contact information?

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TXtourplayer, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Is there a number to contact customer service?

    I have never seen a site with no customer service number listed before, I'm I just missing it somewhere?

    I have sent e-mails to them, but still have never been contacted back. It is listed that they will get back with me ASAP, however it has been several days without a word.

    Is this common for not to reply back very fast?
  2. Archie

    Archie New Member

    They always answered to me inside 2 business days, except the last time (3 weeks ago) where it took a week and a reminder to get an answer on a live play issue. They seems to be well staffed because the person answering is different most of the time. As for the phone contact, I never searched for it and never felt the need yet to speak to them in person, but you raise an interesting point : on the other sites that I've tried (Blackjack21 and Get 21), they list a phone number to contact CS.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Still haven't heard back from them...

    I just needed a simple question answered. It has nothing to do with books being promised at sign-up or bonuses, it was just a simple question and I can't even get contacted back about that. I didn't have any problems with (at least not till now).

    I have sent two e-mails in the regular question section and the last one using the "Live Play" section, just to see if I could get a reply from that section, but still nothing.

    I have given up of a "FAST" reply, (that boat sailed over a week ago...LOL). I would however like some type of a reply to my question.

    Maybe I am just spoiled after playing at Global for so long and having Pumi answer and correct problems within 30 minutes to and hour for everyone. Plus they offered live help online and phone numbers if you needed to call in.

    I understand that every business may have problems that just happen. How I judge a company is how they handle their problems and so far doesn’t seem to be handling any of the customers problems, judging from my personal experience and from the posts I keep reading.

    Sure free rolls and guaranteed tournaments are wonderful, but really impress us and take care of your customers and I'd be a lot more impressed. Global messed up several times, but as I pointed out above, the players were taking care of FAST and fair.

    This is just an observation, but maybe it is time to cut back on advertising and sponsorships for the players and tournaments and start hiring a bigger customer service staff that can handle complaints, sending out promised items to players still waiting.

    Here is a hypothetical question?

    What happens if folds their tent up during the middle of the night and never heard from again?

    I know several players have told me they are sending home most of their money and leaving only a small amount in their account because of this fear.
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    My posts and others have indicated that CS is acceptable - what posts are you reading TX?

    Here's a hypothetical response - we'd lose our money!

    But what if Neteller folds their tent up during the middle of the night and is never heard from again?

    What if the Russians fire nuclear weapons at the US tonight?

    Who shot JR?

    Personally TX, if you e-mailed ME that question about shutting down and closing shop, I wouldn't answer you either! :rolleyes:

    I don't know why CS hasn't responded and I know that it can be very frustrating. In fact lack of CS at was the main reason I stopped playing over there. I e-mailed them several times, along with PM's and other things. They ignored me and I got p.o.'d. I collected my marbles and went away.

    Thank God for America where we have those options. If you are THAT concerned with your hypothetical then don't keep money there. If you don't like a site then don't play it - PERIOD.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Trying to get some help...

    Fgk, I asked a simple question about a policy at (I haven't listed my question publicly).

    Now as far as the questions I did post publicly, I see no problem with asking what I did. I was hoping for a reply from someone from

    You remarked about neteller folding up and what players would do in that case, at least they would know who they were dealing with and have phone numbers to contact them, which was the point I was making about, no one knows who owns them or how to contact them by phone.

    You have posted about the promised bonuses that they still haven't paid anyone, all I posted about was the lack of customer service I have or I should say haven't received.

    TXtourplayer doesn't play at because of all the issues posted on this site since the beginning, however I didn't start off playing Global either until they got most of the bugs out.

    I asked a question, because I was ready to try their site. However since no one at customer service has still gotten back with me, I can only assume they still have a few bugs to iron out.

    Again it is my hope that someone from will contact me or at least one of their sponsored players who read this site will contact them about the problem I am having.

    Here is something else to think about, every other site has had someone from their site post on They had someone who post replies to questions asked by the members, however NO ONE from has ever replied back to any of the members here.
  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Not a problem

    Not True! Golden Palace NEVER had anyone on this site. The only site with someone on a REGULAR POSTING basis is with Daniel Valentine. has Bear with a total of 14 posts
    Globalplayer had Pumi with a total of 7 posts has Daniel Valentine with a total of 31 posts

    I don't care if has someone post here on not. Would it be nice? Darn right but hardly necessary.
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    This is why...

    When I sent my question, I told them I was registrered, but hadn't deposited money yet.

    I told them I was interested in making a deposit, but I would like to ask one question before I made my deposit.

    So "Yes" I feel they should have replied back to me by now.

    And as far as Golden Palace, they do have a rep that post's here regularly, his name is Ken Smith!
  8. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Nope, I'm no rep for Golden Palace.
    Yes, I did an ad for them, but I am no longer a spokesperson for GP.
  9. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    here we go again...

    Tex, i get it. You'd like things to be firing at 100% over at Bet21. Hell, we all would. But you know what? They're firing pretty damn high right now already, and the end of the last few concerns is in sight.

    I don't wanna start a huge thing here, because I know how sensitive an issue it is to be promised a large deposit bonus and then have the conditions of that bonus change after the fact -- but I can honestly tell you, they're working on it. its not something that they're hoping people will forget about, and its not something they're trying to get out of. The problem lies in the fact that they've had to write all-new tracking software, since the UltimateBet client the skin was based on didn't have tracking software for elimination blackjack tournaments, since that wasn't part of the gameplan over at UB. So rather than wait for UB to come up with new software, Bet21 is doing it on their own, working alongside UB to implement it system-wide. I know, I know, its not the answer anyone wants to hear right now, but its the reality of the situation, and what can anyone say other than it'll be finished ASAP and yes, the bonus credits will be retroactive to the start of the site. No one loses anything, we just have to be more patient than we would like.

    But Tex, other than this bonus issue, which is progressing as quickly as possible, what's the problem? The site rocks, and the interface is completely state of the art. Player pools there are higher than at any other site, as are the weekly guarentees. If you really have a hankering to play more traditional blackjack tourneys, I understand why you'd also play on other sites, but as far as online gameplay goes, Bet21 is head and shoulders above the rest. i play there almost every day and never have trouble finding a table or tourney... games are hardly ever cancelled anymore due to lack of attendance, and overlays can still be found on many of the daily $2500 guarentees (and the 2 weekly 5k's).

    You've also hinted at the 'question' you asked Bet21 customer service several times, but so far haven't written here, which i find odd considering you could've actually reprinted it here in 1/100th the time it took you to write everything else. Wanna share?

    Let's just make sure its fair -- rather than paraphrasing the question, why not just cut-and-paste the exact text of your question to them (removing, of course, any personal financial/password details) so that others may be able to give you advice, feedback, etc. Not to sound like a complete naysayer, but you've developed quite a reputation here the last 6 months for saying one thing and then acting as if you didn't mean it the way you obviously intended it.

    Oh lordy, here it comes....

  10. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    What HD says makes sense, especially when I add this piece of information...

    A couple of weeks ago, UltimateBet's affiliate tracking software changed briefly and was showing results for elimination blackjack. However, the figures weren't accurate, and after a day or two, they removed that portion of the information. I got an email from them that explained they were still having trouble with it, but they were working on it. The fact that it surfaced briefly says to me that they really are addressing these issues.

    I think all this EBJ stuff just hasn't meshed well with the existing bonus/affiliate software. I'll again give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume they'll eventually make good on the bonus promises.

    Other than that, I think everything else is going pretty well at Bet21.
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I am trying to sign up...

    First to Ken, I didn't realize you weren't a rep for GP, I knew you had done the commercials for them.

    Now to Dave, I understand that there would be problems in the start of any business, that is why I waited, (as I posted several times before).

    All I oringally posted about was a question how is the best way to get hold of customer service and if they had a phone number.

    As I stated in my last post, I was trying to make a deposit and I had e-mailed a question as well. My concern is and was how long does it normally take them to reply back.

    If I wasn't interested in playing at I wouldn't have ever posted to begin with.
  12. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    which is...?

  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    It was about a screen name and making the deposit.
  14. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

  15. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    You obviously haven't played at EITHER.

    The don't have a customer service number posted either.

    You have a valid point. I JUST PLAYED A REAL MONEY GAME on One on one.


    I e-mailed them about it and now I guess I have to wait for a response :flame:

    The STILL haven't responded to my prior e-mails either! :flame:


  16. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Casino Rep


    Micha from Global Player casino made 19 posts.

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2007
  17. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    BJ21 customer service

    or contact our Customer Service Representative toll free 1-800-417-3461
  18. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I was contacted within the last couple of hours from My question and request was handled.

    It took well over a week and several posts, but they finally handled them for me.

    I've learned that posting publicly tends to get more results then to just keep sending in request my e-mails and or phone calls (when avalible).

    I am not sure if Dave had anything to do with get my request taken care of, but thanks in case you did.
  19. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Black jack 21 has always listed a CS number....I have spoken to Randy there several times and he was always very helpful...

    The site could be more user friendly...but the guys have always been helpful...

    I wish their game was more like the Golden Palace set up....much more options and just a well thought game....

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