Bet21 Bonus Dollars

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Sidekick, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Can we consider this topic dead now with Bet21?

  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I don't get it? Are you giving up on the bonus money that owes you? I'd love to consider it dead - just have them live up to the promise(s) that they made.

    Personally I think that if I were Joe Pane or Hollywood Dave I'd be really pissed off. WHY? Those two went out of their way, put their names/reputations on the line and said the bonuses would be paid by 1. The end of 2006 and 2. The end of February.

    They got lied to. Don't give me this bit about software updates and all that crap. I've noticed that updates it's software several times a month. How freaking hard is it to just pay what we're owed?

    I don't even want cash - pay my bonus dollars in tourney dollars! I doubt it would be THAT painful for them.

    Sidekick, I'd LOVE to stop complaining about the bonus dollars - If YOU know anyone tell them to pay the players and we'll stop bitching.

    Personally if it weren't the only game in town I'd boycott them but what choices do we have? :confused:
  3. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    My take on this is that giving their players the bonus dollars will put into too big a hole right now, and that's why the topic is being avoided. They could easily be looking at $25,000 or more in bonus dollars owed. They've continously lost money on most of their tournaments, since they never got to the break-even point with them. They fail to let their players know about new developments, tournament payouts, etc. Their marketing is non-existent. I know it's been said here before, but a simple blast email to their players, when they create new "guarantee" tournaments, for example, would go a long way.

    Questions: Does get any money for participating in the UBT, or is it the opposite, where they have to pay for a license? What is their business plan? Are they making money hand over fist with their regular BJ games and poker games/tourneys? And what investment was made by the team of pros who represent them?
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I agree 100% but only relies on for their e-mail notifications.

    Ted these are delicate questions and you must be careful or you will inflict the wrath of the BJ Gods! :eek:

    We've talked about it before: No one knows who owns At first the general thought process was, "who cares? It's a cool game, it's fun to play, they're having multiple freerolls, including a 50,000 in St. Kitts, a 100,000 in LA, etc... The party was good - while it lasted.

    Then uncle Sam and UGIEA closed the door to lots of potential customers and that's when things started getting - well......

    Their business plan - well it's to ....hold EBJ tourneys....yeah that's it....we'll hold LOTS of EBJ tourneys and....well it worked for it started's a really good we just can't pay our bonuses right now....but if you give me a burger today I'll pay you tomorrow....:laugh:

    Are they making money hand over fist? I couldn't tell you but between Archie and Me they've gotten a lotta rake. Problem is the EV was too good early on. From what I've seen on the BJ games THAT'S where they're making $. Of course if you crank up the dealer and the tourneys are over faster there's more rake - but that can't happen its just a statistical anomoly!

    What BJ pro's own Do YOU know something we don't?
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    This was interesting. must have updated their software. Two changes noted: 1. when you get eliminated your spot lights up red just like does and 2. When you advance from a round it automatically takes you to a table where you sit and wait. These two changes must have required a software update.

    Funny how they enhance the playing visuals on the site but they can’t update our accounts to give us credit for the “rake”. Ain’t that just grand?

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