Beware Of Tex

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Mar 26, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Here is a new form of an advantage play that Tex is now using.

    Slick but not slick enough to fool a New York City boy

    Rick emails me at 1:45 am knowing that there is a good chance that I'm not only up but most likely playing poker on the internet.His email reads if you are up call me in my hotel room I will be up to at least 2:30 am.

    I proceed to call Rick (AKA) TEX and we shoot the breeze for a while and he then asked me what am I doing for dinner Saturday night. I tell him I have no plans. He says great I would like to take you to dinner at one of the gourmet rooms at the Hilton as my guest. I said sure that would be very nice of you I ask him what time are we going to have dinner he say he will call me when he works out the reservation. So far so good .He says he is full RF&B which means room food and beverage he isn't even paying for the meal but I'm thankful that he invited me as his guest. So Saturday comes and I'm awaiting Rick's call as to what time dinner is.

    Well here comes the "ADVANTAGE PLAY "Rick has someone else call me from the restaurant while they are sitting down and ordering dinner to ask where I'm at. Now I will tell you this if I could have got my hands around that Fat Cowboys neck I would have won the steer wresting contest.

    So here is the warning if Rick ever invites you to dinner have him post so sort of bond assuring that is just not a plan to get you to think good of him and make you think that you screwed up and missed the dinner reservations . Trying this move on one of your friends is criminal .Not even a casino where I have been asked to leave would pull this on me .

    If anyone would like his room number at the Hilton to charge something to here it is Room # 1507 in the Central Tower

    I will teach you to screw with me :flame:
    Thanks for ruining my birthday

    Anybody have Big Chuck phone number he could do some real damage with this info. :flame:
  2. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Dinner with Joe on his birthday

    Hey, the only reason Rookie and I came to dinner with Tex was that he said Joe would be there!! After arriving and leaning that Joe was not there, I decided not to order, but did end up paying for a part of what was ordered.

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2006
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Catching hell!

    Sorry Joep, as we sit down for dinner last night (party of 9) I realized I had forgot to call you. Not having a phone with me I had Rookie call you up and tell you to come on up to dinner.

    I owe you a dinner, I did forget to call you last night dinner until it was to late, sorry! :eek:
  4. All 3 of the above posters

    You guys pull so many practical jokes on each other that I can't be sure anymore what is real, what is staged for the participants, what is staged for the audience or any combination of those items. ;)
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Real !!

    Bradley and to all others who have this question

    May Tex wake up skinny if I'm lying.This really happened and its not a joke .
  6. A Happy and Healthy Birthday Joe

    Since you are still awake, I know that it is, from a practical standpoint, still your birthday, although not from a technical standpoint. Regardless, you have my well wishes. Can I take you out for dinner for your birthday when I get back to town? :)
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Thank You I Think

    Actually the 26th is my birthday. I would be honored to have dinner with you. Now just so I don't get it wrong ,you are not from Texas ? and doing what Tex did to me would not even cross your mind is this correct ? One other thing Tex is not invited now is he ? :laugh:
  8. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Happy Birthday


    Happy birthday:joker: , hopefully you will not get stood up again tonight!

  9. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Have a good one!!!!

    If all this is on the level, then, have a good one JP !:) :) :)
    Tex is becoming famous for exhibiting an early stage of Alzeimer's. Could not remember his own phone number at one time. And now this....
  10. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Birthday Dinner he goes again..............calling to invite someone, then somehow backing out or changing the time or location at the last moment to give the impression of being a friend, trying to be nice and pick up the tab for once in his life.........this is not the first time that I have seen this move pulled by Tx...........he does it quite regularly back here in Texas....just make sure you ride with him.....or bring a sack lunch just in case he doesn't show up, or has no comp or cash with the way it April first yet????

    P.S. Happy B-Day JP. my son's was on Sat.
  11. mariad

    mariad New Member

    Happy early B-day

    Happy Birthday! :birthday:

    On a side note Tex really did feel bad that he forgot to call.

  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Make up Dinner!

    Joep, come be my guest at the Stardust tonight for dinner. The banquet starts at 6:00 pm, I'll see you then.

    This will make up for Sat. night....LOL! :D
  13. noman

    noman Top Member

    Look Who's Coming To Dinner?

    Belated Happy 60 Norm!

    Chips, Rookie and the other six or seven dinner guests at the Hilton were indeed fortunate.

    Tex, some years back invited me to dinner at the Bust. And after we were seated and ordered, he discovered that his comp was only for one, instead of two. And then he invited seven other people to join us at a four top.

    Now, everyone can believe this or not.

    But, other than winning a tournament against, either one of them, is there nothing more fun than jousting with them?
  14. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    60 ?

    Thanks Noman for the belated birthday wish. Your number of 60 worries me some as this is a number than I have not reached yet and have some time before I do. But in keeping with the jousting theme I will take it in stride. At least in your situation Rick was there with you at the restaurant my.In my case I was still waiting by the phone for the much anticipated phone call to confirm the time of the party.:celebrate

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