Betting first on the final hand

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by darklord, May 8, 2006.

  1. darklord

    darklord New Member

    If you calculate the button position and know that you are the first one to bet on the last hand, then would you be more aggressive in your betting to get to at least more than a half max bet lead over the table? The reason I am asking is because even if you are a chip leader, betting first is a huge disadvantage especially in a full table of 6 or 7 players, because other players can see how much you bet and leave more chip outside. But then making big bet would mean that you take a big risk of busting out early, so there is a trade off here. So my question is what strategy is better percentage wise when you know that you are the first one to bet: try for a big lead or busting out early Or try to stay alive until the last hand with sufficient chip to give you a shot to advance?
    Last edited: May 8, 2006

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