Customer Service

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by fgk42, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    --Original Message--
    Date: 03/20/07
    Subject: RE:Cashier Support Form Submission [#5153459]

    Dear Deposit Help Team

    I am writing concerning my deposit bonus. I have been waiting for the
    “pending deposit bonus” to be turned into usable currency, either
    cash or tourney dollars since my initial deposit in August 2006.

    Since the end of February I have played in over 665 SNG tables and over
    182 tournaments. These are all CASH games.

    I have calculated that I have spent over 2,000 in house vig for the SNG
    and over 466.00 in house vig for the tournaments. This is just HOUSE

    Please review my records, player ID FGK42 and let me know exactly when
    I can expect my promised 294.64 pending bonus dollars to be credited to
    my account.

    Just to let you know that all my correspondences and your replies will
    be available for public display at the premier tournament BJ site for
    other members of the online BJ tournament world to see.



    Their response:

  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    --Original Message--
    Date: 03/20/07
    Subject: RE:Cashier Support Form Submission [#5153459]

    I understand and I have played EBJ on REAL Money Tables

    On March 18-19, I played on the following:

    2,500 Tourney 100+9
    10 SNG 10+1
    50 SNG 50+5
    1,000 Tourney 50+5
    10 SNG 10+1
    25,000 satellite 5+.5
    1,000 Tourney 10+2
    25,000 satellite 10+1

    Total CASH WAGERED = 255
    Total House Vig = 24.50

    Nothing in my account changed I didn't get ANY Ultimate Points. My
    pending dollar bonus was and still is 294.64

    Your promotion SPECIFICALLY STATED:

    You can convert bonus dollars by playing in Elimination Blackjack™
    and poker tournaments and Sit 'n' Gos. Bonus dollars will be converted
    to real money for play on the site at the rate of $1 for every 30 Bet21
    points you earn at our Elimination Blackjack and poker tournaments and
    Sit 'n' Gos. Bonus dollars will be converted to real money for play on
    the site at the rate $1 per every ten Bet21 points you earn at our
    Raked Poker Ring Games table.

    You can see how many pending bonus dollars you have by clicking on "My
    Account" within the Bet21 Lobby. Pending bonus dollars are listed under
    your Real Money Account Information.

    One bonus per person. This bonus offer is available to new players
    only. Players that deposit and withdraw bonus dollars without significant
    amount of play will be required to forfeit their bonus dollars.

    Subject to change.
    opyright 2006 All Rights Reserved. are trademark
    owned by Blast Off

    So Please tell me when I can expect my bonus dollars?



    Their response:

  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    I understand that in the beginning the software was unable to track blackjack play. When I did my INITIAL deposit in August those were the rules that applied and I would expect them to be honored. As far as current offers and updated software, believe me I have the latest version on my computer.

    You stated that in order to win Ultimate Points you must play Black jack - That is what I have been playing - check my files and you will see that.

    My initial deposits were with and I utilized them for BJ and BJ only. If I wanted to play poker I would have used Ultimate or any one of a number of poker sites.

    Please advise me when I can expect my deposit bonus.


  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    That explains a lot....

    Highlights are MY doing.

    There you have it folks. Right from the Horses mouth.

    We were lied to :flame:

    Software updates my ass!
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    What you are saying is there is no comp system for EBJ, but is that the same as a 100% bonus to your deposit? Maybe Im missing it, but to me a 100% bonus is that, I deposited 69$ after my Neteller fee and thats what I expected was a fast no games about it match of my 69$. Go to and look at the banner, it says 100% sign up bonus to 650$.
  6. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Did you notice that they never mention Bet.21 points in their e-mails (which would apply to our Bonus dollars), but always refer to Ultimate points (different rules). So you need to remind them that we are talking here about Bet.21 points.

    In a sense they are playing mind games with us and could, at the same time, pretend not to be lying because while we are talking about Bet21 points they keep answering with rules applying to Ultimate points.

    Go figure!!!

    One last e-mail needs to be sent Fred :joker:
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    To whom it may concern:

    Please forward this to the - Elimination Blackjack Department.

    I don't want Ultimate Points. Re-read YOUR promotion:

    You can convert bonus dollars by playing in Elimination Blackjack™
    and poker tournaments and Sit 'n' Gos. Bonus dollars will be converted
    to real money for play on the site at the rate of $1 for every 30 Bet21
    points you earn at our Elimination Blackjack and poker tournaments and
    Sit 'n' Gos.
    Bonus dollars will be converted to real money for play on
    the site at the rate $1 per every ten Bet21 points you earn at our
    Raked Poker Ring Games table.

    You can see how many pending bonus dollars you have by clicking on "My
    Account" within the Bet21 Lobby. Pending bonus dollars are listed under
    your Real Money Account Information.

    Now please don't confuse my account with POKER. I am not addressing bonus dollars or Ultimate Point Dollars. I SPECIFICALLY want to discuss deposit Bonus Dollars for ELIMINATION BLACKJACK.

    Now once again, when can I expect to see my promised deposit bonus?



    I'm NOT GIVING up. I'll be the biggest freaking bug on their ass until I get this thing right! :mad:
  8. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    WTG Fred !

    I am reminding myself to stay on your good side. You are one persistent dude.
    :) :) :)
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    #5 - the saga continues

    The kindly enclosed an excel spreadsheet from August showing the number of deposits. Of course they didn't answer my question about how the Pending Bonus Dollars are converted to real money. So I wrote to them:

    Dear Customer Service:

    My apolgies for any misunderstanding about the deposit bonus. I am not disputing that the deposit bonus has been credited to my accout. It has and is correct. What I am questioning and have been questioning all along is when the pending deposit bonus dollars will be converted to real dollars or even tourney dollars that can be used?

    Please do not tell me, once again, how it can be done. I know HOW the bonus dollars are converted. The problem lies on YOUR end. I have lived up to my obligation to play at REAL MONEY tables. The bonus dollars should have been converted to real dollars by now but they are not.

    Please let me know when my pending deposit bonus dollars will be converted to real dollars.


  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    #6 - The quest for the magical bonus dollars

    Sent Wed, March 21, 2007 - awaiting a response

    Dear Customer Service

    I am writing concerning my pending dollar bonus for my account FGK42.

    I am not disputing the amount of pending bonus dollars. What I am questioning is why it is not being converted from pending bonus dollars to real dollars.

    When I click on the pending bonus dollar link this appears:

    You can convert bonus dollars by playing in Elimination Blackjack™ and poker tournaments and Sit 'n' Gos. Bonus dollars will be converted to real money for play on the site at the rate of $1 for every 30 Bet21 points you earn at our Elimination Blackjack and poker tournaments and Sit 'n' Gos. Bonus dollars will be converted to real money for play on the site at the rate $1 per every ten Bet21 points you earn at our Raked Poker Ring Games table.

    You can see how many pending bonus dollars you have by clicking on "My Account" within the Bet21 Lobby. Pending bonus dollars are listed under your Real Money Account Information.

    One bonus per person. This bonus offer is available to new players only. Players that deposit and withdraw bonus dollars without significant amount of play will be required to forfeit their bonus dollars.

    Subject to change.
    opyright 2006 All Rights Reserved. are trademark owned by Blast Off Limited

    I have played in numerous Elimination Blackjack tournaments and Elimination Blackjack Sit N Gos (SNG). Since you have access to my history on your site, you will notice that in the month of January alone I have played in over 90 SNG and 29 Elimination multi-table Elimination Blackjack tournaments. All these were CASH Tables. In fact I wagered over $9,000 in the month of January 2007 – nevertheless my pending bonus dollars were not converted to real money. Why?

    I have fulfilled the obligations of the conditions that you set forth and continue to promote – click on the pending dollar bonus feature if you don’t believe me.

    Therefore I am respectfully requesting to know WHEN I can expect the pending dollar bonus money (currently $294.64) to be converted to real dollars that can be used?

    Please note that this e-mail should be reviewed by the customer service department at as it refers to Blackjack and NOT poker.

    Also please be aware that your response will be posted on a public forum.


  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Their response

    colored portions done by ME for emphasis.

    Please, anyone help me on this issue. Was I unclear in my e-mails to them?

    Does it or does it not say you can redeem bonus dollars by playing elimination blackjack?

    I'm going to cool down before I blast them :flame:
  12. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member


    You are quite right in the way you have presented your case and it is very clear that EBJ and BJ games qualified for the bonus dollars. Keep up the good fight.:cool: :cool: :cool:
  13. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Try this next time...

    Customer support...
    Please go to the Bet21 cashier, and click on the link "Pending Bonus Dollars".
    Using the information provided on that page, please explain why my play at Elimination Blackjack Tournaments hasn't released any of my bonus dollars.
  14. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    #7 the quest for the mystical bonus dollars

    --Original Message--
    From: fgk
    Date: 03/21/07
    Subject: Re: Cashier Support Form Submission [#5153459]

    Dear Customer Support Staff,

    Can you please explain this to me. Go to the Bet21 cashier and click
    on the link, "Pending Dollar Bonus". Now using the information that is
    provided on that page explain to me why my play at the Elimination
    Blackjack Tables hasn't released any of my bonus dollars.



    Their response:

    I hope you realize what THIS MEANS!
  15. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    This means that the customer lack-of-service reps at bet21 are either complete imbeciles, or they've been trained real well to reply in circles. The last reply is just too funny...and sad.

    Yes, this means that they might as well delete the dollar amounts in the bonus area of our accounts for all of us who play blackjack.
  16. Archie

    Archie New Member

    If you click...

    on Redeem Bet21 points, it says "Not available at this time". When I joined 5 months ago, it was the same message.

    In these 5 months on the site I remember playing one poker tournament (100 + 09) and 54 Bet 21 points where immediately credited to my account, but the "Not available at this time" seems to block all redeeming possibilities, even for poker. Would somebody also playing poker on Bet21 have an explanation?Strange?:confused:
  17. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    When you click REGISTER the TOURNAMENT BUY-IN box opens. Then on right there is a drop down arrow, click on it and a field will open that offers purchase options below the $5+$.50. For example the $250 grntd game at bet21 is for 1375 points. In other words you need a lot more than you got from that poker game LOL
  18. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I only have a UB account -

    Maybe Bet21 and UB aren't quite the same, but for what it's worth ...

    • Clicking on 'Redeem UltimatePoints' brings up a list of things you can buy once you have accrued enough points, ranging from a cap for 2,400 points to a Harley Davidson for 4,000,000 points. :eek:
    • The process of Bonus Dollars being converted to real dollars after playing poker has been entirely automatic. So far, I have converted the princely sum of 82 cents!
    In other words, you do not use the points to convert bonus dollars to real dollars, you simultaneously earn points and convert dollars when you play. The points, once you have enough of them, can then be used either as a tournament entry fee or to purchase something useless. ;)
  19. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Vindication or validation?

    Acknowledgement or Appeasement?

    Respite or Reprieve?
  20. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    SSSSsssshhhhhhhh, here's $50, be quite...

    It nice to see that apperciates it's players (all though they don't honor what they promise them).

    Did they tell you when every other player will receive their $50 in tournament bucks or was this just a, here's $50, now shut up and leave us alone apperciation token?...LOL

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