Blackjack Blowout - Kewadin - Sault St Marie - Sault St Marie, MI

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Cadillac Tim, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. Cadillac Tim

    Cadillac Tim Active Member

  2. Cadillac Tim

    Cadillac Tim Active Member

    I marked this as cancelled. It's been a forgone conclusion that tournament would never happen. Once the new CEO decided to start charging extra for rooms, seeding the tournament reducing prize money, and reducing food vouchers, free play, etc. basically anywhere they could cut, they did.

    Sad! I've been playing phone with the tournament coordinator. The good news is that they're at least talking with players to see what it would take to get the players back. My answer is very simply, go back to the same structure they had 4-5 years ago (including the free Sunday).
  3. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    I totally agree!!!
    Cadillac Tim likes this.
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Agreed here as well. Had they not wrecked it, DRSLYR and I both would have been there.

    I never understood why the heck they did away with the Sunday night room anyway. That's a very soft comp that costs them next to nothing and keeps folks in da joint. Once they took that away, and insisted on keeping that silly rule to have the final table rounded out with high losers from the semis instead of of doing a true wild card drawing, the BJT players would leave as soon as they were knocked out. Why stay? Some of my best memories of my BJT career were those Kewadin Sunday nights, a big crowd of us knuckleheads drinkin' and playin' on a BJ table until we damn near fell out of our chairs.
    Cadillac Tim likes this.
  5. Cadillac Tim

    Cadillac Tim Active Member

    That removal of the Sunday night was a terrible idea. That was a lot of fun and I have to believe profitable considering all of the folks chasing their losses from the weekend. There was typically some play going on Monday as well. I hope they come to their senses and bring it all back, we'll see.....
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Kewadin also cheaped the monthly email benefits. A mere one day after news broke of the wrecked BJT's, I got my usual emailed link to a page which could be printed out with coupons to bring along. It used to be some small amount of bounceback cash and one night's free lodging. I'd thought we could fade the room cost for one night of the BJT but April's mailer had been changed to some small amount of freeplay credits - and the room coupon was gone.

    Sure hope the BJT staff can convince the new man that he's not running a Vegas megaresort any more, with virtually unlimited foot traffic wandering in to stare goggle-eyed at the place. The marketing has to be significantly different because the Kewadin clientele need a reason to make the place their destination.
    Cadillac Tim likes this.
  7. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    I heard from Cadillac Tim and MonkeySystem that the June event at St Ignace has been cancelled. I've updated the calendar.
  8. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Guess the new guy is anti tournament (to say the least!)

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