Bj21 Problems

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by fgk42, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well to those of you who missed Thursday night's multi-table tourney - thank your lucky stars.

    There was a certain player who had a bad connection. Every table that this player played on went at super slow speed.

    I called customer service twice and was basically told tought luck. This was totally unacceptable and until it is resolved people should be warned about playing in multi table tourney's
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Take it easy on this person. A couple of you lambasted her full tilt during the game and now here. Im surprised your not using her alias. I dont think she did it on purpose just to annoy you!

  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Not my intention at all


    I am not lambasting that person I just want people to be aware of what is happening with the technical side over at BJ21.

    We had 20 people in a multi-table tourney start at 8 pm and not finish until a little after 10 pm - That is WAY too long. I don't mind waiting for PEOPLE to make decisions but when that person went offline (lost connection) the game returned to normal speed. When they came back in the slowness started.

    I couldn't take it and logged off at 9:30 in hand 4. I logged in around 9:50 and it was only on hand 10! BJ21 needs to do something about that.

    My personal belief is that anyone who has a "bad connection" should have their entry fee, minus the house cut, returned and booted off the system until that person gets a good connection. It's about fairness to the other players that's all.

    It I knew it was MY connection I would have logged off, contacted CS, told them the problem and asked for a refund. This person with the turtle connection was at my table all 3 rounds! I saw several "new" faces for multi-table play that were upset and likely won't come back. That's NOT what I want.

    I want all tourney sites, especially BJ21, to succeed because it gives us all other options to play and learn. Remember how people were upset when Global has its servers crash in the Freeroll? This is the same thing in my mind.
  4. kirbyk

    kirbyk New Member

    I share fgk42's frustration.:( I did not play at the same table as the slowpoke for the first two rounds. Should have seen the train wreck coming when our second round finished and the other table was only on hand 6. Depending on your point of view it was unfortunate that this player qualified for round 3. Had he/she had the grace to drop out and pursue a refund we all could have been spared the frustration. I had no real interest in suffering through 15 more hands and busted on hand 4. Derf got lucky, trying to bust he won $2000 on the first two hands and coasted to victory.

    Apparently customer service tried to contact the user and/or fix the problem but without success. This was my first multi-table tournament at blackjack21 so I don't know if this scenario that will be repeated every time this user connects or not. My experience at the freeroll next Thursday will decide whether or not I continue to gamble at this site. If they continue to allow slow connections to degrade the experience, it's sayonara for me.

  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Derf in the money again?

    Man he wins a 300$ gift certificate in the VP game and takes first and second in other games that must be worth about $400! This guy is a grinder!

    I still have to stick up for this person that is being accused of being the trouble maker. This player put 11 bucks in and the connect screwed with blackjack21s server, I guess, as it did the week before I was witness. But come on, the player advanced, do you think the player should surrender at semi table and give up a chance to take multiples of investment? This was a problem between an ISP and a server. This is blackjack21s problem and the ISPs problem. The only way to justly remedy during the game would be to award first money to that nasty player. Give the player and blackjack21 a chance. This is a new web site. The player is an experienced player. Let the cards line up. Dont get the angry red smile face heated up! :flame: chill :p

    Just my opinion,

  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    BJ21 Site


    Did you ever see me with any :flame: in my posts? I'm not THAT type of guy - you must be confusing me with Joep (LOL)

    Hey my main concern is this: With the 1,000 freeroll coming up this Thursday I want BJ21 to fix their interface problems. I want as many people to play as possible. Personally I hope that person switches from satellite to DSL or cable.

    The more people the merrier!
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Sorry FGK

    It was another fiery guy in a blackjack21 post that was burnin :flame: :laugh:


    BTW fgk, with all your success maybe you should sit out the next couple tournaments! I can almost guarantee another slow night Monday and at the free roll! LOL
  8. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Bad connection

    Hey fgh42 I seem to recall joking with you on another thread that you would eventually experience technical problems over at BJ21 (It will happen on any casino site).

    Now that this has happened to you, maybe you should check out your own infallible ISP connection.

    I agree with Barney. It may be frustrating in the game, but there is no need to knock your fellow players who may be experiencing connection difficulties.

    What goes around comes around.

    Be warned and get ready for when yours goes down.

    Andy ;)
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Andy,

    Good memory. I was bitching about when Global crashed.

    The Tech problem on BJ21 seems to be that when certain connections are logged into their system it slows down the whole game.

    To date I've only experienced a problem with Global - with respect to MY connection. I logged off, rebooted and rejoined.

    You're right, some things can't be "guarded" against. However in this case let me give you an analogy. It's race day at Nascar. Everyone has qualified in individual laps and paid their entries. Now on race day one car blows a gasket and can't go any faster than 50 mph while all the other cars normally go 200 mph. What happens? The 50 mph guy gets lapped and drops out because in Nascar it would be a danger to the other drivers. At BJ21 this 50 mph driver instead caused all the other drivers to limit their speeds to 50 also.

    Fair? Not in my mind but that's life. Now that there are other BJ Tourney sites and more in the pipes I can choose to take my business elsewhere! Also for your information


    Their connection and rate of play and the speed of the game - on that I'll take the fifth :cool:

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