blackjack bonanza question!!!!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by marichal, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. marichal

    marichal Member

    i need a math whiz.

    recently, playing in a double-deck bj tourney, with six other players at the table, i came across one the most unreal occurances that i have ever seen. the gentleman at natural first base, received seven (7) blackjacks out of fourteen (14) hands. i have played a few bj tourneys in my life, and have never had this happen. needless to say, he won the table.

    was wondering what are the odds of this happening?

    thanks for the time.
  2. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    figuring bj at about a 4.73% prob - would be 0.0000013531627 prob to get 7 or more out of 14 hands - a little better than 1 out of a million
  3. marichal

    marichal Member


    that would have been, at least my guess. thanks for replying.

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