Bet21 Deposit bonus cont...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Rando21, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Does anyone have a screen shot from the time when they advertized the deposit bonus and that BJ would qualify you to collect said bonus dollars?

    CS at Bet 21 is now claiming there was never such statement and they need me to provide them with proof that they ever said this...

    Can you even believe it???

    If anyone has a screen shot please post it here so I can send proof that they advertized qualifying by playing BJ.

    That site needs to learn a few basic business principles...dont make promises you dont intend to keep and dont lie to the customer.

    Why cant they just pay their bills????
  2. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    What am I missing?

    Maybe someone can help me to translate this. I'm confused - seriously.

    Simply put I've risked over 10,000 in REAL DOLLARS on since August 2006. My bonus isn't that much but it's getting to be a principle issue....
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I think figuring the bonus is very simple, its says via the link, found below, that its a sign up bonus. That says, to me, its a match bonus up to 650$. It should have been immediate. I want my "Play to Win" book and my 69 bucks! :)

    Lets ask Joe, Joe where is my money and my book?
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    I totally forgot about the book too! But which one?

    Attached Files:

  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Oh No!

    I hope Ken E checked the copyright on that title LOLOLOL:laugh:
  7. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    bonus is just one of numerous promises broken

    This is my first post on this great site (thank you Ken). I plan on becoming a regulator contributor from now on. Regarding the sign-up bonus at Below is the text from the email I received from Anthony Curtis on September 13, 2006, that got me interested in playing on I plan on posting this and asking the powers-that-be at Las Vegas Advisor (another great site and publication) as to what has happened to their promises and promos, including the match bonus (I currently have about $260 pending bonus $), special LVA-only tournaments, knock-out bonuses when you play against Anthony or David Matthews, and a drawing(?)/contest(?) for an all-expense paid trip to LV for the Palms tournament in April. Amazingly, I did receive Ken's book as a bonus. The bolded copy is mine for emphasis:

    Play Elimination Blackjack with Anthony Curtis and David Matthews

    The premier online site for Elimination Blackjack tournaments is now up and operating. In fact, this is the grand opening of Bet21; you can be one of the first tournament players ever to play Elimination Blackjack online! And it doesn’t have to cost you a thing: Try out the free games to see how you like it. Bet21 is highly recommended by tournament pros Anthony Curtis and David Matthews; David is the champion of the first season of the Ultimate Blackjack Tour.

    Use the LVA link below to register for the Elimination Blackjack tournaments—there’s no obligation to deposit. Depositors can play competitive Elimination Blackjack tournaments for as little as $1.10.

    If you do deposit, you will get (minimum deposit of $25):

    • A 100% match bonus up to $650.
    • A free copy of Play to Win, the only book on the market that covers strategy for Elimination Blackjack tournaments.

    • Access to tournament free-rolls that could lead to a TV appearance at an Ultimate Blackjack Tour event.

    Also, for signing up through LVA, you’ll get the following LVA-related promotions and benefits:
    • Special LVA-only tournaments.
    • Knock-out bonuses when you play against Anthony Curtis or David Matthews.

    • Chats on strategy with top tourney pros at
    • LVA's backing and assistance should a customer-service problem arise.
    All who register through the link below will be eligible for an all-expense paid trip for two to Las Vegas during the UBT tournament at the Palms next April—includes airfare, room, and dinner during the tournament with Anthony and Dave.
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Ted YOU got a book! I didn't get a book!

    In fact I got a tip to a house on the edge of Vegas - I got this picture before the pit bulls chased me away.

    I thought I saw something like this in the Steve Martin movie, "My Blue Heaven" :joker:

    Attached Files:

  9. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I think Ken E had a promotion on his site too about playing him and winning prizes....Im signed up and waiting ....but havent got the chance to play for any prizes yet...

    I didnt get my book either.....I do have the first edition if anyone wants to read about Kens coat, marriage or dogs its not all that bad.....not much BJ info tho... I was hoping that vol 2 would add some razor sharp tools to my arsenal...

    Wheres that book stand Fred...?

    Bonus dollars often must be site simply gives you a matching dollar amount (well actually Golden Palace gave 10 bucks free ) so the bonus is earned by your amount of real money play....

    I dont like the run around and dodgeing of the issue with confusing terms and divisors of points per bonus dollars per 1/20 bonus points...bull crap! We are smart people....stop feeding us BS....Its time for straight answers...

    Even if that answer is listen...we are going to phase this bonus in ...10 bucks a day, week, month....something! We have been extremely patient and undertanding ...meanwhile we were fed per their continued ads (even to this day ) of promotions. UB still often offers deposit reload bonus....last Sunday was the latest and yet unless you play are being treated like a second class citizen next to poker players...

    Good customers who are paying commission to play the comp bonus points (all available in poker) nothing! Not the decency of a honest explaination of what is going on and why these bonuses are not being paid as promised...

    BJ is a small portion of these sites business...thousands of players are logged on at any given time.... if they can pay those thousands the pomised bonus then they can pay these few as well.

    If the governamental interference has changed the business model....I can understand that....but then you need to come to me and explain the who , what, where and when...just like my bank wants to hear if Im having difficulty meeting my obligations....if I ignore talking to them ..they forclose and throw me out of my home...imagine that!

    Tell me SOMETHING.. Change the plan...and then tell me something!

    Heres an idea ....if you cant pay....turn my bonus dollars into bonus points that I can then enter into special tournaments with ....10,000 guarentee tournament costs 265 bonus points etc....etc.... then stop makng promises you dont intend or simply cant keep...

    The game is picking up....I see the new guys....Dickfizzle is one...LOL

    I see plenty more ...unless its all you weaslels using fake hidden names so as to suck me into a game I would rather avoid?????

    I love this game..... I sure hope things get straightened out!!!!

    Such a champ of an idea!!!!!
  10. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    posts by Anthony Curtis on the LVA forum

    As I've said before, I have the utmost respect for Anthony Curtis and what he has done as a publisher, professional player, and all-around ambassador for Las Vegas and blackjack. However, I do take issue when someone in his position makes promises to his customers about what benefits they will have when they sign up with through LVA, and then leaves his customers hanging out there without any follow-up or follow-through.

    I've posted a question on the LVA forum, sharing Anthony's initial email to his subscribers about the bonuses awaiting his loyal customers who sign up at No reply yet. Maybe Anthony will read this here. Maybe someone else from LVA will. (Does David Matthews still work there? David has always been straight and quick with his replies, but I recently read in All-In that he is now devoting all his time to being an Advantage Player. Good for him!)

    Below are some posts Anthony made on his forum. Yes, they go back to September and October of last year. But if these are his last comments on the issue, that's a shame. It would be great to hear from the one person who has the power to make some changes and get some truthful answers. He has the power, since he's the one that got numerous (maybe hundreds) of his customers to sign up at in the first place. I, for one, am thankful for that. But business is business and customer service should be a priority. Anthony, don't leave your customers hanging out here, without communicating with them.

    Before I post the posts, here's a link to the LVA site that lists ALL the bonuses that were promised:

    Bolded copy is mine for emphasis:

    Joined: Jan 2002 9/17/06 11:34 AM
    I don't know what's going on with this, but we'll look into it. We don't have any control over UB, but we have influence with Bet21. If it wasn't meant to be offered for tournament play, though, I doubt we'll be able to get that changed.

    Joined: Jan 2002 9/19/06 3:32 PM
    I've been told that there will be rollover for playing tournaments, although it's not yet in place. I'm not sure yet, though, whether or not it will be retroactive. I'm working on finding out and getting a schedule for when it will be completely in place.

    Joined: Jan 2002 9/13/06 8:07 PM
    We'll be doing lots of extras, using HP clout and products to create a big-time tournament environment exclusive to those who've signed up through us. Should be a blast.

    Joined: Jan 2002 9/13/06 1:39 PM
    Wait for the LVA blast within a couple hours. There will be some nice bonuses for sign-up.

    david matthews
    Joined: Jan 2002 9/21/06 3:46 PM
    The term "eligible" means that there will be some type of contest for everyone who's signed up through our links, and the winner will get a trip to LV next April. We haven't decided if it will be a drawing or some other type of contest.

    Joined: Jan 2002 10/15/06 11:23 AM
    We'll be contacting everyone who signed up shortly. Obviously, things have changed since the signing of the I-bill and some of the things we planned will no longer be possible. Everyone will get their books, however. And we'll still award the trip to Las Vegas next year. We'll try to convey all the details within the week.
  11. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    response from Anthony Curtis explains things

    I just received the following reply from Anthony Curtis on the LVA forum. His explanations go a long way in making me feel better about things, especially about my loyalty to LVA over the years. Here's the text of the reply:

    There've been a few unexpected changes since that e-mail was sent, which have made it difficult to make good on everything here. The biggest change was caused by the passage of the Internet-gambling bill. This shook up everything at the management levels of the companies we were working with. Though Bet21 maintains a presence, we don't have the clout with them that we once had. We are trying. Here are the specifics on each point.

    1. 100% bonus. This has been a point of contention for many on the Bet21 site. In order to award the bonus, Bet21 has to enable it with their software. While I believe they had (and probably still have) good intentions to do this, they apparently couldn't get it programmed. We've asked and prodded, but there's just been no progress there. Bottom line: We have no control over the bonus situation. If they never start the program, it won't happen. If they do, we'll run it down for those who signed up through us (though there's a slight problem there as you'll see in #4).

    2. LVA special tournaments. This also takes software enabling, and when Bet21 management had to scramble because of the bill, there was no time to make this happen. Perhaps more important, our running special tournaments after the bill's passage could endanger us legally. We expected to do this, but I don't think we can.

    3. Knock-Out bonuses. MOTS ("more of the same").

    4. Trip to Vegas. This will be done, although maybe not on schedule with the Palms tourney. There's only one problem here, but it's significant: We haven't been able to get the list of players who signed up through us. When you clicked through, you went directly to the Bet21 sign-up; we didn't get a list. Now we're finding it difficult to obtain. Not because Bet21 won't cooperate, but because it's not a high priority for them. When we get the list, and we will, we'll hold the drawing. We'll schedule the trip around whatever event makes sense.

    Sorry for all the excuses, but it really was a monumental change in the landscape that caused these problems.
  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Thanks for sharing Anthony Curtis’s reply with us. At least some one is giving those of us who care some answers.

    Unfortunately I get the impression that is just being a pain in the ass to deal with. I mean LVAdvisor is an affiliate and even THEY can’t get answers, what recourse does a little guy like me have – except to boycott the site.

    Oh for those who were wondering about how to redeem the bonus dollars – here’s the link stating…well see for yourself.

    Now I’ve got to wonder about a business that won’t work with it’s customers, its affiliates and has poor customer service.

    If Anthony Curtis can’t get these questions resolved/answered what do you think will happen if one day those who run just shut down?

    Where do you think we’ll be able to turn to recoup the money from our accounts, nevertheless the deposit bonuses!

    Apparently most of these problems have stemmed from the passage of the UIGAE. Since that has hurt their business I have to return to my initial premises that the reason isn’t paying us is they likely don’t have the financial resources to meet their obligations! Looks like it’s time for asset protection!
  13. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Im reading Curtis reply but none of it rings very valid to me ...

    A tracking program is not all that can bet they are able to track far more than you know already.... its basic programing ...just like the deposits, wins , losses etc...

    Perhaps sponsoring freebies makes them lawbreakers but I think that is really just an excuse....every week....week after week they have poker free rolls and super knockouts with Helmuith, Duke , Poker Ho why is Black Jack different ?????

    I wonder exactly what changed so that "pull" was lost? Maybe its just that the US big wigs are laying low from this law.....I understand that but it does not excuse leaving this bonus and extras situation to remain in silent limbo...

    Im not mad at anyone....just the irony of finally getting some good and even great games and then to have this governamnet BS mess up everything just as it begins to take off..

    Hopefully better days are ahead and things will sort themselves out...

    It would be nice for a representive (he can remain under an assumed name ) to explain just WTH is going on and the hoped for plans for the future of the game...
  14. GHermanski

    GHermanski Banned User

    This is all a load of crap. Curtis and Pane and Stann and everyone else who has a financial connection to bet21 and UBT need to come clean and stop pretending they are outsiders for a company that they stand to profit from. I realize that doing that would make them candidates for prosecution so instead just shut up and stop pretending you just really like what they do. You're all liars and the company that's supposed to be feeding you is ripping people off. I've never given one dime to bet21 or UBT and I never will until an unbiased source proves they're worthy of my attention. Joe cries and calls you a bonus pig. It's their bonus they offered. Now honor it. And if they won't, the only way you'll get their attention is if everyone walks away. Everyone. Why won't Joe or Anthony Curtis? Could it be because they have a financial stake? Answer it for yourself. Why would you do business with a company that can't keep its promises and then sends its goons on public boards to vouch for it?
  15. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    3 days is in your future

    So Herman :joker: is it me or Anthony Curtis that you are calling a "Goon"

    You last appearance here was you flop thread about "Ban Joep" that went over like a lead balloon.It was eventually deleted like it should have been.If you continue to call me derogatory names you may just find yourself "Banned" for at least 3 day at first.I would zip it up if you don't want to bear the punishment.Have a great day !!!

  16. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    GH - Why are you attacking members on this board? :confused:

    It YOU have knowledge that any of the above named/mentioned people(s) are owners of please make it public knowledge.

    Why is Joep answering questions about on a public forum? I don't know but I appreciate his attempt to get to the bottom of the problem.

    Personally I would prefer that Joe, who claims to know the owners of get them to come public and explain what is going on.
  17. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    A final word - HERE

    To the community,

    I have come to the realization that this site is about BJT and NOT personal vendetta’s against any individual or company. Unfortunately there are certain individuals with ax’s to grind and I may have inadvertently given one or more than one of those people “ammunition”. That has not been nor is it my intention.

    To say the I am disappointed with is an understatement. Nevertheless I feel it necessary to continue in my quest to hold them ( accountable to the promises/commitments that they have made in the past and continue to make to this day.

    Therefore I will continue in my “Quest for the Mythical Bonus Dollars” but NOT in this venue. I do this out of respect for my fellow members and out of respect for the owner of this site, Ken Smith.

    I also feel obligated to publicly state some truths that people have misconstrued:

    1. Anything that I post on Hollywood Dave’s site is for entertainment purposes only. Since the section is entitled, rant, smack and love letters I thought it was obvious to all those who read those comments that it was either in jest, sarcasm but definitely “not fit for prime time.”
    2. As a TBJ player. I am not on the levels of people whom I respect and admire. I am an average TBJ player. I have come a lot further than I was 6 months ago but I know and understand that I have a lot of learning to do
    3. I have learned many valuable lessons here at Many thanks to everyone but in particular four (4) individuals who have taken time, outside of this forum, to speak to me, give me advice and help me – Joe Pane is one of those individuals. I want to publicly thank Joe for his unselfish help. I am sorry that he and I don’t see eye to eye on this issue and I hope that Joe will join me in finding a solution to this fiasco
    4. My quest against will end as soon as the company makes good on its promise. That can be done with either substitution of Tournament dollars for pending bonus dollars or real dollars for pending bonus dollars (only for qualified individuals). Other acceptable resolutions include a letter – on their website or an e-mail blast to members, explaining why there has been a delay, what they are doing about it and giving a timeframe of when it is to be rectified.

    I am not being unreasonable about this issue (at least I don’t think so) but I will NOT tire and bore the excellent members of this community with my burdens any longer.

    Respectfully submitted
  18. GHermanski

    GHermanski Banned User


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