Bet21 connection problems

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Skipjack, Jan 6, 2007.

  1. Skipjack

    Skipjack New Member

    I'm curious whether others playing at Bet21 have had frequent communication/timeout problems. I've been playing their for-fun sit-and-go tournaments, considering whether to put in some real money. But it seems not uncommon for the game to preciptiously time people out. I've had several occasions in which I havent had time to make a bet or a play before it just binged me and said I'd timed out.

    This type of software failure could cost you your game, and I have to say that the prospect of losing real money because of unreliable software/network doesn't uncourage me want to put up real cash.

    Or is it just me (my ISP perhaps)? Have others seen this same problem?
  2. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    I get timed out on occasionally, but It only happens when I’m playing in a poker freeroll.

  3. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    I have had very occassional problems with a slow response on UB/Bet21 - helps a great deal if you turn off the animation -
  4. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Yep....this software isnt so compatable with your graphics card...or so I was told by a more knowledable computer person than me...

    But ...if you open a game...then go to options then turn OFF annimation and then click on save changes....the game will speed up greatly and you should be able to play with almost no time out (absent) issues....

    I still have problems sometimes when insurance is offered and I am first to are suppose to get 15 seconds...but often you dont get 1 second....that is rarely a problem for me ....but I dealt with your issue for some time b4 I learned about turning off annimation...

    Im sure you will enjoy the game in this mode...

    Jump in....big 25,000 game coming could win it for 5 bucks!!!

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