Bet 21 Bonus Money

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Fred or anyone else that wants to call into the radio show tonight to talk about the "Bonus Money" are more than welcome.I would assume that Fred will take me up on this invitation.

    Next Thursday night our guest will be Adriana Jade who is currently the #1 ranked player on the All In Magazine player ranking standings

    links to the show


    numbers to the show

    toll free

    past show can be heard at under gambling info "Be In Action"

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2007
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I've got plans!

    Sorry Joe, I’ve actually got something to do tonight. But since I can’t call in I figured I’d actually give you some advance questions for the show:

    1. Since is, “the place to play elimination blackjack” why wasn’t any thought given to keeping track of people’s BJ play in the beginning?

    Isn’t that like going to Burger King and being told, “Our hamburgers are coming soon but instead wouldn’t you like a tofu burger with those fries?”

    2. Since they’ve updated the software on several times, how come no one bothered to updated the deposit bonus situation.

    3. Couldn’t they ( just pay someone to look through the 100 or so active accounts and formulate a spreadsheet. I mean how hard is that? Since the headquarters of is in Costa Rica they can pay that person like $5 for 24 hours of work.


    I’d also like to ask Kenny E, “So Kenny, if I use the link on YOUR site to sign up and play Elimination Blackjack, will I get the promised $650 deposit bonus from YOU or will I simply have to wait for the $350 deposit bonus from Oh yeah, did you find those guys who stole all the Play to Win books that never got mailed?” :joker:

    PS Thanks for the "free" subscription to All In for winning the radio show contest. You were right it WAS free - to you! :laugh:
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Did the fity tourney dollars do the job? Or is FG just to hangover from a night out? Don Peyote MIA :)

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