now a $200 guaranteed p/f in it's place for the same buy-in. Good thing I took 4th on Sunday! I was signed up for tonight,but the money has been refunded. I'll use it to play in tonight's tourney...if it doesnt get canceled...but I have pulled the rest of it out. Nice going,Dubya.
    My question now is will they still stage the St Kitts final freeroll on Monday,or give the spot away in Saturday's UBT?
  9. tgun

    tgun Member

    good thing

    Good thing I took 2nd last nite. ($233.64)

  10. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    We all know you cant stay in business taking in 200 and giving away a grand....but this was an advertizing promotion....

    It is simply wrong to offer it , have people signed up and then cancel guys would hit the roof if your B&M did that!

    I dont supose the news is all that good...but in reality I know there will be a loophole discovered and exploited...I mean you already are not allowed to gamble vie wire, unregulated but fact of matter ...its going gangbusters.

    This is about broken promises...they have been doing it from the start ...deposit bonus, Aruba free roll notification, book bonus, canceled promo bonus games...(tonights scheduled 1000 guarentee??) What is guarenteed again???

    A good business should handle its problems...not ignore them...they still dont have the bugs worked out of this program...

    No one loves this game more than me...but Im watching it being killed...

    Its not ok to ignore the problems...a few mistakes ..ok....but this is crazy.

    Sometimes a little heat to the bottom of the feet gets things moving in the right direction...

    Right now they are screwing up daily....

    So do you want the band to play another song as the Titanic sinks...or would you rather build a skiff out of the piano wood???

    Thats me ...trying to build a skiff and bitchin the whole time...hey it runs in my family.;-)
  11. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    This Email came from a UBT Team member:
    Want a chance to win a free trip to the exotic Caribbean island of St Kitts? Tonight is offering just that for the winner of the $200+$15 Elimination Blackjack Tournament taking place on their site at 8 pm PST. 1st prize includes airfare, accommodation, and the $2,700 buy-in and entry fee to the Bet21 St Kitts Classic UBT Tour Championship, which takes place from November 2-3, 2006. As the first ever Bet21 qualifier, this is likely to be an overlay (a positive-expectation play). Sincerely,
    The Las Vegas Advisor Team

    Huntington Press
    3665 S Procyon St
    Las Vegas, NV 89103
    What overlay if they don't get enough entrys to cover they cancel!!!.
    All these Lies, mistruths or whatever you want to call them , no wonder they can 't get 30 players. And this from UB a site with over 16,000 signed on at this moment and a company that makes more profit in one hour than Harrah's does in a day. It is not like they don't know how to run a gambling site, they just are not doing it on their BJ. When Party Poker started up they had a Million dollar freeroll to draw customers and did not have a minimum number of entrys. UB needs to get it right or get out of the ballgame.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2006
  12. AZdrew

    AZdrew New Member

    WTG tgun

    Nicely done. I hope we get to see our money!
  13. toonces

    toonces Member

    The LVA team is very good about letting their readers know about tournaments with overlays ahead of time. I believe that in this case, Anthony wasn't thinking about the 30 person minimum that has for their tournaments, or he would not have posted that. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt here.
  14. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    He was at my table in the first round and brought that up. Someone mentioned it and he stood corrected.

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