Going Downhill?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Kaminari, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. Kaminari

    Kaminari New Member really is going downhill fast.....or I am just getting sick of their ****? Which is it?:confused:

    I have been following threads about and the broken promises regards deposit bonuses, the (perhaps) anomalous shuffling in tournament play, poor marketing communications, and the lack of profitability from the tournament arrangement with UBT.

    To tell you the truth, I am not surprised by any of it. What do you expect from a casino site that allows panhandling at your tournament tables and unleashing barrages of verbal abuse whenever you sign in to play?

    Its really the non-player (or perpetual loser) panhandlers that are the worst offenders, and there is no excuse for allowing them to stink up the site -- unless it is desired by management?:eek:

    Perhaps the combination of anomalous shuffles, panhandlers, raging verbal abuse, and unknown users persistently asking for your personal information is the version of applying "floor heat" or use of "shills" to disrupt winning play? Or to give their house players an advantage?

    Even if I put forth the extra effort needed to win at an online game, it is not very enjoyable to win under current conditions at :flame:

    I know other sites such as Tilt or Stars police better, but I am looking for a good BlackJack game, preferably a tournament.

    Its still much more profitable and enjoyable to go to a live casino, where that added element of trusting website management doesn't exist. And I don't have to wait to cash my winnings....

    Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't harrassing you...:mad:

  2. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Silence, Kam...

    that could be a solution to the verbal abuse. I did that with two of the worst abusers. Silence from the abusee seems to infuriate them:laugh:

    Never been panhandled though or harassed for personal info. I do chat a bit, and I like it between gents, but maybe you chat too much (only HD, I think, chats more) and it might get you off your best game sometimes. As for me, I know that chatting has sometimes cost me dearly by not making the right decision at the table.

    Good luck and see you at the tables .

    N.B. : Bet21, with all its shortcomings, still remains the best TBJ site online as far as am concerned. Hope they get over the hump.
  3. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    abusive players can = big $

    At first, when I encountered abusive players on -- or even one with a screenname that should never have been allowed -- I contacted customer support to report them. And, from what I can tell, these players are gone.

    But I've since learned that, usually, the most abusive players are the WORST players. (Exception: HD.) So in the last few weeks, when I encounter these guys, I actually make note of their screennames and look to play against them as much as I can. And I agree that silence is the best option. Just stay on your game, ignore these idiots, and watch them flame out.

    One caveat: When they go all-in on one of the first hands and get a blackjack, you may want to throw you PC against the wall. But many, many times, they will follow that win with another $25k bet and lose. So it's patience against these guys that will net you some of their bucks.

    If you haven't done so yet, you can sign up and get software at to track screennames on
  4. Kaminari

    Kaminari New Member

    Banned from SNGs....

    Since I posted this message I have been banned from the BJ SNGs on you!:laugh:
  5. Angel

    Angel New Member

    Really? Can They Do That?

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  6. Archie

    Archie New Member


    ...reasons have they given you, Kam?
  7. Kaminari

    Kaminari New Member

    No answer yet to why.....

    But I get a message saying "You are not allowed to play this SNG" when I try to join, and I HAVE money enuf in my account. I am banned from all their BlackJack tables it seems.

    I can play the poker SNGs.....but I suck at poker.:joker:
  8. Kaminari

    Kaminari New Member

    BTW - UB Buddy

    TeddyNipples, I have UB Buddy.

    It is also the method the stalkers use to find me, regardless of whether I block one, they just ask another buddy or create a new ID -- which brings me to another topic.

    Multiple IDs by the same user is "offically" not allowed by However it is common and especially amongst the "House" players - those who are sponsored.

    Have any of you noticed the same player with multiple IDs two (or more) IDs in the same tourney or SNG? This is a more frequent occurence at than you might think.....

    Back to the topic. UB Buddy could also be the solution to the stalker problems it now exacerbates, as it's software architecture could be used to create the properly gated messaging format to give players control over who is allowed to chat with them. An easy first step would be to allow players to DISABLE tracking of their whereabouts on the site.

    To Archie -- I do enjoy the game and yes, I perhaps chat too much, but its part of my game to get you distracted, buddy. And you admit it has worked at least once.

    I usually keep my chat fairly civil, unless it turns to ribald humor, or if I am cursed at first. In the SNG some element of trash talk should actually be expected. I don't even ask that the language filters be kept any cleaner, just that the stalking element be controlled, particularly on the cash BJ tables, and even more pointedly with regards OBSERVERS.

    I guess I deserve the abuse since I am stupid enough to play the cash games they offer?

    Especially after playing in the competitive SNGs where people's feelings might get hurt and motivate them to seek cheap revenge?

    But let me ask you this....what casino anywhere allows cash players to be systematically abused with either profanities, persistent anonymous stalking, and panhandling? is the only one I know or off. And together with all the other problems, it is making the play experience much less enjoyable.

    My main point is that online gaming is no subsitute for the real live experience, regardless of where the best online game happens to be, and that was a lot better place to play 6 months ago than it is now.

    I will not sit back quietly and be a victim when I should be a valued client.

    I demand change, or I move on.


    ps. Like Fred and Adriana I am also a bit pissed off about not honoring the deposit bonuses for BJ - it was NOT stated that BJ didn't qualify when I made my first deposit, and I probably WOULD NOT have made my first deposit if I had known. Honest Injun. :cool:

    Just count on to add insult to injury.
  9. Kaminari

    Kaminari New Member

    UPDATE: Clarifications on My Short Banning at

    I would like all here to know that I truly wish for improvement at and that is why I demand change with regards the chat features and use of UB Buddy to track players with no true ability to prevent the tracking.


    A MAJOR CLARIFICATION - I was banned from playing online for a very short period of time. As far as I know it was one day. It is unclear whether it was related to this blog or to my numerous complaints about being verbally abused and stalked on the blackjack tables. They will not tell me, and I only asked once.

    I am now able to play as before if I wish, so please everybody, this might even have been one of those frequent "software glitches" -- but it still leaves me a bit cold that the message I received when trying to sit at tables was "sorry, you are not allowed to play on this game".

    In particular the OBSERVERS need to have more controls placed upon them. More control over the choice of WHO to interact with should be put into the hands of the players when seated at the blackjack tables. They can do this for Poker, why not blackjack?

    I also wish to clarify that my speculation that any harrassment may be House sponsored is still just that - however, even if not sponsored by the House, the mere TOLERANCE of the panhandling and abusive behaviors is deplorable and compared to other sites it is not being controlled at all.

    I have read in several sudies (which I will not cite here) on the psychology of gambling that casinos take efforts to encourage emotional attachments and/or conflicts between other players, floor staff, or even dealers that will lead to poor judgement regards the control of finances and the decision walk away at the proper time.

    On the plus side, the game format is excellent and that is what has brought me back despite these problems. Hoever, irritations are escalating, and the situation with deposit bonuses is inexcusable.


    I have simply stated that unless the situation is remedied I intend to move on, after litereally months of having two or three stalkers in particular make it difficult to enjoy the site.
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Who called for an all out boycott? No me. I'm simply informing others of problems

    So Kami can I have a 1.00 ....Please please please just a 1.00 please :joker:

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  11. Kaminari

    Kaminari New Member

    I am indeed being Storked

    Fred, you are one of the wost offenders I am referring to....:laugh:

    And no, you can't have $1 unless you win it fair and square.

    Now, as for the boycott, why the hell would you have a website and post the URL if you don't intend for others to join you? Perhaps you are communicating at a level way beyond what you intend?

    I have found that to be true for myself judging to the reactions I have received to my own postings.

  12. Kaminari

    Kaminari New Member

    UPDATE: Finally Take Action!!!

    I have to say that they are finally getting something done in this area. Other players with similar problems tell me they are getting more actions taken against abusers on the site. Please see the below.

    If improvement can come in this area, there may be hope in other areas as well.:)

    However, I had to send in over 20 reports of abuse against this guy to get this action, and although they told me once before that they had banned his chat for a week, he was back chatting and abusing within hours. We shall see if this action holds up.

    Below see the action:


    Dear Kaminari,

    Thank you for contacting us and for reporting this situation.

    We have suspended this player's chat privileges for 15 days in all related accounts. (note from K, this means BigSlick674 and BlackJack God are both silenced for two weeks) We hope he discontinues this attitude.

    However, please continue to report any abuses you may encounter in the future form this player so we can apply stronger disciplinary measures.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us back if you require further assistance or additional information.

    Best regards,

    Customer Support

    ***Ensure the security of your account! Never give out your password and change it frequently!***

    Date: 04/04/07
    Subject: Tournament Support Request[#5192197]

    Customer Information
    Account Name : Kaminari

    Error Message : Verbal Abuse
    Comments : Please look at the chat log from Muskoka cash balckhack table, from 4:00 a.m. EST April 4th to 4:30 a.m. and you will see BigSlick674 harassing me YET AGAIN.

    Other players are also bothered. We turn of Observer Chat and he sits in but does not play, then curses and insults the players.

    When are you going to do anything about this?



    Let's hope the abuser snakes begin to feel like this fellow below....:cool:


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  13. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Blackjack Tournaments

    Dear Kam,

    If you are looking for blackjack tournaments action, I can recommend you try
    I am not trying to do some publicity here.

    See you at the tables.


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