Beware!!!!! Bet21/UB game

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Rando21, Jan 18, 2007.

  1. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Im writing to warn you all that since the change of number of required players at Bet21/UB the game is acting up and CS is doing its usual poor job of handling the issue...

    Last night I won between $500 and $900 dollars depending on how issues are decided....I emailed and sent screen shots several times and have yet to receive even an acknowledgement...very good job Bet21!

    Short of it....two round game... first round fine....when it came time to seat the final 6... a pop up appeared that stated we all won an equal prize amount????? That prize amount is 3,000 dollars....

    My account was deducted my entry fee and an award of 0 dollars was noted for the win...

    They have had all day but have failed to even send an acknowledgement....this nearly taps my account and forces me to try the new deposit methods...(not likely at this point) or forget about playing the better equity game...I actually got to play a sat last night because less than 30 could play....

    I recommend capturing screen shots (I did) if you start noticing anything unusual....there are some PROS here who have an inside scoop with the owners of this site ...perhaps they can intercede if you have enough info...then again if there was a CS phone number and this operation was more customer friendly then that would be unnecessary ....just as the non existant update on bonus dollars...

    If not for Joe Pane and Dave Stan we would all still be in the dark about that issue...

    Personally if I dont hear about my money real soon Im contacting the Kenewake Gaming Commission...perhaps a non issue for some here but this is a lot of money for me....
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2007
  2. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    I went through the same thing yesterday with the 2pm game at Bet21.12 players are needed for the tournament to start. There was only 16 players signed up for this tournament

    When the 1st round tables was finished the tournament ended. No 2nd round! I e-mailed customer service, no response, I e-mailed customer service again then customer service finally contacted me they stated.

    “We looked up the transaction records and found that you were not seated for the second round of this tournament.We have refunded your account with the buy in and fee amounts. Please check the transaction records listed below.”
    I contacted them again and told them thanks for the refund!
    I also told them that the 2nd round never started. I asked for a explanation as to what happened to the tournament and what happened to the pay-out. For the 2nd. Round, they sent me another e-mail saying.

    “Hello, thank you for contacting us. If your email is in reference to a tournament issue, please check your account again and advise if there is still a pending issue. Should you have any additional questions, please customer services The UltimateBet Team” THEY HAVE NO CLUE!

    Granted, it was only a $1.00 buy-in for the tournament, don’t let me play 30 hands. For nothing. If 16 players is not enough for a ,12 player minimum tournament, cancel the tournament.



    Note: The UB has made good on this Tournament. After making this post, my account was credited with the 1st. Place win for this tournament. THANK YOU UBT for the unexpected Bonus. WOW! FIRST PLACE WIN AND A REFUND! :)
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2007
  3. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    It seems they have this issue sort of fixed....I wasnt real happy with the end result in that they never held my final table... but at least they did pay the final table the jackpot divided by six...I suppose there was no way to gather the final 6 to finish that game...

    I mention sort fixed of because when you sign up for these new lesser amount of players required games the prize amounts are never correct when you are signing up....

    For example when signing up for a 5,000 guarentee payout game the payouts listed for 1st thru 6th do not add up to $5,000 ...rather they are a multiple of # of players currently signed up times entry fee...

    I suggest making a screen shot right after signing up because the notes section does say 5,000 guarentee even tho the numbers for 1st thru 6th are incorrect.

    Probably just a slight programing error but it makes me nervous just thinking of trying to straighten that one out with CS....

    This has been ongoing for more than a week as well and not corrected yet...

    When the error favored the player it was repaired in 1 just doesnt look good.
  4. noman

    noman Top Member


    Up until yesterday, for a short period, I've experience differently than you.

    The $2,500 gaurantees actually became overlays with only 12 players.. But within a week the site readjusted certain buy-in games to pay only entry fees back. There was a window, but now it's gone. As far as the problems you two describe, I didn't encounter.
  5. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Yes...well the games becoming overlays with 12 is what I described as a mistake in the players favor....that was fixed in one day...

    If you play tonight you will see what I describe...

    The amount usually switch over to the correct payouts as the game starts....not sure what would happen if the player numbers stayed near 12...

    Actually since the min player requirement has been lowered the players playing has gone way up...sign up for a 15 person dealy going off in 1 minute and soon you will see 50 people signed up....with no way to withdraw from the game...

    I wrote CS about this....cant withdraw from a game < an hour before....hummmm...

    Genius both changes...

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