Black Friday & its effect on BJT

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hollywood, May 10, 2011.

  1. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Well, we certainly tried, didn't we? The best laid plans...

    as I'm sure is more than obvious by now, the events of April 15th 2011 have led to a major upheaval in the US-based online poker landscape, as well as bringing up many more valid and concerning questions about site ownership. Personally I can only express my frustration that what I was so very close to relaunching with tournament blackjack on UB is no longer a possibility. Thank you all for your anticipation & support for the concept!

    The good news is I have more than enough put together to take things to another venue and develop a similar project. I'm already taking steps to make this a reality, and of course when and if the time is right I will let everyone here know. BJT rocks!

    For those of you who would like even more details, I've put together a very lengthy blog on my own site with extended thoughts into all aspects of the matter. Godspeed to you all & rock on...


  2. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Thanks Hollywood

    The blog is worth reading.

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