Big vs Low Chip totals

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Oct 15, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Lately it seems like the tables that I'm at are either low totals (under 30,000) or well over 100,000.

    In addition when you get to a final table on or you start with 100,000, min 1,000 and 100,000 max

    I feel comfortable in the 50,000 and under tables yet I feel out of whack at the 100,000 table.

    Is this just me or does anyone else have this same experience.

    Finally is there a change in betting strategies for big vs. low chip total tables?
  2. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    I play it the same

    I just like to think of it as the same.

    Like you, I felt more comfotable with the 25,000 than the 100,000. I then decided just to multiply everything by 4 and play the same way. I'm sure others may have a different view, but I feel that works best for me.
  3. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    I feel the same as Ace. I just kind of recalibrate my brain for FT-mode and think of the same proportions in my betting. I would say, though, that I focus more on what others are betting in sizing my bets so I don't necessarily go 4x on each decision. Plus: Everyone has the same problem so that helps equalize the effect of this issue...
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Bigger is better?

    Why do the casinos have such big starting chip totals and maximum bets anyway? Is it to do with chip counting? The bigger the starting the total the more skill required to count them?


  5. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    with Ace - just recalibrate -

    they do the big chip totals to make you feel like a high-roller - maybe you'll bet that way in live bj - :laugh:
  6. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Chip Totals

    FGK I think you're talking about UBT games, right?

    I'm with you. I prefer the totals stay lower. But that's because when the totals get to be 100K or higher (unless it's the final table) the game has usually already degenerated into a max bet card lottery. You don't get to use your knowledge of the game.

    One pattern I've noticed is if the dealer busts the first hand things seem to unravel quickly unless the table cools off in a hurry.
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Yes, I am referring to those games in which EVERYONE at the table has over 70,000 and is betting max each and every hand. The matches where it takes you the 20-30 seconds to figure out a bet then all the other players are click, click, click at 25K max. I affetionately call it lotto BJ - just throw the stuff agains the wall and see what sticks.

    In those situations I try and keep betting minimum, or close to it, until 3 hands before elimination. At that point I play "catch up" and just try to beat the closest oppenent, forgetting about BR1 & BR2.

    My question here is on the final tables when you start with 100,000 do most people just multiply their strategies by 4 as previously suggested? Therefore the minimums would be 2000, not the 1000.

    It has been my personal experience that most minimum bets, at my tables, are around 5000 to 10,000.

    This, I am wondering, may have an overall effect on the outcomes due to the payoff of 3:2 on a BJ along with DD and splitting potentials. When I have tried the 4x500 i.e., 2000 minimum on the final tables it seems like I'm in quicksand. My play at those 100,000 tables has been POOR.

    When I get to a table where people accumulate 100,000 or more in chips the play is so VERY different (a.k.a. lotto like) I'm just wondering if there are any tables/threads/discussions about the bet spreads for minimum/maximum tables etc. I mean a Martingale system doesn't work with the 25,000 max but you get an extra hand with it on the 100K tables due to higher limits.

    Just fishing for some other thoughts/strategies/information from you experienced players
  8. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    Wouldn't know about that. With the cards I catch I seem to stay on the looowww side.

    Careful with that! I tried that last night and caught some of the crappiest hands to date! I've had some success waiting til close to the elimination hand to put some distance between myself and the closest competitor. I always try to do it soon enough that I would have a chance to recover if the cards don't pan out. But then, when you catch several bad hands...

    As a side note, I had a record short game yesterday. Got a TEC chip on the FIRST hand! I'd also be curious if anyone else has had crappy cards during tournaments with the dealer making consistent hands. I played 3 tournaments yesterday on UBT and this happened in all 3 tournaments. Also happened to me during the St. Kitts finals.:confused:
  9. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    I can answer that question with two letters....TV
    WSOB and UBT use larger starting bankrolls because it looks better on TV...
    Can you imagine watching on TV and the players have $300...with bets ranging from $5 to $ wouldn't look as sexy that way.
    UBT wants it to be the same for the on line games.
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I seem to be getting lots of crappy hands of late and what makes it worse is that my opponents are getting good ones or hitting stiffs to 21!! All I'm getting dealt at the moment is wood and everytime I hit I bust. A classic example was yesterday when I played a MTT and it was 1st elimination hand, 6 left, me BR3, all bets were correlated so I thought I'm through no problem. What happens? BR4 gets a BJ, BR5 and BR6 get 19s, the others get 20's ro 21's. I get a 7, dealer gets a 10!!! I hit, get a 4, hit again get another 4, then make a mistake and hit again and bust. Dealer flips an 8 for 18 so everybody swings me and I'm gone.


  11. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    Glad to know it's not just me! I have NEVER had as many bad hands as I had yesterday.

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