Big Changes at the Rampart

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by mikey754, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. mikey754

    mikey754 New Member

    Rampart casino has made the Tues and Thurs BlackJack tournaments a must play place. Increasing the prizes to $900.00 first place on Tuesday, and $1500.00 first place on Thursday. 2nd thru 6th are paid proportionately on both days. The details are posted on the calander. This is the best tournament in town. For the tourists, you must come and see this casino, and play when in town. Mikey754
    tgun and mociferous like this.
  2. leto1776

    leto1776 New Member

    I keep hearing good things also from a guy who I see at the tournaments at the Cannery.He has nothing but good things to say about the Rampart tourneys.I guess I'll have to check them out.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Be aware that if a conflict arises between yourself and another player, and that other player is one of their regulars (and you're not), the decision likely will not go your way whether it's fair or not.

    I found myself in a situation where another player would not stop shuffling his chips as I tried to calculate a final hand bet. The TD starting counting down the time for me to act, I gently protested because my opponent's chips could not be counted while being shuffled but the countdown continued. I finally pushed out a bet that turned out to be a really bad idea, never would have done that if I'd been able to count chips. Got eliminated because of it. I'll not be back.

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