Bill Zender chat guest today at BlackjackInfo

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm pleased to announce that Bill Zender will be our invited chat guest over at this afternoon/evening Monday Sept 28th chat at 7 PM Eastern, 4 PM Pacific, (2300 UTC).

    Bill Zender has a wide array of experience on both sides of the table. He served as an agent for Nevada Gaming Control; he has worked in casino table games in every capacity from dealer to director of casino operations; he has been an expert witness in several court cases (including testifying on behalf of players establishing that the techniques they used were legal advantage plays!) According to his brief bio, he also played blackjack professionally in the 1980's.

    He currently serves as a consultant to casinos. His company is Last Resort Consulting.

    He has several books, including:
    Advantage Play for the Casino Executive
    How to Detect Casino Cheating at Blackjack
    Casino-ology: The Art of Managing Casino Games

    If you are unaware of Bill's work, here's a great collection of some of his writing:

    Please be aware that to enter the chat room you need an account for the forums at, which is different than your account here (and also different than signing up for the email newsletter over there.)

    The BlackjackInfo message boards are available here:
    Once registered, you can enter the free chat room using the link in the top menu bar.

    I will be unable to attend tonight's chat due to a schedule issue, so I would appreciate your support by attending. Thanks!

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