Blackjack has a movie TRAILER - Congrats!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Sidekick, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Interesting preview. Loved the part of Lawrence Fischburn smacking him upside the face - what page was that in the book? :confused:

    It'll be interesting to see if Hollywood glamorizes counting or makes it look risky and dangerous - either way there will be much more "heat" AFTER the release in theaters.

    Just one more reason to play BJT and not the cash games!

    Betcha they never 86'd a video poker player!
  3. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    6:5 game

    I would love for them to focus in on the 6:5 game and advantage play it solely or a CSM game.

  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I'll take that bet. Hasn't been me (yet) but I can give you quite a few examples.
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I don't get that? I seriously doubt Hollywood will do much focus on ANY AP. In fact the trailer hints that the main character only got into the MIT team in order to pay for college - nothing further from the truth.

    Another point - did you see how they slip in change the rules and change the stakes part?
  6. noman

    noman Top Member


    The movie will be good no matter which way it "goes."

    The "thing" I've never been able to grasp since before "Breaking the House" and then after especially, is to put it in sports betting terms, "the reverse line movement.:

    There is a lot of promotion out there for what might have been. Is it today?
    I doubt it. Counter measures by the casinos, changes in games, exposing oneself by ridiculous bet spreads. Somewhere, someone has to change what the EV espoused by Griffin was. And even then, more.

    Sidekick isn't too far off in a hint of taking advantage of what is now the standard from the casinos. But, the old count advantage won't take care of that. You plain can't do it. And by the way, to whom's advantage is it to promote "card counting" in spite of the "bannings" It could just be a rule of thumb by the casinos not to let a consistant winner play, regardless of whether they know what the "winner" is doing or not.

    Just as one example: A CSM as despised and ridiculed as it is, does have one thing going for it. It approximates an infinite deck, almost better than an infinite deck. I'm sure Grosjean has somewhere an analysis of how many slots there are in that machine and the procedure for discards going back in the machine. The number of slots, the number of cards per slot, the rotation of the slots for dealing the cards, the inconsistancy for the distribution of the reinserted cards. I've seen the wheel of the CSM a couple a times during breakdowns. That mechanical flaw, of a breakdown, or the pure mechanics against theoritical probabilities has to lead to an edge somewhere. Though one that can't produce the big enough swing to cover the .05 advantage with a 50 or 100 unit spread, which immediately draws attention.

    What is possible with what is common knowledge is very, very, very wide.

    Ask yourself, if it's out there for all to see and know, how good is it?

    One last caveat. Revere, repeatedly stated "YOU HAVE TO PLAY PERFECTLY"
    Yet in his personal training sessions, he intentionally held out cards to F UP his paying students. So believe what you will. Just avoid ruin.

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