BJInsider Announcement

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Many of you know that I write a monthly column about tournament strategy in Henry Tamburin's email newsletter BJInsider. He's just announced an affiliate program for the newsletter subscriptions, so if you'd like to support both him and me, you can subscribe through my link...

    Direct subscription link

    To browse around the information about the newsletter, including some free articles, use this link:

    When you're done looking, you would need to come back here and click the subscription link for me to get credit for your subscription.

    What you'll find there: $19.95 gets you a one-year email subscription. Henry has brought in a lot of new authors in the last few months. For example, last month's issue included the first article by "The Suit" a former shift manager with a lot of worthwhile advice.
  2. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Ken, I subscribed giving you credit for the subscription, if I win one additional $25 hand per year based on the info from I am $5.01 ahead, also Mandalay Bay Resorts has recently come out with a credit card through First National Bank that credits you with 1 percent of all puchases made with the card credited to comps at any of their casino/resorts. I used it for all my Xmas purchases and received $48.00 in comps which i can use at any of their casino/resorts.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Back issues

    One other item I neglected to mention above. Subscribers get full access to all back issues except the first 10 (they've just never been posted online).

    In the case of my articles, there are at least half a dozen strategy articles that have never appeared anywhere else.

    P.S. Thanks Rookie!

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