bet21 check arrives in one week

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by TedinNaples, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    On July 5th, I sent a request to to withdraw some funds from my account. In the past, these withdrawals would take about three weeks to receive. I was in Las Vegas from July 10 through this morning. Well, as I was going through my accumulated mail today, to my pleasant surprise, in the stack was the bet21 check. The check was cut on July 9, postmarked that same day, and must have arrived in Florida on or about July 12. So it took only one week -- not three -- for this latest check to arrive. Now if only my bonus money...
  2. eliburk

    eliburk New Member

    me too

    I have been having that experience pretty regularly now - maybe since early June with UB (I take out money quite often so as not to leave much in there if anything happens) - I only fear that I might accidentally throw one of their checks away as the way it comes in that plain envelope and everything almost looks like junk mail. :eek:

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