Bet Size

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    TX, Can you please explain how bet size favors one player over another? If everyone starts with the same number of chips and everyone knows the number of hands why would smaller max bets favor one player over another?
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I know from personal experience a no max bet limit makes it easier for all ins to catch you and pass you on last hands or whenever. Also, for me it makes me have to think more when there is a bet limit. I have a bad habit of overbetting during games with lets say a 3/5 bet limit. I tend to put put 50% during lunging which might be out of ratio. I gotta get ahold of this before River Palms as I read Tex will throw away any overbets! Just me but a low max bet level is harder to manage.
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ok, but what happens when a player max bets hand 1, wins, max bet hand 2 and wins, etc..

    When the rules are the same for everyone I don't understand how lower betting limits favor one person over another. :confused:
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Why I prefer low max bets

    Starting out with a $500 bankroll and having betting limits of $5 to $200 make it more strategic betting.

    Lets say a player strategically bets to get over a $200 bet lead. Now they should be in a very nice situation and be able to make a bet where unless they get swung should win the match, however without a max bet limit your opponent can just go all in and with any luck beat you.

    I feel that if we want tournament BJ to succeed we need to make it where more strategy controls the game than luck. What I am saying is there needs to be more control over the game where players can maneuver and create favorable situations without a chance of get beat by dumb luck on the end. I think we will get more players if we make the tournaments more controlled.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2007
  5. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    A tournament format should be designed to marginalize the adverse impact bombers can have on strategic players. If there's no max bet limit then the winner is simply BR1 if he wins the last hand or the luckiest if he doesn't. No skill there, just go all in.

    If the max bet is too small a fraction of the bankroll it's less risky to be a bomber because they can recover from initial losses. It seems if bankrolls inflate to about five or more max bets the result is a max bet double down lottery. May the best cards win.

    A max bet from 1/3 to 1 starting bankroll seems to keep the bombers under control.

    The main rule I like is allowing surrender. I dislike face down double down or pitch games. I also dislike 2:1 BJ's.

    Secret bets put a premium on the skill of reading opponents; an important skill for a card player. But they deny information to skilled players, so they're a mixed bag.
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Now its all making sense,this could also be why you think Las Vegas is all lights.The lower the bankrolls are and the lower the max bet is,the more skillful the format is.Your choice to only play $1 tournaments may be in your best interest.:laugh:
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Big man, I always wonder what size games you could afford without the tape recorder and the gavel. :)
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Tail Chaser

    Actually prior to the tape recorder and gavel I played all the tournaments no matter how big the entry fees were.Since the recorder and gavel I now have a bigger home and faster cars and a swimming pool to cool off in. Is there anything else you need to know? Since you follow my every move like a little 'Puppy Dog". Get a life :joker:

  9. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    No Joe

    Lets examine the facts, it is a matter of public record here on BJT. Between you and Lou there is a directed concentration on me. I post an opinion and you attack. I ask a question you attack. Then I respond. At least for me I know you have Barney on your mind. Why else would you post my real name here and there? You know everything about me and want more? You know darn well the tape recorder and the gavel have got you shunned from many games via the 86. I think the reason, JMO now, you defend UBT answering only the questions you see fit is without it you would be playing only Video and Slot tournaments. :joker:
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Let The Truth Be Told

    I correct your false and inaccurate statements concerning UBT/Bet21 it only seems to you that I pick and chose the questions that I answer.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2007
  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Oh Joey

    I never poster your real name here don't LIE now"

    No here and there is a term, I dont think you have done more than post my initials on, but you have posted my name many times elsewhere. Just more proof you are a Big Man. No wonder you are so popular!:laugh:

    "The gavel like I have told you before is just another form of an advantage play that is way over your head."

    Way over my head Im sure. Real hard. Lots of brains needed. What a job you have, so noble.:vomit:
  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Guys what does a tape recorder, gavel, 1.00, etc... Have to do with the question I asked?

    I think its a good question - MonkeySystem gave a good answer but I'm not convinced it makes a difference - but from my experiences at final tables where the limits are 1,000 to 100,000 versus the 500 to 25,000 I know it DOES make a difference.

    Please take the squabbles outside - hey have vegetable fight over at HD's place ok? :joker:

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2007
  13. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    theoretically - bet size, min/max bets, etc. - should all be relative to bankroll size - but since you play UB/Bet21 online - you know people play/bet differently with the larger bankrolls in the final hands - they tend to bet smaller percentages of their BRs in the early hands - purely psychological - having max bets set at a portion of your starting BR does change the game - you need to track the BR gaps much more carefully - since you can't just chunk out all your chips to make up a deficit - and the drunk-all-in-guys don't have as much opportunity to take you out on the last hand with an all-in bj - I think reasonable betting limits relative to starting BRs - such as Rick is setting up for his tourneys - does emphasize skill -

    but a lot depends on what you are used to - most of the earlier tourneys I played - Yuma and Golden Acorn - do not have max bet limits - so I learned to play under these conditions - it took a while to learn to adjust to tourneys with max bet limits - I still need to focus on which type of tourney I am playing in - and remember to adjust my play accordingly -
  14. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So should your bets be a percentage of BR? I’m talking about the few hands BEFORE Elimination hands (EH). For example with, min 500 max 25,000. The min bet is 2% of BR. For final tables the min bet is 1% of BR.

    No max bet limits? I guess you either had some REALLY high total scores or lots of ploppies bombing out all over the place!

    With a no max bet are you saying to simply “chunk it out there?” It would seem to me that in these cases the “ploppy” action would likely bust out rather quickly.

    Having max bets less than BR seems congestive to me. I guess its from my experiences at Global – do you ever remember when people “bombed out” prior to the final 3 or 4 hands? It seemed that most players simply put it (betting) on autopilot until the final 5 hands.

    Surrender – I just ASSUMED this was available at the last live event I played, the GN. I planned a double my lead minus a chip, hoping to lure other players into making bigger bets. When I got my stiff I attempted to surrender (this is like hand 13 of 20) and I was told, “we don’t have surrender here” OOPS!

    I LIKE the secret bet and the power chip as I think BOTH are useful for skilled players. Does it deny information, yes but they neutralize the button position which seems to find me like white on bread!

    I don’t think I’d like a no max bet limit – course I’ve never played in one of those.
  15. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    I was thinking more

    of regular tbj than ebj - where you have more hands for the probabilities to work out - not just the final hands or before elimination hands - I try to size my bets relative to the other players' - within limits - if they are chunking out chips - with all in/max bets - I will usually counter-bet with a minimum bet - otherwise will go a little lower than the average - but this is not fixed - if everyone is going low/mimimum bets - I will usually try to have one of the higher bets out - either way trying to open up a gap between myself and the other players by betting a little differently - if they go low - I go a little higher - if they go high I go a little lower - hopefully in my favor - if I fall behind - well - that's what progressions/all-in bets are for - with a reasonable max bet - you just can't come from behind as easily - so have to be careful to bet large enough to keep people in range - maybe make a move earlier - with no max bet - you can always go all-in to catch up or crash out -

    playing in no max bet tourneys - I find over a longer series of hands - that the all-in/wild betters may run up a lead - but more often than not - just lose it back and crash out before we get to the final hands - they just can't sit on their leads - thing is with no max bet - you can wait longer - as you can come back from further behind -

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