Blackjack etiquette for tournament play?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    So what is the proper etiquette for the following situations in tournament play?

    Here are a few of the things that I have seen or heard about.

    *NOTE: I am not saying either way what is right or wrong, I am only asking what you think is right or wrong and what if any of the rules should be on the following questions.
    • Is it proper to hit and or keep hitting your hand past a hard 17 when you don’t have a chance to win the table or advance?
    • Is it proper to lay back when your low bankroll at the table to keep from changing the button position?
    • Is it proper to bet out of order when you have no chance of winning the table or advancing?
    • Is it proper to lay back on a multi-elimination format to save another player from an elimination hand?
    • Is it proper to bust out in a multi-elimination format before an elimination hand to help eliminate another player?
    • Should a player (Online) just leave the game when they have no chance to win or advance?
    • Should players (Online) drag out their bets/actions for the full time on no brainer hands?
    • What should the rule be for over betting the maximum on the last hand, but not noticed until after the hand? Should the extra chips be given back or lost?
    • Should players be allowed to have drinks on the table during play?
    • Should the players be allowed to have anything on the table during play?
    • Should players be allowed to get up from the table and walk behind their stool?
    • Should players be allowed to talk to, or even when it is another player's turn?
    • If a player catches a mistake during a table that they are not playing in, should they point it out?
    • If a player catches a mistake during a table that they are playing at should they point it out?
    • If a player throws something out of frustration after losing a hand, what should happen to the player, if anything?
    These are just a few things I could think of off the top of my head, I am sure there are several other questions I forgot or haven’t even thought of.

    Let me know what you think and post any others you may have seen or thought of.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2007
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    one thing

    What criteria would you use to decide when a player has no chance of winning? Can you decide 5 hands from the end? Or 3 hands? Just a general question really.


  3. Sooeygun

    Sooeygun New Member

    I only want to comment on one.

    I don't have any problem with someone doing this, but I wish they would click on 'sit out' before going so the remaining players don't have to wait for the time to run down. That drives me crazy!
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    By doing the math

    When the math says so!

    Example: If the players loses a big DD and is down to $100 with only 2 hands left while there is other players are sitting at over $5,000 and the minimum/maximum bets are $5 to $200. Or for online, lets use the same situation, but you have a $1,000 while the other players are sitting with $125,000 plus.

    Again I am not saying it is right or wrong, I am asking what you think?

    Pro: it is a very nice thing staying in and keeping the button the same.

    Con: if you’re staying in just to benefit another player, whether it is to help a friend or try and mess up someone else.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I think everybody agrees....

    I have to agree and I think everybody that has ever played online would agree, that you are correct. This is something that players who lose need to not be selfish and show some concideration for the other players.
  6. toonces

    toonces Member

    [*]Is it proper to hit and or keep hitting your hand past a hard 17 when you don’t have a chance to win the table or advance?

    I think this is OK. The reason is that in a desperate situation, the best hope is often to get a swing. To do so, you may legitimately need to hit hard 17 or 18. Since this can be a legitimate strategy (and the software does not allow you to hit a hard 21, I think no move here should be considered unethical.

    [*](summary of questions) How should one bet (conversative or very aggressive) when one is mathematically eliminated, especially when it effects the table for future eliminations?

    Unfortunately, you could really argue that either position (playing super-conservative or aggresive) can affect the table, and both could be seen as collusion with a friend at the table. I think other than saying that collusion is unethical, I don't think you can claim either strategy over the other is more or less appropriate.

    [*]Should players (Online) drag out their bets/actions for the full time on no brainer hands?

    The only time I think stalling is appropriate is when you are making a secret bet. A quick bet can give away a simple bet (like all-in), so it's ok to hesitate before betting here. I also think that it's perfectly ethical to fast play when an opponent disconnects, though some players choose to stall and allow the player to reconnect.
  7. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Should I stay or should I go?

    I always thought that if you have no chance of a winning position in the game you should get out as quickly as possible and look for a re-buy if there is one.

    By that I mean max betting and playing perfect basic strategy until you bust out (not going wild or leaving the table before you have played out your hand).

    However, I am sure that I read recently on here about how a losing player bet minimum to stay in the game so that the button position would not be altered.

    So what is the correct blackjack etiquette on this?

  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good question

    I'm not sure there is a correct etiquette on this. If you just bust out your going to effect the button, however if you stay in you effect the button as well (unless the bottom has already past you by).

    Plus as a player who paid their entry fee the same as everyone else you should be able to play as long as you have chips without penlity.

    The etiquette call comes in to play when and if a player is only staying in until long enough to change the button to help out a friend, or busts out to move the button off of their friend, but how can to prove that?

    This along with several of the other questions I posted are the same way. There really is no why to prove intent or enforce a ruling on how long a player has to play or when he must lose based on the number of chips they have.
  9. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Etiquette Vs. Rules

    Certain conduct in a card game could be considered a breach of etiquette but could never be covered in the rules. Deliberately playing in a suboptimal manner to help a partner is one such breach. For example, how could you make a rule against betting the minimum when you are for all intents and purposes out of the tournament? You couldn't.

    Such possibilities actually give a tournament staff a reason to grant players' requests for changing seating assignments to avoid playing against each other.

    Some conduct is easy to enforce such as profanity or unruly behavior or foreign languages during a game.

    I'd be interested to find out what the consensus of this forum is concerning talking to opponents to break their concentration. How about touching them? How about pounding on the table like a drum? How about staring your left hand opponent in the face without saying a word for a full minute before making your bet then continuing the stare when it's his turn?

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