now has 15 hand games!!!!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Reachy, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I wonder whether it because of what has been said on this forum? Or maybe someone has contacted them directly. Either way it's a good move and respect is due to them for listening to the players. Now all we need is 30 seconds betting/play time...


  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    bj21 20 seconds to bet

    I think I would vote to keep it. You dont have to count chips just do the math to fit your strat. 20 secs puts the pressure on you and it helps speed the game. Otherwise with a full table some could go blend a margarita in the mean time letting clock tick away.

  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I'd be happy with longer on the last hand

    I can deal with 20 seconds on most hands but it'd be nice if they gave us a bit longer on the final hand, say 30 to 45 seconds. It takes me about a minute to put a Mojito together so I'd still have to wait until after the game :D !!


  4. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    Did someone say "Margarita?"

    On the rocks is much quicker. Best to prepare enough ahead of time that you just have to poor it in a glass. But back off the Tequila or you'll be staring at the ceiling by hand 15. Sauza makes some fine Tequilas...
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So Reachy,

    Which do you prefer Global vs. BJ21?
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    at the moment but there are lots of things about I like. I can see overtaking Global within months in terms of player numbers. I can already get a game on BJ21 before 8pm GMT which is unheard of on Global. I love playing at Global though, and the chat room is brilliant! Sometimes I go online and don't get a game for an hour or so but have had a great chat. That function is not available at


  7. kirbyk

    kirbyk New Member

    My vote is with Global for now. I've only tried the "fun" version of bj21 and there is altogether too much "chat" going on. I can't get a sense of whether folks really bet this way since it's "funny money." but $1000 bets on every hand make for dull times. Global seems to be the place for serious adults.
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    You know what's funny about that is last night on BJ21 there was a lot of that going on. 1000 every hand.

    I for one found it to be challenging. I mean in a tournament there will be all types of players like on the Wong software. There are toughies, parlay, big boom, etc.

    As far as "CHAT" what's wrong with that?
  9. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Kirby and Fg

    The other day I posted a complaint about the carnival like games I participated in on Saturday night at bj21. Last night, Tuesday , was much the same. You needed to target on 5 grand plus to even have a chance. This is because play money is being used IMO. Just like when I played at in the very early days a good game could be found, but it evolved into a bet big and hold til last card. Go for it. This is now happening at bj21. One winner had 12 grand in 10 hands. I hear another had 13 grand. So take it as it is, but I see little value in this as a practice game. Lots of fun, but bad habits can be formed. Most tournaments are elimination and this tends to mimic an accumulation game. Target 5 grand or have no chance. Im sure from time to time a good game will be found, but when people start unwinding and playing with funny money its going to be blackjack gone wild.

  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    That's what'll happen if TBJ gets big!

    Now I've never played in a proper land-based tourney, and my experience is restricted to global player and the free ones at BJ21, so I know squat about proper tournament play. What I'm pretty sure about though is that the same thing will happen to TBJ as happened to poker when it went big online, namely loads of not-very-good players start playing and the only strategy they know is bet big, cross their fingers and hope, and either bust out early or get a massive lead. TBJ strategy will have to evolve to deal with this style of play as I believe it has in poker.

    Another thing re: chat. Since playing on Global (and BJ21 for that matter) I have met only the most pleasant and friendly people and barely a bad word has been exchanged between players. When TBJ blows up it wouldn't suprise me if the chat got less friendly at times. Some of the unpleasentness I've seen in chat at poker rooms will no doubt transfer to TBJ as well.


  11. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    $5K isn't that much really

    That would be equivalent to $2.5K at Global which is not so unusual and it's no carnival over there I can tell you.

    I can't believe that totals of $12K and $13K can happen that often either. They are rarities, once in a blue moon. I bet you don't see one for ages now Barney.


  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well, from what was going on Tuesday night you are right.

    I mean I had some games with people going all in from hand #1.

    It's funny but you're right - that's how bad habits start. I asked someone why they were betting like that off the bat and their response was "it's not real money anyway."

    Enough said.
  13. noman

    noman Top Member

    Proper Post or Time? Oh, well.

    Not so long ago, in a place not so far away, when I was first introduced to tournament BJ and, if you will, a more re-fined approach to BJ in general, one of the first on-line sites(actually the FIRST), I ventured into was BJ21.

    After all the "front name" was a "legend." Eager to accumulate as much knowledge in a short amount of time I "subscribed" to the highest level of enrollment.

    Now, it could very well be that my synapses didn't fire at the same rate as those offering information on this highly extolled and reknowed site, fronted by, (again, I guess a LEGEND,) But I wasn't receiving "Value" from the site.

    I found more and better information, geared to my level of understanding and comprehension from "BlackJack Confidential Magazine." Connie and Eddie Olsen compiled a comprehensive listing and evaluation of land casinos and tournaments.

    In addition to the Olsen's, there were tips and advice articles by S. Yama, Richard McKelvey(where have you gone?), catch this ,TX!,and the indomintable Ken Smith. Even Norm was providing final 5 hand tournament summeries. When the magazine ceased publication, Ken Smith began this site, where the best FREE advice and interchange of ideas continues to grow day to day.

    All of this as a prelude to my speculation of tournament play at BJ21. Some reliable, reputable posters from here are giving BJ21 an informed evaluation. And it may turn into one of the good plays on-line. Since I left the site and put it out of my mind, I didn't make the connection when the tournament postings were first appearing. To follow recommendations of respected posters I revisited the site and my memory was jogged.

    My past experience, predisposed suspicion and wonderment at the "front man's" new secrets of winning gaming, cause me to wonder, if the only advantage people at BJ21 are the operators. Seems they took the land based concept directly to the internet.

    So to Thrasht, I revise my earlier comment, I don't believe I'll ever knock heads with you there. For everyone else who finds success there, I wish you well and continued "Good Fortune"

    I am, will be, and forever more staying away.
  14. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Noman, There is no connection between and
    I spoke with someone involved with the new site this week, and I'm doing some due diligence now. I'll have more to say in a week or so I expect.
  15. noman

    noman Top Member


    TY for the set straight. Look forward to the info.
  16. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member vs

    We should make it clear and take the extra time to type when posting about the new tournament page. These are two different web pages regardless of those in control of each. is one web page, is another.

  17. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Interesting thing about the high totals on ... 10 hand games where you need to increase your take to 100% to assure a win. For example you many times, mostly when the participants are partying I think, you need to go from 2500 to 5000 to even have a chance. More like you need to get into the 6000s. Interesting tho, I have been playing in a real game at my nearest casino, the Chumash. The stats are about the same. 6000 grand in 10-13 hands gets you an advance, altho you might have a couple nipping at your heals. I have always been doing the nipping, sad to say, out of 4 weeks play. Im not risking enough it has become apparent. So, next week Im targeting 100% increase by hand 8, just so Ill have enough to have a good chance at the end. Maybe the wild blackjack21 games do have some value, I have found them to actually compare to a real game.

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