Blackjack Experts - please help !

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by PlayHunter, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. PlayHunter

    PlayHunter Active Member

    Hello there to every one !

    I have made a list with few possible scenarios for player vs player (head to head ) games. (And I have attached this list here in my post under the form of a .pdf file - archived into a .zip archive because of its dimensions - 65kb)

    In this list I have explained how I would play also. (please confirm me where I do good, and correct me where I do wrong decisions, and detail me in terms of percentages why those are wrong) If anyone can help me with accurate and detailed simulations I would be grateful from the bottom of my heart !!!

    PS: if anyone think that I would be much better with posting those scenarios one by one directly here in this thread on the strategy board forum instead of attaching my list with all of them at one place (it contain about 11 scenarios, and few of them have one subscenario) please inform me, and I will do so.

    Thank you very in much in advance for everyone who want to help me !

    Attached Files:

  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    For anyone nervous about the download, it is indeed a zip file containing a PDF with tournament strategy questions. :)

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