Bet21 - Big Money Guarantees back in a limited form

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by toonces, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. toonces

    toonces Member

    Good news! - Bet21 is making a good marketing decision with respect to it's higher stakes tournaments. They are bringing back guaranteed amounts for the tournaments, even thought the guarantees are quite a bit lower than they used to be. Most of the added guarantees are for between 20 to 30 people. While it isn't as good as it used to be, it pretty much guarantees that the tourney will not be cancelled, since there will still be very nice overlays if there are only 12 or 15 registered.

    I was actually going to recommend this to Bet21. The fact is they were losing money or breaking even on most of their $50 or $100 tournaments for several months, so I am impressed that they found a good compromise that should work in our favor.

    I believe the new guarantees start on Tuesday.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    That's good news. You know, I actually hope these events AREN'T overlays. In other words, I hope the guarantees now push the participation above the breakeven point for Bet21 for good. While the extra value is nice, I'd rather have the players.
  3. toonces

    toonces Member

    I agree Ken. Like I said, the best part about the guarantee now is that the events are just about "guaranteed" to go off. I think most people you prefer the tournaments end up with at least 30 people. I would give up the overlay to see a regular 30+ people in the tournaments.
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Count me in on that too! The frustrating part is to register for a tourney, wait...wait...wait and find out it is cancelled :mad:

    The two guarenteed 2500 nightly events had a good overlay but I understand them losing money so they cancel it. Personally I'd rather see more of the 1,000 guarenteed events - they seem to get almost to a break even number
  5. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member


    Ditto that--hope to see this draw the players. With players we at least have a game and a "pot" to go after so glad to see them doing this as well.

    And also--thanks for posting this Toonces. This is what makes this site a great resource!
  6. hoff21

    hoff21 New Member

    Very happy about the fact that it is "guaranteed" that these tournaments will actually go off!
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    1,000 guarentee

    We actually got a 2:15 going! 15 players so it was a nice overlay

    The higher buy-in assures they don't lose too much money and with only 5 more players they would have made $.

    Nice way to use those tourney dollars :p

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