Better point system for Global

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by TXtourplayer, Jul 25, 2005.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What do ya'll think about a change in the point system in Global-Players Sit & Go tournaments?

    Currently it is:

    1st = 4 pts.
    2nd = 1 pt.
    3rd = 0
    4th = -1 pt.
    5th = -1 pt.

    I suggest we go to:

    1st = 4 pts.
    2nd = 2 pts.
    3rd = 0
    4th = -1 pt.
    5th = -2 pts.

    I feel 2nd should get more reward and 5th should lose more. I think it would help make better play as well.
  2. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member

    What is the prize structure?
    Is the prize structure proportionally the same for all different entry fees?
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Yes Yama, except for $50/$3

    $15/$1 payouts are:

    1st = $50
    2nd = $25

    $30/$2 payouts are:

    1st = $100
    2nd = $50

    $50/$3 payouts are:

    1st = $175
    2nd = $75
  4. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    GP Numbers

    TX: check your own numbers. The $50 game is more weighted towards 1rst prize. Should be $167 and $83. A win is worth more at the $50 game.
  5. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member


    We are saying the same thing, yes?
  6. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member

    There are a few ways to go about point systems for sit & gos. You can use negative points or not, they can be balanced or unbalanced and you can design them to reward not only winners but frequent players as well.

    From “pro” point of view it should be only about winning (money), so the simplest way would be: (money won minus entry fee) / entry fee. So, for $30 entry fee ($15 would be the same and $50 would be very similar) we would have for first place 70/30 = 2.33 points, for second place 20/30 = .67 points, and for third to fifth –30/30 = -1.
    To get rid of decimal places it would be: first place 7 pts, second place 2 pts, third through fifth place minus 3 pts each.
    This would be a balanced system. The additional benefit of it would be that (if you disregard the vig) it shows who is better than the average. Anybody who has a positive total point score is better than average, and if you keep the numbers of participation you could easily determine average value. For example, if you score is plus 6 and you played eight tourneys you expected value is 6/8 times the entry fee, so in this case ($30 entry fee) every tournament would be worth on average $22.50.

    You can design another system where you goal is to find out how much better you are than the average player is. You need to keep number of trials. First place 3.33 points, second place 1.67 point and third to fifth 0. Your score is points divided by plays.
    Once again, to get rid of decimals, let’s make it first place 10 pts, second place 5 pts and each tiral has 3 pts. So, if you played 10 tourneys and won three and finished second once you would have (3x10 + 1x5) / 10x3 = 35/30 = 1 and 1/6
    This would mean that you are 1/6 (16.7%) better than the average player. This would also mean that you could expect to earn 16.7% of your entry fee minus vig every time you play.

    Over long period of trials this would work perfectly. However, over short period of time you can try to “improve” the point system by correcting temporary fluxes by rewarding third place finisher. I don’t think that sixth place is any worse than fourth as often times good and skilled player will go for the goal (money and pride) and if they fail they wound up dropping to fifth or sixth rather then playing “safer” but not optimally and placing forth (or even third). So if you want you can add a point for third place in an unbalance point system.
    You can also add a point for the first place as “champion” reward.
    From casino point of view they would like to reward frequent players so a point for any no prize worth place should get a point. This way somebody who plays fifty times gets 50 points and some champions would need to play at least ten times and win it three times and finish second three times to match this score.
    So this populous system would go like this:
    First place 10 points, second place 5 points, third place 2 points, fourth through fifth 1 point.
    (Other alternative point system would be: 18, 8, 3, and 1- tourney total 30 points)

    You can think about it some more, and if you like it submit this message to Global Casino.

    S. Yama
  7. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    They could just use the total dollar winnings to keep score

    It tends to work out roughly that way anyway. There are only a handful of people who play enough to have a chance at the top three, and these tend to also have the largest winnings for the week because they played so much.

    In the play of a round you're only thinking of the top two places at the table because that's where the prize money is. I'd rather bomb out trying to get to the top two spots than conserve chips to get third place.

    Another reason to use total winnings is to reward the 30/2 and 50/3 players for their bigger action.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Thanks again Yama

    I will send them the post you made and maybe they will chance th ecurrent point system.

    BJfan, on my post I listed the $50/$3 game as not being in proportion with the other game. It was on the title so I see where you missed it. Thanks for keeping me honest...LOL
  9. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Casinos Interest

    What really is the purpose of the prize $ and why does GP do it? It is simply nothing more than promotional $ to bring more people to their site, keep them there, & try to interest them in things more than S&G. I do not think GP cares who wins as long as they get action. The "pro" or very experienced that plays fewer games to obtain the possibility of more points does not contribute near as much juice as "newbies", such as I. I believe that GP wants to expand its player base so there is a lot more action and revenue. There are finally a few more new players coming in during the past few weeks. That makes it better for everyone since we do not have to wait so long for a game.
    The $ stakes we are playing for are not going to make anyone rich. It is just all recreation and vanity. let the casino do whatever is best for their business. They are the only one that so far has been even willing to host a S&G. We have seen the land based tournaments disappear, so let's hope this one remains in operation.

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