bet21 dealer hitting to 21

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by TedinNaples, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    Since a few members have been commenting on the dealer hitting to 21, I just wanted to post what I have seen so far this evening:
    Round 1, $50 tournament, 13 total hands:
    dealer up card: 7 draws to 21 7.4% probability
    dealer up card: 7 draws to 21 7.4% probability
    dealer up card: 3 draws to 21 11.6% probability

    Round 1, $30 tournament, 12 total hands:
    dealer up card: 8 draws to 21 6.9% probability

    Round 2, $30 tournament, 15 total hands:
    dealer up card: 6 draws to 21 10.6% probability
    dealer up card: 5 draws to 21 10.9% probability
    dealer up card: K draws to 21 3.5% probability

    Total of 40 hands with dealer drawing to 21 on 7 hands with a range of probabilities of 3.5 to 11.6% on those hands. Without crunching the numbers, the dealer should have drawn to 21 on maybe 1 of those 7 hands.

    I'm not saying there is anything "rigged" here -- I just wanted to add to the "evidence?" if anyone is collecting such data. I'll let the mathematicians in this group crunch the true probabilities of all this happening, if you choose to do so.
  2. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    there's more? yep!

    Okay, now on to the $100 tournament:
    Round 1, first 16 hands:

    dealer up card: T draws to 21 3.5% probability
    dealer up card: A draws to 21 9.5% probability
    dealer up card: 7 draws to 21 7.4% probability
    dealer up card: 4 draws to 21 11.3% probability

    That's now a total of 56 hands, with the dealer drawing to 21 on 11 of those hands. And that's not counting the 4 blackjacks she got.
  3. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Why do you think it's a she?
  4. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    Because when a dealer is "HOT" she's got to be a 'she.' And if I have a choice, I prefer a female dealer.

    Seriously, I usually just rotate my use of 'he' and 'she' in chat and in writing in general.
  5. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Personally I call it a cheating no good rigged computer program. (Never he or she)lol

    Especially coming off 5 losing games in a row where in game 1 and 2 I never won one hand in 12.??? ODDS?

    12 stiffs in a row....and final game all in and dealt 20 against dealer 5 up.....

    Everyone knows without even a tough guess that the dealer pulls the miracle 21.

    Ive seen enough circumstancial evidence and NO Reliable PROOF to the contrary that the deal is rigged. The motive is increased rake rate per hour and for me thats enough to cast serious doubt.

    A while back someone mentioned why do we question the honestly of the deal when we have all seen bad beats and bad runs and amazing cards at any casino in the world...that part is true...I have seen it all....but I have never seen it all come together so regulary and at a place willing to ignore customers and even tournament icons ...they deserve the terrible reputation!

    So much has been ignored...add unkept promises....add exact wrong reply from CS like tournament dollars fiasco etc.....seating rig....deposit bonus....early startup absent errors...(this one costs me a lot) AND WORST OF ALL....Zero feed back! No one comes here except to pass on promises that have never been kept...BTW...the canned replies from CS insult me at this point.

    And so...I too have had enough.....the site obvisouly does not care how the customer feels...they make zero effort to keep promises or explain anything. I cant call or talk to anyone.

    Im done!

    When my bonus dollars are fully paid....I consider the amount private but I will certainly and honestly inform this site when I am paid in full...then and only then will I consider returning to play...

    Additionally at this point I think we should demand an audit of the elimination BJ deal. No one in the casino industry gets a free ride when it comes to honesty and trust. There is a reason for that.

    These guys have earned all the mistrust and they deserve the doubt that has been cast upon them. You simply can not treat customers this way ...not good paying customers who must have some amount of trust in the company holding their money and offering a game that must be 100% proven fair...

    Not keeping promises and not relpying to the masses is the death rattle of the site.

    Pity really!
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2007

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