Deposit Bonus Synopsis

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by fgk42, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    You know what’s funny? When we reflect upon our past words and see how they line up with where we stand. Since there are many new members here, I thought I’d do a Joep search and walk down memory land for the past year. Here’s what I found:

    From almost a year ago today:

    April 26, 2006
    So Global Player actually paid bonus money to players and you complimented them? Since they (Global) did what they said you implied they (Global) was ‘one hell of an organization…treating tournament players like human’s and not like Public Enemy #1’

    So if a company doesn’t pay their tournament players what they promised is that company treating its tournament players like Public Enemy #1?

    In September 2006 a player, DachHolliday posted this (I must have missed it) :flame:
    Here’s the link for those, like myself, who missed it:

    On September 24, 2006 Hollwood Dave jumped into the melee with this post:
    Hmmm I wonder what happened there? Better yet, to whom was HD referring to when he (Dave Stann) stated, ‘I have been told that this is something that they are definitely working on right now?’

    As of October 26, 2006 this from Ace:
    Then the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT that we were all waiting for. On November 19, 2006:
    Hey I missed this post in December 2006 about deposit bonuses:
    December 4:
    Oh, I’m a US Citizen so it wasn’t applicable to ME. I wonder if PAID their deposit bonus money? I think so. Isn’t this the same company that someone here (Joep) slammed because they (Get21) was a “rip off” of Lets re-examine that link shall we?
    On September 20, 2006 look:
    But I’m digressing from obviously pays what they promise. I wonder who ripped off whom? Anyway
    So it seems like people trusted Joep for this word. Until January 5, 2007 that is. Hollywood to the rescue:
    Well in March I had enough and started a Boycott campaign. Finally Joep jumped in with this:
    March 21, 2007
    Then, almost a month ago, Joep started a thread, “Why you should NOT boycott”
    March 26, 2007

    On April 14, 2007 our very respected leader, Ken Smith posted this:

    Which leads me up to the last post from Joep on this matter, just 2 days ago:
    April 18, 2007

    Well my synopsis is over. A readers digest on this pending deposit bonus issue at I’ve supplied most of the links but not all. Hopefully you, the members and readers here, will be able to make up your own minds.

    Lest you think the issue is dead – it isn’t. I’m still waiting to win some money from Mr. Pane – hopefully he’ll be a man and live up to his challenge. But as we look by at November 19, 2006…

    The sad part Joep, is that I believe you are listening to the wrong people. When I review the posts in 2005 and 2006 (BEFORE) UBT and ever came on the scene your writing had a much different tone and fairness about them. I understand that sometimes when we stand too close to a tree we lose sight of the forest. Could that be a possibility here?

    At this time I will again begin my boycott of I have several issues which will be presented here and on my blog. I encourage all readers to visit there and leave their comments – unlike other people with blogs I promise not to censor posts I don’t agree with.

    Why boycott Very simply put in order to get a change. In fact I’ll use the words that I found in a post on March 17, 2006 to make my point:

    In case you’re wondering who made that quote. I can tell you it was a very skillful TBJ player who a lot of people once looked up to. His name? Joe Pane.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I ask you again, who has cried Wolf around here once too often :confused:

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